GOP Gets Their Wish - Unemployment is Up

Define "net value".

Why don't you get off your lazy ass and look it up yourself.

Sit around and take up other people's time with your stupid questions when you can punch it in on Google or Bing in a few key strokes.

I could look it up and write up a response and the Boedicca would simply say what I was referring to was not really "net value". I look at something society as a whole can use and consider that net value. If she doesn't, then this conversation is done before it started.

So what you are really saying is that your head is so firmly wedged up your ass that you can lick your sternum.

If you are going to claim that the government Creates Value, you'd better be able to explain how that value exceeds the cost of the resources diverted away from private sector activity.

You can't...which demonstrates the intellectually bankrupt nature of your "belief" system.
I have a question for "Stupid":

Do you have any savings or investments? If so, why?

If the government can create more value than the private sector with capital, why haven't you turned over all of your financial assets to the government so they can create even more value?
Government is shrinking? Can I have some of what you're smoking? That's gotta be some great shit...

DontBeStupid actually believes we are going to cry about 39,000 tics on the ass of society being separated from the government tit.

Your compassion for your fellow citizens is an inspiration to us all.

Where is your compassion for the 16.4% of the working population who are under or unemployed?

Where is your compassion for the 3.8M+ people who have Quit Looking For Work because there are now jobs and are no longer counted as unemployed by the governmemt?
A real job produces something that people are actually willing to purchase voluntarily. That rules out 95% of all government jobs.

It also rules out all service jobs.

Well done.

Your belief that consumers are not willing to purchase services deserves an award for its stunning idiocy.

Have you ever been to see a doctor? Dentist? Have you ever paid someone to mow your lawn?

I wasn't the one who described a real job as one where someone produces something that then gets purchased.

You did that.
Ah. I see. Stupid adheres to the Pelosi philosophy that a job just means somebody collects a paycheck, regardless of whether or not his work is something of value.
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This President has also killed NASA. They're getting set to dump many of their employees. I know they're Government Employees but it's still sad when people lose their jobs. Their Unemployment Numbers should only get worse. Cooking the Books wont save them on that. And if they're saying Unemployment is 9.2%,just go ahead and think 18-20%. This Administration is notorious for cooking the books. Blaming DA BOOOOOSH or DA PALIN isn't gonna be enough for them in 2012. Their record is dismal. Period,end of story.
It's pretty funny to see them blame Palin. She's never even held a federal office.
If the government can create more value than the private sector with capital, why haven't you turned over all of your financial assets to the government so they can create even more value?

I never said the government creates more value than the private sector. I'm really beginning to wonder if you read my posts at all.

You define net value in purely monetary terms, and that's fine. As I pointed out though, if we hold the government to that standard, then we never would have entered WW2 because there was no profit in it. However, I think we all can agree (hopefully) that there was value in us entering WW2. And that's my point. The government creates value in ways that aren't measured strictly by profit and loss, net value, etc.

For example, our military does not make a profit. What they do do though is make a bunch of stuff and then pay people to blow that stuff up. If this were a private company, it would be the worst idea for a company in the history of companies. But of course, the military provides value to the country in protecting and defending our borders. No one would say there is no value to the military, so clearly there is another standard to use here, and that standard should be applied to all levels of government. Not just to the ones you like or dislike.

If we then apply that standard to my example of the company being taxed so we can build a road, then clearly we would say the government created value because now the community has access to a business and that's good for everyone.

Again, I have never said the government is always better or that the private sector is always wrong. But to claim the government is always wrong and never creates value ever is just not true. Both public and private sectors serve a purpose and both produce value for the country.
I see, you just want the government to tax people and waste money.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Your use of the term "creates value" is completely meaningless.
It's pretty funny to see them blame Palin. She's never even held a federal office.

When in doubt just blame DAT BOOOOOOSH or DAT PALIN. Hopey Changey sheeple will never be mistaken for geniuses. Looks like DA BACHMANN is their new Bugaboo. How long before they start attacking her children? I'm sure that's coming. It is desperation time in Hopey Changey Land for sure. They're running out of people to blame for their awful mess.

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

How do government jobs produce revenue?

Any job, government or private sector generates revenue, you oaf.
What do you think people do with the money they earn? save all of it?
They spend it, groceries, fuels, cars, MOTORCYLES, diapers, and guess what? They pay sales tax on all of everything, which in turn, GENERATES TAX REVENUE.
But, you probably already knew that, you were just trying to stump a member/user.:tongue:
so shuddup

Problem is with a shrinking private-sector government can't take in enough revenue to pay expanding public-sector salaries and entitlements. Instead of paying off the debt we go deeper into debt. So the Dems will continue to hit us with higher and higher taxes to keep their heads above water, but it never equals out .
The military performs a service of value. Protecting our national security is a net positive value compared to the opportunity costs of not doing so.

Stupid's problem, well one of many, is that he equates Spending with Value. The two are not equivalent.
I agree that the military provides a valuable service, but I doubt you have the intellectual chops to understand or to explain why it is of value.
I see, you just want the government to tax people and waste money.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Your use of the term "creates value" is completely meaningless.

At least I see value in our military.

as a natural monopoly- sure

The military tends to be a natural monopoly and as such is provided by gov't and
given a statutory monopoly.

Nevertheless, it does not mean all services are done efficiently

Remember $55,000 toilet seats?
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Hell i'll admit it,i do wish for things to get much worse if it means booting the Socialist/Progressive wankers. The longer they stay in there,the more they destroy our Nation. We can't afford four more years of this misery. So whatever it takes i guess. But i'll still say nothing can be as bad as Democrats wishing for us to be defeated in Iraq. That's as heinous as it gets in my opinion. The Democrats wished for all sorts of bad things to happen when the other side had power. They gleefully celebrated lower Stock Markets and dead Soldiers in Iraq. So don't let them fool you with this feigned outrage stuff. I do wish for things to get much worse if it means the end of this Socialist/Progressive nightmare. I'm just being honest. But obviously Democrats aren't capable of being honest.
I just view it as Poetic Karma that the Progressive Ideal is crashing down on a Democrat Controlled Government. Whereas the GOP is also complicit in this mess, a larger share of the blame belongs to the Dems.
The problem with the WTC is to many fucking conservatives think they should have a say. And they caused this crap in the first place.

Have you ever been to NY? This is just tripping.

He lives there. Does that count?

I know, I was mocking him. I lived there a long time. That he lives in NY and doesn't recognize the liberal machine that runs it is not frankly believable. That Republicans are participating in the WTC slowdown is viable, that it's just them says he knows nothing about New York.

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