GOP is betting big on running negative ads against Crooked Hillary & Senile Pelosi to win midterms


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
If you are a Republican — man, woman, child or house plant — you are genetically predisposed to detest Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary is not far behind

"Over the last month, Republican campaigns or affiliated groups have sunk $28.4 million into Clinton and Pelosi messaging. Pelosi’s face often appears in grainy, black and white ads featuring buzz words aimed at inflaming Republican voters. She’s frequently described as a liberal with “San Francisco values” who wants to impose sanctuary cities and “massive tax hikes.” The Clinton ads, which aren’t quite as prevalent as the Pelosi commercials, are equally scornful.

Democrats — and even some Republicans — question whether the familiar blueprint will backfire since it doesn’t account for 2018’s unique conditions or new motivations stirring women in a post-Brett Kavanaugh election. “We’ve got 30,000 women running nationwide and they’re still running against Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton,” said Sue Dvorsky, former Iowa Democratic Party chair. “Is that the best they’ve got?” Kim Reem, member at large of the National Federation of Republican Women sees the reasoning for having Pelosi in ads but questions using Clinton this cycle. “There’s no doubt about it that they’re polarizing. But where is Hillary on the ballot? She’s not.”"
LMAO All they have to do is run and ad with Pelosi telling one and all that if the Dems get the house back she want to raise taxes.

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