GOP leaders begin search for prissy, miserable shithead who can compete with Trump in 2024!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON—Casting an eye towards the next presidential election, Republican party leaders had reportedly begun a search Tuesday for a new prissy little shithead who would be able to compete against Trump in 2024.​
“We’ve obviously had a wonderful relationship with President Trump, but we feel our interests may best be served by a different whining, prim fuckface to lead the party forward,” said RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, confirming that the GOP would be looking at figures from politics, media, and law enforcement in an effort to find a candidate with the right mix of froufrou aesthetics and raging assholishness to build on and expand Trump’s base.​
“We expect this to be an exhaustive process, as the most obvious prissy little shitheads such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have not caught on with the American public as we had hoped, though fortunately, we have thousands of effete fuckwads who are clamoring for the position. Whoever we finally select, voters can rest assured it will be a little fancy man absolutely ravaged by insecurity and self-loathing.”​
At press time, McDaniel added that if they could not find such a person, equipping Donald Trump with a different messaging strategy could make him a great candidate for 2024.​

Good Luck. Right now, only Nikki Haley, Ben Sasse, Ben Crenshaw, and Tim Scott would be viable. The rest have too much baggage or are too damaged politically to be considered.

WASHINGTON—Casting an eye towards the next presidential election, Republican party leaders had reportedly begun a search Tuesday for a new prissy little shithead who would be able to compete against Trump in 2024.​
“We’ve obviously had a wonderful relationship with President Trump, but we feel our interests may best be served by a different whining, prim fuckface to lead the party forward,” said RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, confirming that the GOP would be looking at figures from politics, media, and law enforcement in an effort to find a candidate with the right mix of froufrou aesthetics and raging assholishness to build on and expand Trump’s base.​
“We expect this to be an exhaustive process, as the most obvious prissy little shitheads such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have not caught on with the American public as we had hoped, though fortunately, we have thousands of effete fuckwads who are clamoring for the position. Whoever we finally select, voters can rest assured it will be a little fancy man absolutely ravaged by insecurity and self-loathing.”​
At press time, McDaniel added that if they could not find such a person, equipping Donald Trump with a different messaging strategy could make him a great candidate for 2024.​

Pretty amazing to watch one arrogant, ignorant, profoundly damaged buffoon have this much control over a "major" party.

They're terrified of him. Cross him, disagree with him, criticize him, or threaten him, and he'll unleash a grade school-level tweet shitstorm that will fuckin' bury you with his adoring flock. And no doubt, that flock has power in the party.

They brought this on themselves.
Honestly, I think the prissiness was part of the appeal. The Klonservative men that support him got to feel like men for the first time ever. And the Klonservative women got to feel better about their juul vaping f~ckboys as they cruised around together in "my size" Tonka trucks.
This election is not over....I wouldn't be jumping the gun like this....if I were you tard.....

WASHINGTON—Casting an eye towards the next presidential election, Republican party leaders had reportedly begun a search Tuesday for a new prissy little shithead who would be able to compete against Trump in 2024.​
“We’ve obviously had a wonderful relationship with President Trump, but we feel our interests may best be served by a different whining, prim fuckface to lead the party forward,” said RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, confirming that the GOP would be looking at figures from politics, media, and law enforcement in an effort to find a candidate with the right mix of froufrou aesthetics and raging assholishness to build on and expand Trump’s base.​
“We expect this to be an exhaustive process, as the most obvious prissy little shitheads such as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have not caught on with the American public as we had hoped, though fortunately, we have thousands of effete fuckwads who are clamoring for the position. Whoever we finally select, voters can rest assured it will be a little fancy man absolutely ravaged by insecurity and self-loathing.”​
At press time, McDaniel added that if they could not find such a person, equipping Donald Trump with a different messaging strategy could make him a great candidate for 2024.​

Pretty amazing to watch one arrogant, ignorant, profoundly damaged buffoon have this much control over a "major" party.

They're terrified of him. Cross him, disagree with him, criticize him, or threaten him, and he'll unleash a grade school-level tweet shitstorm that will fuckin' bury you with his adoring flock. And no doubt, that flock has power in the party.

They brought this on themselves.

Actually, your point is true- even though your hostility to President Trump is deranged and irrational.

If the Establishment Republicans had actually delivered the goods- if W , McCain and Romney actually brought home the bacon, the Republican rank and file would have never turned to Donald John Trump.

If the Establishment Republicans want to regain the allegiance of the people, they are going to have to deliver. A whiny ass milquetoast Republican will not be nominated in the future, nor will they win elections.
Good Luck. Right now, only Nikki Haley, Ben Sasse, Ben Crenshaw, and Tim Scott would be viable. The rest have too much baggage or are too damaged politically to be considered.

Ben Sasse is a guy I could see myself voting for depending. Solid, level-headed dude.

But can he deliver? I doubt it, he'd have to prove himself and show he is willing and able to effectively stand up to the Far Left and the media. Right now, he seems like a real media darling.
If they are looking for someone who really knows how to 'handle' Trump, they need look no farther than Melania.

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