GOP leaders are talking about how best to stop Trump from running away with the nomination again in 2024. But they don’t have a clear plan to stop him

Santos can give Trump a run for his money with his ability to create lies on a moments notice

It would be a legendary debate
I would pay hard money to watch that debate.

TRUMP: I was selected as Michigan's Man of the Year.

SANTOS: I worked for Goldman Sachs.

TRUMP: Liar!

All that's going on in politics and the best the left can come up with is "GOP leaders are talking"? Who the hell is David Freedlander?
I would pay hard money to watch that debate.

TRUMP: I was selected as Michigan's Man of the Year.

SANTOS: I worked for Goldman Sachs.

TRUMP: Liar!

It's Ironic how you libs always hate a liar.....unless they're a Democrat.
If Trump wins the primary, the Democrats romp. The midterms were a referendum on Trump. Running against Trump works very well.

If Trump loses the primary, some of his voters stay home, or vote for Trump the third party candidate, and the Democrats romp. Even if it's only 5%, the Democrats romp.

Rock, Republicans, hard place.
I tend to agree w/this rationale.

However, one can never be too certain, the Republicans have a knack for making "scandals " out of nothingburgers.

If Democrats simply hammers the message home that #AllRepublicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS then it's a definite win. Hands down.
DeSantis is actually not a good candidate. Unlike Trump, he's got the charisma of wet cardboard. And he's deer-in-the-headlights helpless if forced to go off-script. Trump could always come up with a handly lie or insult to evade, but DeSantis can't.
It's Ironic how you libs always hate a liar.....unless they're a Democrat.
Sadly for you, I am a Never Trumper.

Yes, I hate liars in the GOP more than the liars in the Democratic party, just as I would hate someone shitting on MY furniture more than someone shitting on my neighbor's furniture.

Trump has thoroughly shit all over the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

All caught up now, tard?
The way our system works, I don't think a party really needs to look down the road. This damned "system" is set up for short term thinking, with the only real priority being the next election.

I'd guess the party would love to see him go because it increases their chances in 2024, at least theoretically. They'll fall right in line if he's the nominee, of course, so I suspect they'll do what they can to highlight new blood, but they'll only go so far.
If Trump is the nominee his asskissers in the GOP will back him all the way. The fact that he's a traiterous lowlife criminal means nothing to them.

People need to prepare for Trump being the nominee. All these criminal invesigations of him means nothing because Garland & the rest of them are a bunch of cowards. And Trump knows it.

Anyone who thinks a prosecution of Trump is coming & it will be the end of him are sadly mistaken. Ain't gonna happen.
Sadly for you, I am a Never Trumper.

Yes, I hate liars in the GOP more than the liars in the Democratic party, just as I would hate someone shitting on MY furniture more than someone shitting on my neighbor's furniture.

Trump has thoroughly shit all over the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

All caught up now, tard?
I think what you see is what the GOP really is.
Trump has exposed them.
He's also exposed the Democrats.....but Trump has exposed the people who are secretly working with Democrats to f**k us in the a$$.
I think what you see is what the GOP really is.
Trump has exposed them.
He's also exposed the Democrats.....but Trump has exposed the people who are secretly working with Democrats to f**k us in the a$$.
I see Trump, the GOP, and the Democrats all for what they are.

We get the politicians we deserve.
Trump really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters.

And Jim Jordan would begin an investigation into the death of Ashli Babbitt by Antifa.
Well, he got people killed & maimed on J6. Trump actually lived up to the remark you referenced & he's going to WALK.

The "equal justice for all" & "everyone is the same under the law" slogans that people like Garland toss around is a crock of shit. If it was true Trump & his cohorts like Guiliani & others who were co conspirators would already be under indictment. It's been two years.

The scrubs who rioted for Trump at his behest? Some of them are rotting in prison. Prosecutors don't seem to have any problem finding enough evidence to indict & prosecute THEM.
I see Trump, the GOP, and the Democrats all for what they are.

We get the politicians we deserve.
I didn't deserve this. I only have one vote.
But all of those ignorant assholes that stay uninformed deserve it.

However, since the establishment is rigging elections....were not even getting what we deserve.
We're getting what they decide is best for them. According to the establishment we can all go f**k ourselves.
Trump can only offer four more years

How are we going to build a movement that goes beyond the next four years to the next eight years to the next twenty years, that parallels what we have seen over on the progressive side?

Every attack they perpetrate on Trump is an atrack on Republican voters who support him.

Stopping Trump from running or winning the GOP nomination is not up to the GOP leadership but should be up to the candidates who run for the nomination as well

Trump does not have a patent on the desire to make America great again or to take the country off the wrong path over 70% of ALL Americans say Biden has us on and put us back on the right path.

Candidates need to make their case for why THEY are that person. It is up to the voters to personally look at every candidate objectively, weigh all the factors, and make up their minds.

EMOTIONALLY, half in jest, I would partly like to see Trump win because I believe he would come in, smarter for what he has been through, and rip the treasonous, criminally partisan weopanized Democrats and agencies a new ass - firing Garland, Wray, and every proven treasonous Democrat in every federal agency he could.

Thank goodness most Conservatives are not EMOTIONAL beings like Democrats, though.

More objective Conservatives understand Trump is a lightning rod for Democrat / liberal hate and treason, as demonstrated by Democrats for going on 7 years now. He would be again for the next 4 - 6+ years should he win the nomination.

There are more, nearly just as good - if not better, options that come without all that 'baggage'.

Make no mistake, though, if Trump declared tomorrow he was not running in 2024, the Democrats would re-adjust their targeting sites on the next most likely candidate and begin to unleash rheir 'Politics of Personal Destruction' machine against them.
-- Case in point/Flashback: Democrats unethically, immorally, disgustingly attacked Herman Cain, a huge threat to them at the time, by bringing out every skank / lying ho they could find to accuse Cain of sexual misconduct. Literally dozens of law suits were filed against him....yet within no time after he declared he was dropping out of the race every single one of those lawsuits disappeared. His wife, like everyone else, realized it was all part of the Democrats' disgusting politics, but neither she nor Herman was willing to allow their family / marriage to be dragged through that. I could not blame them.

Point being other candidates will carry far less baggage than Trump, but Democrats will still try to bury them in false accusations and bullshit.

Voters need to objectively listen to all candidates and decide for themselves.

The GOP should not be attempting to tell voters who they can vote for - that's what Democrats do.

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