GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) Claims House GOP Will ‘Prosecute’ Fauci Once In Power

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Dr. Anthony Fauci says the United States is in an “unnecessary predicament” of soaring COVID-19 cases fueled by unvaccinated Americans and the virulent delta variant.

Israel has quite outbreak going as well for Delta. Between 80-90% of the population is fully vaxxed. Take your hateful talking points to someone who still believes them.
The trump Nazis' threats to everyone who dared stand up to the lies of their wannabe führer are never a surprise. Their goal is to ki$$ his fat a$$ to prove their devotion to making him dictator.

Is that desperation I sense in your post? He IS going to run again and after the absolute train wreck your DC crowd have presided over, from the border to covid, to Afghanistan, he will be re-elected. Your choices will be down to physically attacking those you disagree with or allowing his administration to work for the American people. I'm pretty sure that those who cheated him out of a second term would rather set the nation on fire than allow him a second term. They'd best think long and hard before they strike THAT match.
Israel has quite outbreak going as well for Delta. Between 80-90% of the population is fully vaxxed. Take your hateful talking points to someone who still believes them.
Most of Israel is vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, which has only shown around a 50% efficacy against the Delta variant. The Moderna vaccine has shown around an 80% efficacy against the Delta variant. Then you have the Palestinians crossing into Israel daily to work, and their vaccination rates are more like Texas and the southeast in the U.S., much lower than Israel, which is fertile ground for the Delta variant to multiply and spread (vaccinated versus unvaccinated)

Rep. Madison Cawthorn Warns Of ‘Bloodshed’ While Repeating False Election Claims

“If our election systems continue to be rigged and continue to be stolen, it’s gonna lead to one place, and it’s bloodshed,” the Republican told an audience.

Cawthorn is a certified lunatic!
Millions of Americans feel EXACTLY THE SAME as this Representative. Pssst... you don't have enough jail cells or government agents to silence them all. Here's an idea... why don't we have truly transparent audits, including canvassing, in every state that had contested outcomes?

I'm being serious here. I'm not trying to flame you. IF door-to-door canvassing of places like PA, GA, and AZ...prove that all is well and according to the claims, then that would restore faith in our elections. The FACT that Democrats in ALL these states are fighting tooth and nail to stop such investigations does just the opposite. We can have these audits or there can be no peaceful way forward. Your choice.
Millions of Americans feel EXACTLY THE SAME as this Representative. Pssst... you don't have enough jail cells or government agents to silence them all. Here's an idea... why don't we have truly transparent audits, including canvassing, in every state that had contested outcomes?

I'm being serious here. I'm not trying to flame you. IF door-to-door canvassing of places like PA, GA, and AZ...prove that all is well and according to the claims, then that would restore faith in our elections. The FACT that Democrats in ALL these states are fighting tooth and nail to stop such investigations does just the opposite. We can have these audits or there can be no peaceful way forward. Your choice.

We've already had all the "official" audits - and they found NOTHING!

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that.
Cawthorn sounds seriously deranged. What do you think?
He sounds like he's tired of being on the short end of political witch hunts and wants to return the favor. Obviously, Congress has no power to prosecute and Garland wouldn't bring an action against the filth in his party if there was overwhelming evidence of atrocities. What CAN BE DONE, is to expose the evil little gnome to a perjury charge that cannot be denied. When the corrupt DoJ refuses to act, they'll be indicting themselves in front of the voters. There should be LOTS of investigations between '22 and '24. Turnabout is fair play, after all.
We've already had all the "official" audits - and they found NOTHING!

Only a moron would believe that Republican states, Republican election officials, Republican courts and judges (including SCOTUS) all conspired with Democrats to rig the election for Biden. Just think about that.
All you had was recounts of the same, questionable ballots. That's why canvassing was desired. Laugh all you like but if this bullshit is pulled again, we'll be watching this nation BURN. The trust in the vote is the very last connection Americans have with filth on the Left. We've had enough.
Israel has quite outbreak going as well for Delta. Between 80-90% of the population is fully vaxxed. Take your hateful talking points to someone who still believes them.

But how many Israeli's are being hospitalized or dying? Very few. 117 people in critical condition in the entire country.

He sounds like he's tired of being on the short end of political witch hunts and wants to return the favor. Obviously, Congress has no power to prosecute and Garland wouldn't bring an action against the filth in his party if there was overwhelming evidence of atrocities. What CAN BE DONE, is to expose the evil little gnome to a perjury charge that cannot be denied. When the corrupt DoJ refuses to act, they'll be indicting themselves in front of the voters. There should be LOTS of investigations between '22 and '24. Turnabout is fair play, after all.

Cawthorn should be in jail for sedition and I seriously doubt he'll be in any position to recommend charges on anyone after the midterms. He'll be lucky if he's not in jail.

As for "witch hunts", investigations which bring neither charges nor convictions, are not witch hunts. Hundreds of people have been charged, tried and found guilty in the investigations of the criminal, twice impeached former President of the United States.

7 Benghazi Investigations, which produced no charges, no indictments and no convictions, was a witch hunt.
He sounds like he's tired of being on the short end of political witch hunts and wants to return the favor. Obviously, Congress has no power to prosecute and Garland wouldn't bring an action against the filth in his party if there was overwhelming evidence of atrocities.

What CAN BE DONE, is to expose the evil little gnome to a perjury charge that cannot be denied. When the corrupt DoJ refuses to act, they'll be indicting themselves in front of the voters. There should be LOTS of investigations between '22 and '24. Turnabout is fair play, after all.

A little perjury?

Charming people these Trumpers.

But how many Israeli's are being hospitalized or dying? Very few. 117 people in critical condition in the entire country.

Cawthorn should be in jail for sedition and I seriously doubt he'll be in any position to recommend charges on anyone after the midterms. He'll be lucky if he's not in jail.

As for "witch hunts", investigations which bring neither charges nor convictions, are not witch hunts. Hundreds of people have been charged, tried and found guilty in the investigations of the criminal, twice impeached former President of the United States.

7 Benghazi Investigations, which produced no charges, no indictments and no convictions, was a witch hunt.

Cawthorn claimed his friend left him to burn to death after a car accident that crippled him.. but the friend pulled him out of the wreck and saved his life.

Cawthorn is mentally ill.

So we're supposed to tolerate stolen elections?

God you're hysterically funny. There is no proof the election was stolen. You're a victim of Trump's lies.. One man.. one fat man in orange pancake make-up ... Sureal.
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