GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Plans to Bring White Balloon to SOTU Address to Troll Joe Biden (VIDEO)

So people behave childishly on both sides. The difference is that nobody told Piglosi she was acting childishly where McCarthy did tell Greene to pipe down. Another difference is Greene wasn't center stage as SOH.

You Republicans want to play with balloons just like children. It shows how childish you are.
Now this will be some funny shit.


Plus don't forgot the Sky-blue bunnnies.The Ice Cream vendors.
Maybe gobbles of Salt Water Taffy.The House of Mirrors { tonight }
and of course Brandon and the Fat Lady.
Because ... Biden's Show of all shows is in town.
Like I said a few years ago at Political Forums.
We were nearing if not bordering on a new form of
- Dadaism!
Every fracture of decorum, every unhinged moment....helps Biden. The GOP never learns.
Does it matter anymore? Joe is a habitual liar and given a free ride. Progs lie all the time. There would be utopia if what they spew was righteous.
The Republican poll numbers are worse.
One can Lie too often and too hardy.It will inevitably
cause early forms of Dementia.Because One { no human }
can attempt to outwit our Brain.That is why there can never be
such things as Brain Transplants.
Or dint yer mommy explain to yuz.
So people behave childishly on both sides. The difference is that nobody told Piglosi she was acting childishly where McCarthy did tell Greene to pipe down. Another difference is Greene wasn't center stage as SOH.

Actually people did. Just political theater!
You Republicans want to play with balloons just like children. It shows how childish you are.

And Piglosi ripped up his speech like a 6 year old that didn't want to do her homework.

The balloon thing was meant to protest Dementia's awful protection of our country. What Piglosi did was just demonstrating her pure hate.
Anyone wanting to be entertained. :heehee: But she didn't bring her little balloon after all. She just stepped into President Biden's trap. That was even MORE entertaining.

Trap? What trap? There was no trap there. Somebody like McCarthy or McConnell probably told her to not to.
Does it matter anymore? Joe is a habitual liar and given a free ride. Progs lie all the time. There would be utopia if what they spew was righteous.

Why do you continue to post bullshit about Joe Biden? Nobody is so determined to be miserable as a Republican when a Democrat is in the White House.
She dressed as a white balloon while yelling "LIAR".


Is that disrespectful? Sure. Is it childish behavior for the State of the Union?

That's debatable...



Republicans should have each brought a white balloon.

Every time Biden said "China," ten of them should have released the string.

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