GOP reps refuse to be searched after metal detector goes off

So from now on when we go to court we don't have to yield to the metal detector and we will be treated just like the Republicans who advocated the metal detectors be put in courts, public building and schools?

American PATRIOT Lauren Boebert
These are the kind of children we elect to office, so we are surprised that our country is run the way it is?
There is so much politicking and showbiz and preening and pandering that they don't have time for much else.
View attachment 442329

American PATRIOT Lauren Boebert
Republicans don't have to follow the rules only the little people must submit to their leadership.
I think by refusing the capital police search (thusly Pelosis search of her) that she is saying that we little people will not rely on Pelosi for our protection.

Which btw, how did Pelosi and her minions all get out of the capital as it was mobbed but all the little non important congress people and their staffs get left behind?

Would you rely on Pelosi to protect you? Really?
View attachment 442329

American PATRIOT Lauren Boebert
Republicans don't have to follow the rules only the little people must submit to their leadership.
I think by refusing the capital police search (thusly Pelosis search of her) that she is saying that we little people will not rely on Pelosi for our protection.

Which btw, how did Pelosi and her minions all get out of the capital as it was mobbed but all the little non important congress people and their staffs get left behind?

Would you rely on Pelosi to protect you? Really?
Are they bringing their weapons to help out the next insurgency?
View attachment 442329

American PATRIOT Lauren Boebert
Republicans don't have to follow the rules only the little people must submit to their leadership.
I think by refusing the capital police search (thusly Pelosis search of her) that she is saying that we little people will not rely on Pelosi for our protection.

Which btw, how did Pelosi and her minions all get out of the capital as it was mobbed but all the little non important congress people and their staffs get left behind?

Would you rely on Pelosi to protect you? Really?

That is one of the stupidest posts I have ever seem, and I was doing discussion boards way back with AOL.
These are the kind of children we elect to office, so we are surprised that our country is run the way it is?
SHE IS A CHILD?.....Your party is impeaching a man with less than 10 days left as idiot....
Yeah, a man that just incited an insurrection a week ago. But don’t worry. I’m sure that the repugs will acquit him again.
These are the kind of children we elect to office, so we are surprised that our country is run the way it is?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things
These are the kind of children we elect to office, so we are surprised that our country is run the way it is?
When I was little, I found comfort in thinking that the adults knew what to do. Man, was I surprised when I grew up. The adults really don't have much of a clue what to do at all. Thankfully, I didn't have to know that when I was little. I was sheltered. Thank you Lord!

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