GOP similar to WBC in disrespecting our heroes.

There's no limit to the lies and character assassination the GOP propaganda machine will use.

And everyone involved said those Rather papers didn't lie.- Nothing compared to the tidal wave of fake outrage.
There's no limit to the lies and character assassination the GOP propaganda machine will use.

And everyone involved said those Rather papers didn't lie.- Nothing compared to the tidal wave of fake outrage.

yeah sure, Rather got fired over nothing I guess...You talk about propaganda and character assassination, you are the best at it
There's no limit to the lies and character assassination the GOP propaganda machine will use.

And everyone involved said those Rather papers didn't lie.- Nothing compared to the tidal wave of fake outrage.
Not only was Rather caught lying, a liberal news outlet canned him for doing so to avoid wrongdoing for supporting a nidus of liars. Birds of a feather flock together.
ultimate sacrifice

ultimate sacrifice (plural ultimate sacrifices)
Death, especially for a cause or for one's country  

So can someone explain how this applies to Kerry and Hagel as the OP suggested it did.
ultimate sacrifice

ultimate sacrifice (plural ultimate sacrifices)
Death, especially for a cause or for one's country  

So can someone explain how this applies to Kerry and Hagel as the OP suggested it did.

he can't and won't..
You know what is on the same level as the OP of this thread. Someone that says liberals are cowards and makes statements like you do about military service.
Obviously you must not have ever been in the situations you described, otherwise you would know at that time it doesn't matter what race, religion, creed or political party one belongs too.
So have it your way in your mind but it cheapens your statement. At least to me.

I've see so much disrespect for our heroes like John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, public servants who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The GOP's behavior reminds me of the Westboro Baptist Church protesting at funerals.

One is just a watered down version of the extreme other.

Not to mention the GOP, with Hagel, is throwing one of their own under the bus.

If you consider Kerry and Hagel "heroes", all you've done is INSULT the REAL heroes who have served in this country's armed forces.

Have you ever spent time in an infantry unit, son?
Ever served in a forward area?
Ever put your life in another man's hands, and asked him to put his life in yours?

You fuckin' liberals... you have no idea how to defend a nation. All you've done is weaken our country. That's all you've done. You've put people's lives in danger.

Sweet dreams, son.
ultimate sacrifice

ultimate sacrifice (plural ultimate sacrifices)
Death, especially for a cause or for one's country  

So can someone explain how this applies to Kerry and Hagel as the OP suggested it did.

please don't confuse hazlenuts with facts. he is extremely allergic to facts and might require medical attention if presented with facts.
ultimate sacrifice

ultimate sacrifice (plural ultimate sacrifices)
Death, especially for a cause or for one's country  

So can someone explain how this applies to Kerry and Hagel as the OP suggested it did.

please don't confuse hazlenuts with facts. he is extremely allergic to facts and might require medical attention if presented with facts.

I know but it's cold and rainy here Today so I need to find something to pass the time.
I've see so much disrespect for our heroes like John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, public servants who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The GOP's behavior reminds me of the Westboro Baptist Church protesting at funerals.

One is just a watered down version of the extreme other.

Not to mention the GOP, with Hagel, is throwing one of their own under the bus.
John Kerry is no hero. He lied in vietnam and is still a libtard liar. Only you and your ilk would call a puke like kerry a hero.
ultimate sacrifice

ultimate sacrifice (plural ultimate sacrifices)
Death, especially for a cause or for one's country  

So can someone explain how this applies to Kerry and Hagel as the OP suggested it did.

please don't confuse hazlenuts with facts. he is extremely allergic to facts and might require medical attention if presented with facts.

I know but it's cold and rainy here Today so I need to find something to pass the time.

I've see so much disrespect for our heroes like John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, public servants who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The GOP's behavior reminds me of the Westboro Baptist Church protesting at funerals.

One is just a watered down version of the extreme other.

Not to mention the GOP, with Hagel, is throwing one of their own under the bus.

Making the ultimate sacrifice for one's country is giving their life for it something I'm 100 percent certain Kerry and Hagel have not done. I seem to recall some very ugly and disrespectful treatment by the left in regards to John McCain and his military service in 2008 Careful with the rocks in that glass house.

By whom?

No elected Democratic Official ever disrepected John McCain's service.

George W. Bush's, campaign manager, floated the speculation that McCain was much to brainwashed by Communists to be President. That's along with him having a black child out of wed lock.

Fun stuff. :thup:
Yeah because you lefties were so respectful of John McCain.


Actually..yeah..for the most part?

The left has been very respectful of John McCain's service.

There's been NOTHING like the Swiftboaters on the left.

This video is fun..a swiftboater goes hat in hand before Congress..and Kerry gets a crack at him..

[ame=]Kerry Grills Swift Boat Donor - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah because you lefties were so respectful of John McCain.


Actually..yeah..for the most part?

The left has been very respectful of John McCain's service.

There's been NOTHING like the Swiftboaters on the left.

This video is fun..a swiftboater goes hat in hand before Congress..and Kerry gets a crack at him..

[ame=]Kerry Grills Swift Boat Donor - YouTube[/ame]

who cares, Kerry was a traitor to the military and his fellow service members..that is why you all love him so much and made him your hero

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