gop to filibuster scotus nominee

Wait a minute guys!

The point of the thread is not that the GOP will filibuster the nomination, but rather that when they begin their squawking against whichever nominee the President chooses there will be liberals claiming that they are obstructionists. Those very same liberals will have conveniently forgotten that they backed "obstructionist" Democrats eight years ago. Oh wait, the Democrats weren't obstructionist, they simply were exercising their right to have a say in who would be allowed to sit on the highest bench in the land.

the story is about obma and company trying to obstruct a bush nominee.....shortly the tables will be turned and everyone will cry foul and lament how evil the gop is....

politics is the best soap opera on tv.....


And the Republicans who were calling the Democrats obstructionists will suddenly forget that they were once admonishing such tactics.

And the green grass grows all around and around.
And the green grass grows all around.


/slips on hipwaders to avoid the following BS

Nah... the GOP will admit to their past faults and poor tactics and claim to have turned over a new leaf. They will be looking out for all of us. President Obama will be striving to bring the country into socialism and the GOP will be there to fight him every step of the way.

This will be the NEW GOP! After all, what else do they have to lose?

A story from January 30th, 2006? ... :confused:

the story is about obma and company trying to obstruct a bush nominee.....shortly the tables will be turned and everyone will cry foul and lament how evil the gop is....

politics is the best soap opera on tv.....

See, I read your opening line, and then searched your post in vain for any evidence supporting your assertion. To date, I'm still waiting for that evidence.

i am predicting the future and using the past to show how history will repeat itself but the two parties will switch posistions......
of course jillian wouldn't understand it.....LOL

she frequently only writes


in response to my posts or threads, so i thought maybe she must be like really smart and stuff because she can defeat my whole argument with like one word and stuff and that one word like shows how i'm an idiot and how like smart she is

my bad

This must be the crack on Jillian thread. And all she wrote was one post with "and".
A story from January 30th, 2006? ... :confused:

the story is about obma and company trying to obstruct a bush nominee.....shortly the tables will be turned and everyone will cry foul and lament how evil the gop is....

politics is the best soap opera on tv.....

Actually, they won't have a chance to. Franken will be in by that time and the Repugnanticans won't be able to filibuster anyone.
of course jillian wouldn't understand it.....LOL

she frequently only writes


in response to my posts or threads, so i thought maybe she must be like really smart and stuff because she can defeat my whole argument with like one word and stuff and that one word like shows how i'm an idiot and how like smart she is

my bad

This must be the crack on Jillian thread. And all she wrote was one post with "and".

holy crap.....dude....seriously
A story from January 30th, 2006? ... :confused:

the story is about obma and company trying to obstruct a bush nominee.....shortly the tables will be turned and everyone will cry foul and lament how evil the gop is....

politics is the best soap opera on tv.....

Actually, they won't have a chance to. Franken will be in by that time and the Repugnanticans won't be able to filibuster anyone.

you're missing the point....dems have already accused the republicans of being obstructionist....manu is simply pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of politics
obstructionist bastards...........

Obama joins filibuster bid against Alito: But senator criticizes tactic, says it will fail. | Article from Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL) | HighBeam Research

Jan. 30--WASHINGTON -- Sen. Barack Obama said he would vote Monday to filibuster Judge Samuel Alito's confirmation to the Supreme Court, but he conceded the effort would be futile and criticized Democrats for failing to persuade Americans to take notice of the court's changing ideological face.

"The Democrats have to do a much better job in making their case on these issues," Obama (D-Ill.) said Sunday on ABC News' "This Week." "These last-minute efforts--using procedural maneuvers inside the Beltway--I think has been the wrong way of going about it."


Gosh...the GOP about shat itself blind when the Democrats threatened to filibuster Chimpy McPresident's judicial nominees. Seems they don't like being reduced to playing the minority role. Fuck 'em, they brought it on themselves.
the story is about obma and company trying to obstruct a bush nominee.....shortly the tables will be turned and everyone will cry foul and lament how evil the gop is....

politics is the best soap opera on tv.....

Actually, they won't have a chance to. Franken will be in by that time and the Repugnanticans won't be able to filibuster anyone.

you're missing the point....dems have already accused the republicans of being obstructionist....manu is simply pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of politics

It's not an's a fact. Congressional Republicans are a bunch of obstructionist weenies.
Actually, they won't have a chance to. Franken will be in by that time and the Repugnanticans won't be able to filibuster anyone.

you're missing the point....dems have already accused the republicans of being obstructionist....manu is simply pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of politics

It's not an's a fact. Congressional Republicans are a bunch of obstructionist weenies.

please, we don't need to know what you suck on the weekends....
Wait a minute guys!

The point of the thread is not that the GOP will filibuster the nomination, but rather that when they begin their squawking against whichever nominee the President chooses there will be liberals claiming that they are obstructionists. Those very same liberals will have conveniently forgotten that they backed "obstructionist" Democrats eight years ago. Oh wait, the Democrats weren't obstructionist, they simply were exercising their right to have a say in who would be allowed to sit on the highest bench in the land.


And the Republicans who were calling the Democrats obstructionists will suddenly forget that they were once admonishing such tactics.

And the green grass grows all around and around.
And the green grass grows all around.


Just a few quips from memory lane for those that can't remember more than, say, four years ago:

At a press conference this morning, Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell said that he and his colleagues would guarantee that Samuel Alito gets a fair hearing and an up-or-down vote, "as has always been the case on the Supreme Court nominees."

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) -- who as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman prevented dozens of Clinton nominees from getting up-or-down votes -- was asked today whether the Republicans would invoke the nuclear option if the Democrats filibustered Alito's nomination. His response, according to CNN: "You bet your life we would."

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), when asked about a possible filibuster by Senate Democrats, said, "If the Democrats are looking for a fight, we'll be up for the fight. We won't back down. ... We're gonna get an up or down vote on the Senate floor and if the Democrats want a fight, they'll get one."

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) affirmed that if the Democrats attempt to block the confirmation of Judge Alito, "the filibuster will not stand."

Samuel Alito Supreme Court nomination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Politics | An up-or-down vote for Alito? Sometimes, even elephants forget

Those damn obstructionist Dems
so what is your point iriemon?

Is that like saying: "and ..."?

Where's all our GOP friends pushing for an up/down vote now?

It's coming, but the call for it won't likely come from a Republican this time around.

The roles of the two parties will be reversed from eight years ago and somehow both sides will forget the past and claim the rights that they both attempted to deny the other then.

Look folks, the media is making a big deal out of Souter being replaced. Souter is a liberal judge who votes liberal with the other liberal judges. Obama will replace him with another liberal judge who will vote liberal with the other liberal judges. Ho hum.

Souter is young as justices go, so he could serve for another 20 to 25 years. So what's the big deal about replacing him with a clone. The media likes to make it a big deal.
so what is your point iriemon?

Is that like saying: "and ..."?

Where's all our GOP friends pushing for an up/down vote now?

i imagine they will be playing the part of the obstructions dems and the dems will be playing the part of the gop and calling for a non partisan up or down vote.....

That's a pretty good prediction. That "hypocrite" belt is big enough to fit around both parties.
Is that like saying: "and ..."?

Where's all our GOP friends pushing for an up/down vote now?

i imagine they will be playing the part of the obstructions dems and the dems will be playing the part of the gop and calling for a non partisan up or down vote.....

That's a pretty good prediction. That "hypocrite" belt is big enough to fit around both parties.

the game has rules.....each side trys to claim the moral high ground while they both stand in a ditch full of mud.....

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