Gop will never get hispanics votes.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

The right believe is they go alone with Comp. Immg. Reform it will get them the Hispanics votes. But they have never had Hispanics votes and will never willget Hispanics votes. Hispanic have large families and single parent homes and depend on the benefits big government gives them. Food stamps Medicaid that the GOP plan to cut. Hispanic have always voted democratic policies and it has nothing to do with Comp. Immg. Reform promise of amnesty. The GOP support for Comp. Immg. Reform amnesty will only give Democrats more Hispanic votes because it will lead to more anchor babies voting and citizenship for their parents. This time it is Obama’s way or the highway. Plus Hispanics can see through the facade for right wing amnesty support.

Romney lost because of rising number of Hispanics. Not because “Illegal Aliens should be forced to self deport.” The Hispanic vote is now finally large enough to win Democrats elections. Hispanics have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in every election during the last three decades even when Republicans have supported or even enacted an immigration Amnesty.

Republicans supporting amnesty will not get them more Hispanic votes. End of story. But supporting amnesty will lose them radical extremist republicans voters that oppose amnesty
You feeling lonely lilolbag? Why is it always about 'hipanics' with you? I understand your issues with illegals, but why all hispanics? Did Jose turn you down again?
Way to go LilOlLady. Please continue to argue that the GOP should go ahead and adopt some racist shit into its platform.
You feeling lonely lilolbag? Why is it always about 'hipanics' with you? I understand your issues with illegals, but why all hispanics? Did Jose turn you down again?

Evidently you are too stupid to read and comprehend my post. :cuckoo:
Way to go LilOlLady. Please continue to argue that the GOP should go ahead and adopt some racist shit into its platform.

Always has been there and you did not understand the post either. It was about issues that affect Hispanics and it is not amnesty.
The only thing the GOP needs to "get"...............IS GOING!

They need to get going (out of fuckin' government completely).
The only thing the GOP needs to "get"...............IS GOING!

They need to get going (out of fuckin' government completely).

You Hispanic?

Democrats want a one party dictatorship. They think hispanics can give it to them. They are wrong because hispanics want a hispanic government. They don't mind using democrats as a tool to give them what they want.
keep being the stupid party.
your party will be replaced by a more sane group of Americans
How is that you have the power to ruin damn near every thread you post on? STFU TM

The right believe is they go alone with Comp. Immg. Reform it will get them the Hispanics votes. But they have never had Hispanics votes and will never willget Hispanics votes. Hispanic have large families and single parent homes and depend on the benefits big government gives them. Food stamps Medicaid that the GOP plan to cut. Hispanic have always voted democratic policies and it has nothing to do with Comp. Immg. Reform promise of amnesty. The GOP support for Comp. Immg. Reform amnesty will only give Democrats more Hispanic votes because it will lead to more anchor babies voting and citizenship for their parents. This time it is Obama’s way or the highway. Plus Hispanics can see through the facade for right wing amnesty support.

Romney lost because of rising number of Hispanics. Not because “Illegal Aliens should be forced to self deport.” The Hispanic vote is now finally large enough to win Democrats elections. Hispanics have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in every election during the last three decades even when Republicans have supported or even enacted an immigration Amnesty.

Republicans supporting amnesty will not get them more Hispanic votes. End of story. But supporting amnesty will lose them radical extremist republicans voters that oppose amnesty

You're partially correct, the GOP has no shot at the Illegal Aliens who have come here, solely for the purpose of government handouts paid for by funds confiscated from hardworking, productive members of society. I know many on the Left don't grasp this concept but the government doesn't produce anything, it cannot provide any service, acquire anything or re-distribute any wealth until it has first confiscated the means to do so from it's citizens.

But again you're right the GOP won't be able to get those types of people because no matter how hard they might try they will never be able to out-Democrat, Democrats. And even if they could the media would just lie about it. President G.W. Bush worked with Sen. Ted Kennedy to revamp the entire national education system. He basically went along with everything Kennedy asked for, one of many examples of why actual Conservatives find it so amusing when he is portrayed as a Conservative by the media.

How did the media respond? Kennedy was hailed as a visionary who saved the American public education system. President Bush was villified for "slashing" the budget for the program despite the fact that he actually doubled it and gave Sen. Kennedy every dollar he asked for.

So no, the GOP won't ever get votes of those who want to come here just for the free stuff but those who just want to come here, work hard and provide a better life for their family, which according to every Talking Head I've ever heard comment on the subject is nearly all of them, the GOP has a real good shot at getting their votes especially when they see how much they're paying in taxes to support those who aren't pulling their fair share.

BTW one more thing I just want to make sure I understand. In your opinion anyone who thinks that someone who follows the rules, patiently waits their turn to come to the country legally or who comes here on a work visa and renews it as required shouldn't be jumped in line for U.S. Citzenship by those who came here illegally including those who came here on a work visa and didn't bother to renew it but stayed anyway is in your opinon a Radical Extremist. Interesting way of looking at things you have there.
We do not elect our Presidents. We simply decide which guy on the payroll is going to make the speeches for the next four years. The hispanic vote is not a deciding factor just a topic that the gov can point to and say this is why the person won. It diverts your attention from the corruption that put Obama in office and spread the "war on terror" to more countries than it was in during the Bush Administration. Silly idiots amaze me. Not even one third of America voted. Our Founding Fathers would have viewed 20 million illegals as an invading force. Why don't we?
I'm a Caucasian married to a Mexican.

The GOP could easily win a lot of Hispanic votes is they finally come to the understanding that Hispanics differ in where they come from! They ARE NOT a solid voting bloc and never will be so.

Cubans are different than Puerto Ricans who are different from Mexicans, and Guatemalans and Central and South Americans. Each group has its own ethos and standards.

However, my personal experience tells me Hispanics tend to be far more center of the road than leftists. Many - especially those who have come here legally - strongly oppose the current efforts to legalize the illegals and want the criminal elements deported.

As an example, there is a group of gangs made up of illegals from El Salvador who are in the thick of the illegal drug operations. Most Hispanics are terrified of them as they prey on the Hispanic community. Make an all-out effort to round up and deport them and the Hispanic community will look thankfully on whomever gets that done.

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