GOPers Lack Critical Thinking Skills - here's why

Republican's 2012 party platform: "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills". Yikes! -- No wonder Republicans have difficulty figuring stuff out.

The Republican Party of Texas has issued their 2012 political platform and has come out and blatantly opposed critical thinking in public schools throughout the state. If you wonder what took them so long to actually state that publicly, it is really a matter of timing. With irrationality now the norm and an election hovering over the 2012 horizon, the timing of the Republican GOP announcement against "critical thinking" instruction couldn't be better. It helps gin up their anti-intellectual base.


Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really. - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

By Valerie Strauss

In the you-can’t-make-up-this-stuff department, here’s what the Republican Party of Texas wrote into its 2012 platform as part of the section on education:

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Yes, you read that right. The party opposes the teaching of “higher order thinking skills” because it believes the purpose is to challenge a student’s “fixed beliefs” and undermine “parental authority.”

It opposes, among other things, early childhood education, sex education, and multicultural education, but supports “school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.”


Ah the old "we are smart you are not Argument"

You go with that. Americans just love it when the 22% of Americans who are Liberal tell the rest of us were stupid and we need their superior intellects to lead us.

Should run some National adds making your claims.

Are liberals still trying to figure out critical thinking? It starts with the idea of truth (which they dont like, they're shades of gray people) add in some logic and facts, with a pinch of reason and voila...but since they dont believe in absolutes, then you cant think critically
(root word critic or decision making or right and wrong or descriminating.....ooooh no...did he say that, yes I did, because descrimination aint about race, liberals just think (or is it feel) descrimination to be a synonym for racism, but it's not)
Are liberals still trying to figure out critical thinking? It starts with the idea of truth (which they dont like, they're shades of gray people) add in some logic and facts, with a pinch of reason and voila...but since they dont believe in absolutes, then you cant think critically
(root word critic or decision making or right and wrong or descriminating.....ooooh no...did he say that, yes I did, because descrimination aint about race, liberals just think (or is it feel) descrimination to be a synonym for racism, but it's not)

No, it doesn't start with the idea of truth. You have absolutely no idea what critical thinking even means.
The problem with critical thinking, as taught by public education, is that they don't teach question everything, but that liberal ideology is absolute, conservative thought is dubious, and that it is acceptable to ignore your opponent in a debate by rules of character assassination, personal attack, and outright vileness.

They don't teach that.
Are liberals still trying to figure out critical thinking? It starts with the idea of truth (which they dont like, they're shades of gray people) add in some logic and facts, with a pinch of reason and voila...but since they dont believe in absolutes, then you cant think critically
(root word critic or decision making or right and wrong or descriminating.....ooooh no...did he say that, yes I did, because descrimination aint about race, liberals just think (or is it feel) descrimination to be a synonym for racism, but it's not)

No, it doesn't start with the idea of truth. You have absolutely no idea what critical thinking even means.

yeah it does. I knew you'd hate the truth thing, but critical thinking requires truth, if no truth then what? It's really about questioning assumptions, so if you have no truth then who cares?
The problem with critical thinking, as taught by public education, is that they don't teach question everything, but that liberal ideology is absolute, conservative thought is dubious, and that it is acceptable to ignore your opponent in a debate by rules of character assassination, personal attack, and outright vileness.

They don't teach that.

Well genius, do tell us what critical thinking is, since there is no truth, logic, rationality or facts. I cant wait to see what you think it is.
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The problem with critical thinking, as taught by public education, is that they don't teach question everything, but that liberal ideology is absolute, conservative thought is dubious, and that it is acceptable to ignore your opponent in a debate by rules of character assassination, personal attack, and outright vileness.

They don't teach that.

Well genius, do tell us what critical thinking is, since there is no truth, logic, rationality or facts. I cant wait to see what you think it is.
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Thinking portalPsychology portalLogic portal
Thinking portalPsychology portalLogic portal

I like this definition:

"the process of purposeful, self-regulatory judgment, which uses reasoned consideration to evidence, context, conceptualizations, methods, and criteria."

Critical thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are liberals still trying to figure out critical thinking? It starts with the idea of truth (which they dont like, they're shades of gray people) add in some logic and facts, with a pinch of reason and voila...but since they dont believe in absolutes, then you cant think critically
(root word critic or decision making or right and wrong or descriminating.....ooooh no...did he say that, yes I did, because descrimination aint about race, liberals just think (or is it feel) descrimination to be a synonym for racism, but it's not)

No, it doesn't start with the idea of truth. You have absolutely no idea what critical thinking even means.

yeah it does. I knew you'd hate the truth thing, but critical thinking requires truth, if no truth then what? It's really about questioning assumptions, so if you have no truth then who cares?

Sorry moron, but truth is the END of critical thinking, not the start. You don't use truth to think critically, you use critical thinking to find the truth. I doubt your prehistoric mind will be able to distinguish from betwixt those two, however.

wait you used reason and judgement? I didnt think liberals were allowed those. But if you have reason and judgement, then you need a little kernel of truth my friend along with facts.

The list of core critical thinking skills includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and meta-cognition. There is a reasonable level of consensus among experts that an individual or group engaged in strong critical thinking gives due consideration to:
  • Evidence through observation
  • Context
  • Relevant criteria for making the judgment well
  • Applicable methods or techniques for forming the judgment
  • Applicable theoretical constructs for understanding the problem and the question at hand
In addition to possessing strong critical-thinking skills, one must be dispoto engage problems and decisions using those skills. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance, and fairness.[9]

wait you used reason and judgement? I didnt think liberals were allowed those. But if you have reason and judgement, then you need a little kernel of truth my friend along with facts.

The list of core critical thinking skills includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and meta-cognition. There is a reasonable level of consensus among experts that an individual or group engaged in strong critical thinking gives due consideration to:
  • Evidence through observation
  • Context
  • Relevant criteria for making the judgment well
  • Applicable methods or techniques for forming the judgment
  • Applicable theoretical constructs for understanding the problem and the question at hand
In addition to possessing strong critical-thinking skills, one must be dispoto engage problems and decisions using those skills. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance, and fairness.[9]

You're plagiarizing.
Liberals lack critical thinking skills much more often. It is a simple observation, but the word feel is usually used in a sentence when they describe their viewpoint. Feelings are not part of a critical thinking process and often inhibit such.
Conservatives now claim liberals don't know what critical thinking is, how to use it, or what it's for. Yet the conservatives are the ones refusing to let it be taught to Texas children. Won't be long until a conservative claims critical thinking or any thinking is communistic, and should be banned from all schools.
Conservatives now claim liberals don't know what critical thinking is, how to use it, or what it's for. Yet the conservatives are the ones refusing to let it be taught to Texas children. Won't be long until a conservative claims critical thinking or any thinking is communistic, and should be banned from all schools.
Speaking of a total lack if critical thinking skills.

If you had read the OP for comprehension, you would have noticed that the towering failure known as outcome-based education is being rebranded and wrapped up under the banner of "Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)", neither of which has anything to do with critical thinking.
Conservatives now claim liberals don't know what critical thinking is, how to use it, or what it's for. Yet the conservatives are the ones refusing to let it be taught to Texas children. Won't be long until a conservative claims critical thinking or any thinking is communistic, and should be banned from all schools.

Its indoctrination, not critical thinking. You suggesting we should teach kids to be communists?
Conservatives now claim liberals don't know what critical thinking is, how to use it, or what it's for. Yet the conservatives are the ones refusing to let it be taught to Texas children. Won't be long until a conservative claims critical thinking or any thinking is communistic, and should be banned from all schools.

Its indoctrination, not critical thinking. You suggesting we should teach kids to be communists?

Where do you see communism? We'd only be teaching our kids to be communism, if you're saying "critical thinking = communism". If so, it's hardly surprising that American education is going down the tubes. It starts with the parents!
Core critical thinking skills require a person to question everything, verify facts, analyze given statements against life experience, and then reach a conclusion.

The problem with critical thinking, as taught by public education, is that they don't teach question everything, but that liberal ideology is absolute, conservative thought is dubious, and that it is acceptable to ignore your opponent in a debate by rules of character assassination, personal attack, and outright vileness.

Very well stated.

But this isn't about critical thinking skills.

HOTS, "Higher Order Thinking Skills" is not critical thinking. The left is using Orwellian terminology again. Terming HOTS "critical thinking" is like calling a gallows a "life center."

HOTS is nothing but a rebranding of OBE - outcome based education; where repetition of short phrases is used with a variety of stimuli to program a conditioned response. If it worked, it would be brain washing. OBE, in case you aren't aware, is based on the work of Pavlov in the USSR, the idea being to create a complaint and obedient populace who do not think independently.

Thankfully, OBE has been an utter failure, the human mind is not a machine and is not so easily programmed.
These boards are not meant for critical thinking, logic, or even the Social Sciences, they are meant for posters to turn every topic into a liberal-conservative argument. They are meant for name-calling, giving short autobiographies, case studies, and a terrible bending of the truth. We see the truth or lack thereof for each post from our political postiton.
If anyone were truly interested in any type of critical thinking I would suggest starting with the logical fallacies. Take only a couple of the more commonly used, say analogy, thin entering wedge, ad hominem or any that appeal, and learn those. Soon you can use the boards as a learning tool, spottiing those fallacies as second nature, then on to a couple more. Some fallacies are more commonly used and easier to master, some may not be worth learning.
One of fun things is to see yourself use fallacies and no one picks up or calls you on them. But again, these boards are not meant for critical thinking, or logic.

Is this post based on a fallacy?
These boards are not meant for critical thinking, logic, or even the Social Sciences, they are meant for posters to turn every topic into a liberal-conservative argument. They are meant for name-calling, giving short autobiographies, case studies, and a terrible bending of the truth. We see the truth or lack thereof for each post from our political postiton.
If anyone were truly interested in any type of critical thinking I would suggest starting with the logical fallacies. Take only a couple of the more commonly used, say analogy, thin entering wedge, ad hominem or any that appeal, and learn those. Soon you can use the boards as a learning tool, spottiing those fallacies as second nature, then on to a couple more. Some fallacies are more commonly used and easier to master, some may not be worth learning.
One of fun things is to see yourself use fallacies and no one picks up or calls you on them. But again, these boards are not meant for critical thinking, or logic.

Is this post based on a fallacy?

Physican, heal thyself.
I like this definition:

"the process of purposeful, self-regulatory judgment, which uses reasoned consideration to evidence, context, conceptualizations, methods, and criteria."

Critical thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wait you used reason and judgement? I didnt think liberals were allowed those. But if you have reason and judgement, then you need a little kernel of truth my friend along with facts.

The list of core critical thinking skills includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and meta-cognition. There is a reasonable level of consensus among experts that an individual or group engaged in strong critical thinking gives due consideration to:
  • Evidence through observation
  • Context
  • Relevant criteria for making the judgment well
  • Applicable methods or techniques for forming the judgment
  • Applicable theoretical constructs for understanding the problem and the question at hand
In addition to possessing strong critical-thinking skills, one must be dispoto engage problems and decisions using those skills. Critical thinking employs not only logic but broad intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, significance, and fairness.[9]

You're plagiarizing.

Wow, you dont even know what that means of how it's done. Stop trying to sound like you have an education, when all you have a black or gay studies degree.
R and rw's value stupidity. They really do. They hate teachers and hate education.

If anyone doubts that, try looking at their clown Car Candidates and then, check out their big winner.

His chief of staff says his brain is an Etch A Sketch and his own wife says she should do his talking for him.

Then, Mitt the Twit opens his mouth and proves them right.
And rw's LOVE it.

Well, okay, so they've all said they're gonna have to take a barf bag into the voting booth in order to actually vote for this twerp but, since they do lack critical thinking skills, they will lie to themselves that paying higher taxes while the 1% gets yet another tax break will somehow benefit someone other than the 1%.


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