GOP's Affirmative Action: ANY non-whites please apply for 2016 presidential race!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I cant help but laugh a bit at the hypocrisy. For the past 20 years or so, the right has blasted the idea of Affirmative Action, which btw, Im against too. They preach ideological purity, and they have consistently been against AA. Until now.

Now, they are putting out the Help Wanted ads in straight affirmative action style!!! Any non-whites please apply! Women are encouraged to apply!!!!

Marco Rubio!!! YES! He's our next president!
Or wait, who is that black doctor who gave a pretty speech??? YES, lets make him the next president!
Wait a minute, who is the crazy Indian woman governor in South Carolina? You think she could be president?

For Christ's sake, give us a non-white candidate, even a female!!!!
If only they could get Chuck Norris to have a baby with Connie Rice, then they'd have a mixed race Republican they could market as the 2056 Republican Party presidential nominee!
If only they could get Chuck Norris to have a baby with Connie Rice, then they'd have a mixed race Republican they could market as the 2056 Republican Party presidential nominee!

Nah, Condi Rice is officially persona non grata in the GOP. Limbaugh said so.
I think the GOP should throw everyone off balance and nominate a homo for President.

Lindsey Graham, maybe.
Yep, If they run white guys they are Racists, if the run Minorities they are pandering. Why should they care what you think anyways lol.
Who cares about color. Its the ideology that matters.

Who cares about color? 96% of Blacks who voted for a Black man, that's who.

America is one of the most racist nations on earth. Deal with it.

Roughly that same percetage of black voters voted for a white man in 2004....John Kerry.:eusa_whistle:

Very true. And do you know why that is? It is because the NAACP has become an appendage of the DNC. Although they were white, they convinced the Black man that everyone in the GOP was a racist. That means that even if the GOP ran with a black guy, like Herman Cain, rest assured he is just another Uncle Tom trying to get them back onto the plantation.

So you can look at this one of two ways. From the leftists position, half the country are racists because they support the GOP, or from the right's vantage point that the NAACP has become nothing more than a race baiter to divide the country and races.

Either way the US has become one of the most racist nations on earth.

Deal with it.
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I cant help but laugh a bit at the hypocrisy. For the past 20 years or so, the right has blasted the idea of Affirmative Action, which btw, Im against too. They preach ideological purity, and they have consistently been against AA. Until now.

Now, they are putting out the Help Wanted ads in straight affirmative action style!!! Any non-whites please apply! Women are encouraged to apply!!!!

Marco Rubio!!! YES! He's our next president!
Or wait, who is that black doctor who gave a pretty speech??? YES, lets make him the next president!
Wait a minute, who is the crazy Indian woman governor in South Carolina? You think she could be president?

For Christ's sake, give us a non-white candidate, even a female!!!!

You accuse Republicans of being hypocrites for promoting minority candidates, but at the same time you accuse them all of being racists.

Who cares about color? 96% of Blacks who voted for a Black man, that's who.

America is one of the most racist nations on earth. Deal with it.

Roughly that same percetage of black voters voted for a white man in 2004....John Kerry.:eusa_whistle:

Democrats: The party of handouts...:eusa_whistle:

Unless the cycle of poverty can be erradicated I forsee Blacks continuing to mindlessly vote democrat indefinately. For you see, no matter how much they suffer under one Barak Obama, with sky rocketing unemployment numbers etc, they have not been trained to think critically in any capacity. All they know is what the NAACP tells them. The poor bastards don't even realize that the very existence and future success of the NAACP depends upon the NAACP keeping racism alive and well in the US, at any cost.

Public education is the key for the democrat block vote in regards to those of color. The poor folk go to the poor schools, which are equivalent to mini prisons for children, most of which are minorities. All they have ever known or will ever know is poverty because they are not educated for anything else. Public education is the liberal form of modern day segregation. God forbid the poor folk ever intermingle with the white folk via school vouchers and such.
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