GOP's Charles Sumner fought for 1875 Civil Rights Act...on death bed he plead “Don't let the bill fail” to Fred Douglass...GOP=not racist, Dems=racist

the left disputes that truth with the lie that claims that racist dems switched to the republican party for apparently no sane reason in the 1960s ... thats what they claim ! lol ! yes ! they actually claim that crap is true !
the GOP is traditionally the party of civil rights, and the Dems are the REAL racists around here

Charles Sumner was the most liberal Senator at the time. Northerners were the liberal party compared to conservatives (Democrats who were the Southern whites, who always vote conservative as you can see by comparing electoral maps from the time to today's maps.)

Today's conservatives play dumb and associate today's Democrats (liberal Northerners) with 19th century Democrats (conservative southerners)
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