GOP's next leader screams Twitter CENSORSHIP, threatens hearings. HE bungled his acct settings!


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018

Whoops! Don't you just hate when that happens? Imagine if you had the authority to CALL HEARINGS in congress. I've been posting for a couple of years now--MC CARTHY is a dim bulb (not to mention he was a LOUSY House whip).

And to think he CENSORED FOX!!

OP leader threatens Twitter with ‘censorship’ hearings after he bungles his own account settings


18 AUG 2018 AT 19:05 ET

House majority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) embarrassed himself with a complaint about Twitter “censorship” that was actually a function of his own account settings.

McCarthy was unable to see a “sensitive” tweet by Fox News host Laura Ingraham and took to Twitter to post a screenshot and threaten chairman Jack Dorsey with hearings over “censorship.

“Another day, another example of conservatives being censored on social media. Jack easy fix: explain to Congress what is going on.”

Kevin McCarthy


Another day, another example of conservatives being censored on social media. @jack easy fix: explain to Congress what is going on. #StopTheBias cc @IngrahamAngle

1:06 PM - Aug 17, 2018
McCarthy may not need Jack Dorsey to come to congress and personally fix his phone, as other users were happy to explain that McCarthy’s issue was his own bungled account settings. With two clicks he could solve his “censorship” problem.

Kevin McCarthy


· Aug 17, 2018

Another day, another example of conservatives being censored on social media. @jack easy fix: explain to Congress what is going on. #StopTheBias cc @IngrahamAngle

Kevin M. Kruse


That's not Twitter censoring her tweets. It's Twitter following your own personal account settings.

GOP leader threatens Twitter with 'censorship' hearings after he bungles his own account settings

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