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Gore Refuses to take The Pledge

All them money Uncle Al is spending of "carbon offsets" is not doing a thing. (He is also buying them from himself and making a huge profit)

Libs like Al can do and say anything, and get a pass from the sheep that follow him

Another Inconvenient Truth
Behind the feel-good hype of carbon offsets, some of the deals don't deliver


you are not addressing the fact that the electric power he uses in his home is 100% green, and therefore, suggesting that the size of his electirc bill somehow diminishes his commitment to the environment is a lie.
you are not addressing the fact that the electric power he uses in his home is 100% green, and therefore, suggesting that the size of his electirc bill somehow diminishes his commitment to the environment is a lie.

Keep spinning. Even taking the his "green" electric use off the table - Al uses huge amounts of natural gas, his jet use as he flys around the world, his zinc mine, and his constant telling us one thing and doing another

Perhaps more important he is buying the carbon offset from HIMSELF and making millons

The only commitment Al has to the enviroment is how much money he can make off it

More Gore hypocrisy- Gore buys his carbon offsets from HIMSELF
Posted Thursday, March 1st, 2007 at 2:45 AM by Karl under hypocrites OTA gore Global Warming
You heard it right, he buys the carbon offsets, those shell game feel good carbon credits that he claims reduces his eco unfriendly carbon footprint from himself.

Here is how. From Ecotality:

Why the Gore Story Matters

As the controversy over global warming doomsayer Al Gore’s voracious energy-eater mansion rolls on, there’s an angle I think merits deeper investigation than it is currently getting. While much of the focus has been on whether or not Gore is an environmental hypocrite, the story has raised the profile of the role of “carbon offsets” in achieving a “greener,” more environmentally friendly world.


As Wikipedia explains, a carbon offset “is a service that tries to reduce the net carbon emissions of individuals or organizations indirectly,, through proxies who reduce their emissions and/or increase their absorption of greenhouse gases.” Wikipedia goes on to explain that “a wide variety of offset actions are available; tree planting is the most common. Renewable energy and energy conservation offsets are also popular, including emissions trading credits.”

So far, so good. So, where does Gore buy his ‘carbon offsets’? According to The Tennessean newspaper’s report, Gore buys his carbon offsets through Generation Investment Management. a company he co-founded and serves as chairman:

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe…
It gets better:

As co-founder and chairman of the firm Gore presumably draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he “buys” his “carbon offsets” from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn’t buy “carbon offsets” through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.

And it is not clear at all that Gore’s stock purchases - excuse me, “carbon offsets” purchases - actually help reduce the use of carbon-based energy at all, while the gas lanterns and other carbon-based energy burners at his house continue to burn carbon-based fuels and pump carbon emissions - a/k/a/ “greenhouse gases” - into the atmosphere.
And as I have noted the entire concept of "buying offsets" is a joke anyway. It is an elitist environmental version of the old Catholic Indulgences.

In this case, Gore is funding a profit based company with money and publicity, and is using his celebrity status to increase his companies income.

So when someone says "Al must be telling the truth, he has no monetary interest in it" you may want to say...uh yea, right, except for the part where he does, and stands to be a wealthy man on everyone's guilt.

And now there is a question as to their effectiveness.

But do Gore’s “carbon offsets” payments really compensate for his big non-green power usage?

Wikipedia again:

The intended goal of carbon offsets is to combat global warming. The appeal of becoming “carbon neutral” has contributed to the growth of voluntary offsets, which often are a more cost-effective alternative to reducing one’s own fossil-fuel consumption. However, the actual amount of carbon reduction (if any) from an offset project is difficult to measure, largely unregulated, and vulnerable to misrepresentation.
Did you get that? Carbon offsets are an “alternative to reducing one’s own fossil-fuel consumption” and yet “the actual amount of carbon reduction (if any) from an offset project is difficult to measure, largely unregulated, and vulnerable to misrepresentation.”

from your own voluminous link:

"As co-founder and chairman of the firm Gore presumably draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he “buys” his “carbon offsets” from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn’t buy “carbon offsets” through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks. "

more half baked suppositions and presumptions passed off as fact.

and who cares where he buys carbon offsets? He buys them. He expends his income to do something positive for the environment... he uses green power... he is making improvements... he is trying to do something positive....

now ...one final time... will you refrain from posting these monstrous op-ed pieces and use your own words or will you be content to talk to others and not me?
and again:

from your link:
"Did you get that? Carbon offsets are an “alternative to reducing one’s own fossil-fuel consumption” and yet “the actual amount of carbon reduction (if any) from an offset project is difficult to measure, largely unregulated, and vulnerable to misrepresentation.”

Al Gore is taking steps to reduce his use of fossil fuel. He is using green power which used NO fossil fuel...he is installing photovoltaic panels on his roof to firther lighten his electric load and solar hot water heaters as well... he is buying carbon offsets.... he is doing things...he is making changes.... no one is suggesting that everyone needs to go live in a dirt hut, but that everyone needs to be aware of their energy usage and take positive steps to curtail it and to be more green.... what Gore is doing is a good thing... I daresay he is doing more to curb his energy use and to be more green in his energy use than the vast majority of americans. why attack him for that?
All you are describing is his INTENTION, not his current or past consumption.

Gore is still a hypocrite who is telling everyone else how to live while exempting himself. Ironically, or not depending upon one's political perspective, the former TN Senator who does have a Green Home is Bill Frist. He spent a small fortune remodelling and updating his home to improve its energy efficiency and sources.
All you are describing is his INTENTION, not his current or past consumption.

Gore is still a hypocrite who is telling everyone else how to live while exempting himself. Ironically, or not depending upon one's political perspective, the former TN Senator who does have a Green Home is Bill Frist. He spent a small fortune remodelling and updating his home to improve its energy efficiency and sources.

bullshit...his current consumption is green electricity.... that costs more but does not impact global warming.... and good for Frist.... I think anyone who takes steps to reduce their consumption or their carbon footprint deserves our thanks...not sliming like you guys are giving Gore.
I do a lot of things to be "green...I car pool...I drive an energy efficient car.... I set the thermostat extra low.... I recycle everything possible...but I do NOT buy green electricity...it costs a shitload more per kilowatt and I cannot afford it given my two kids in school. bravo to Gore who can afford it and does pay for it. He is not a hypocrite....YOU are a political hack for attacking HIM when he already does a great deal more than most families
I am also curious about this so called green energy that Gore keeps being defended with. I confess I know little about it. What exactley is it that makes it green, or more aptly, clean?
bullshit...his current consumption is green electricity.... that costs more but does not impact global warming.... and good for Frist.... I think anyone who takes steps to reduce their consumption or their carbon footprint deserves our thanks...not sliming like you guys are giving Gore.

Not it's not. But don't let facts get in the way of your Faith Based Goracle worship.
Not it's not. But don't let facts get in the way of your Faith Based Goracle worship.

bullshit...you guys are yelling loudly about how big his electric bill is, yet fail to mention that none of the electricity he uses harms the environment when being produced.

you just point out how big the bill is as if that alone makes him hypocritical....

really pathetic.

I'd be embarrassed if I were reduced to arguing my points using tactics as devoid of ethics as you do.
I am also curious about this so called green energy that Gore keeps being defended with. I confess I know little about it. What exactley is it that makes it green, or more aptly, clean?

hydro is green....solar is green... wind is green... geothermal is green.... biomass is green... some forms of waste to energy are green.... and they all market their kilowatts on the grid.... they cost more...but people like Gore who think it is important and can afford to do so, pay the premium and buy their kilowatts from those sources.
Please provide some objective proof that Gore's electricity comes for purely Green Sources. The bulk of his own PR justifiies his consumption by citing his employee benefit of company paid Carbon Credits, not the source of the energy itself.
Please provide some objective proof that Gore's electricity comes for purely Green Sources. The bulk of his own PR justifiies his consumption by citing his employee benefit of company paid Carbon Credits, not the source of the energy itself.

His power company offers a green power option...and he pays for it. Do you honestly think he would LIE about something as easily disproven as that?

and if you have any understanding about electricity distribution, you realize that it all the sources put their power on the grid... and their customers pay them for it. The local distribution company handles the settlement accounting.... if nobody were willing to buy green power, no producer could afford to produce it for free...so there would be no green power.... if everyone were clamouring for green power and willing to pay the premium for it, then more production capacity would be quickly built to biring supply up to demand. As it stands today, there is a slight excess of green power supply because of its cost, but there is plenty for conscientous consumers like Al Gore.
So what you are really saying is that Gore has paid for yet another indulgence to his power company in order to continue his gross overconsumption of Fossil Fuels.
So what you are really saying is that Gore has paid for yet another indulgence to his power company in order to continue his gross overconsumption of Fossil Fuels.

no asshole...I am saying that Gore has paid to subsidize green power producers who cannot compete with fossil fuel producers. YOu can go fuck yourself anytime ...it is clear that you don't wish to talk facts but merely bash Gore.... go for it, you fucking prick.
I have now identified Maineman's Corollary to Godwin's Law. Calling the opponent an Asshole is an admission of defeat.

But thanks for playing!
I have now identified Maineman's Corollary to Godwin's Law. Calling the opponent an Asshole is an admission of defeat.

But thanks for playing!

I have admitted no such thing.... it seems to me that moronic neocons, when they get backed into a corner, simply declare victory

thanks for proving my point.

your total ignorance concerning the electric utility supply market is glaringly obvious.

I suggest you find some new thread to bumble around in.
Resorting to namecalling is a pretty reliable indicator that your argument has fallen apart.
I have not reverted to namecalling...I am a sailor....my language is coarse....my argument is correct, however. You do not know what you are talking about regarding green energy production and distribution....but you obviously don't let a little fact like that get in the way of your Gore bashing.

keep up the good work.

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