Got To Love the Hypocrisy - Israel's First Natural Gas Client is.........

et al,

I always wondered why the Gazians never went into the large scale water desalinization business. That is almost a win-win business of a product that is essential to turning the wasteland into productive ground.

The essential key to peace in the region is not based on geo-political, or militaristic outcomes. It is in the way the people achieve regional economic prosperity for all the everyone to begin flourishing, thriving, and gradually successful social status.

Most Respectfully,
Palestinians only know how to kill and destroy. After Israel handed the Gazans their own Jew-free state, they went on a rampage and destroyed all the greenhouses that provided fruits and agricultural products.
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Another chance for the filastins to not miss a chance to miss a chance. What odds will I get on the filastins blowing up the pipeline and then blaming Israel for not supplying them with gas ?

The Israelis need other customers beside Gaza..

Hey douche bag, they have ALL of EUROPE and AFRICA! They will have more customer than they can sell to!
Ha ha. We are seeing the beginnings of a new era in Israel. Not only is Israel now the science, medicine, and technology hub of the world, you can now add Israel to the list of the very limited natural resource providers of the world.

This does not bode well for the Jew / Zion haters!
The Israelis need other customers beside Gaza..

So only the gazan muslims are filastins now ?

I think that you are blinded by hate and ignorance.. Do a search on Google. Israel needs more customers to make gas sales viable.. and there are many obstacles to overcome to sell gas to Europe.
There are no obstacles to anything when it comes to worldwide demand for fuel and natural resources. As we have seen, countries and their leaders will sell their mothers and do business with the devil if they have to, in order to get this fuel at a reasonable price.
Roudy, et al,

There is no question that there are Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), like a majority of Gaza, that are self-defeating, negative thinkers, constant complainer, perpetual victims, and excessively judgmental people. But by the same token, there is a great potential as a people and as a nation.

et al,

I always wondered why the Gazians never went into the large scale water desalinization business. That is almost a win-win business of a product that is essential to turning the wasteland into productive ground.

The essential key to peace in the region is not based on geo-political, or militaristic outcomes. It is in the way the people achieve regional economic prosperity for all the everyone to begin flourishing, thriving, and gradually successful social status.
Palestinians only know how to kill and destroy. After Israel handed the Gazans their own Jew-free state, they went on a rampage and destroyed all the greenhouses that provided fruits agricultural products.

There will always be a snapshots in time that are distasteful. But that doesn't change the objectives to the endgame. It doesn't change the goal of achieving peace and economic prosperity for both people and nations. It doesn't change what we all should have as a target to achieve.

We need to remember snapshots of adversity, but work towards achieving a steady stream of peace.

Most Respectfully,
Roudy, et al,

There is no question that there are Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), like a majority of Gaza, that are self-defeating, negative thinkers, constant complainer, perpetual victims, and excessively judgmental people. But by the same token, there is a great potential as a people and as a nation.

et al,

I always wondered why the Gazians never went into the large scale water desalinization business. That is almost a win-win business of a product that is essential to turning the wasteland into productive ground.

The essential key to peace in the region is not based on geo-political, or militaristic outcomes. It is in the way the people achieve regional economic prosperity for all the everyone to begin flourishing, thriving, and gradually successful social status.
Palestinians only know how to kill and destroy. After Israel handed the Gazans their own Jew-free state, they went on a rampage and destroyed all the greenhouses that provided fruits agricultural products.

There will always be a snapshots in time that are distasteful. But that doesn't change the objectives to the endgame. It doesn't change the goal of achieving peace and economic prosperity for both people and nations. It doesn't change what we all should have as a target to achieve.

We need to remember snapshots of adversity, but work towards achieving a steady stream of peace.

Most Respectfully,
What target is there to achieve. Israel forcibly removed all Jews from Gaza, and handed the keys to a Jew free Gaza to the Arabs.

What do they get in return as a show of appreciation, after all this whining about an "occupation"? Destruction of everything that Israel had built, and showers of rockets at Israeli cities.

Not to mention the election of a terrorist organization as leaders of the govt.

Thanks to this experience, the world can no longer insist that land for peace is the solution to this problem. One of the many genius moves by the late Ariel Sharon. God Bless his soul.
Douchebag? Boy are you a creep.
Coming from a cocksucker like you I will take that as a compliment!

Africa has its own natural gas.
Not true you stupid uneducated fuck! Some countries do, but most don't!

Israel is looking for ways to sell gas to Europe in competition with Russia.

Yea because they all love living under Russia's iron claw! In the energy resource world, buyers long for competition! Israel will sent MOST of it;s exports to the EU, I guarantee it!
Roudy, et al,

Not every attempt at securing peace is going to be successful.

There is no question that there are Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), like a majority of Gaza, that are self-defeating, negative thinkers, constant complainer, perpetual victims, and excessively judgmental people. But by the same token, there is a great potential as a people and as a nation.

Palestinians only know how to kill and destroy. After Israel handed the Gazans their own Jew-free state, they went on a rampage and destroyed all the greenhouses that provided fruits agricultural products.

There will always be a snapshots in time that are distasteful. But that doesn't change the objectives to the endgame. It doesn't change the goal of achieving peace and economic prosperity for both people and nations. It doesn't change what we all should have as a target to achieve.

We need to remember snapshots of adversity, but work towards achieving a steady stream of peace.

Most Respectfully,
What target is there to achieve. Israel forcibly removed all Jews from Gaza, and handed the keys to a Jew free Gaza to the Arabs.

What do they get in return as a show of appreciation, after all this whining about an "occupation"? Destruction of everything that Israel had built, and showers of rockets at Israeli cities.

Not to mention the election of a terrorist organization as leaders of the govt.

Thanks to this experience, the world can no longer insist that land for peace is the solution to this problem. One of the many genius moves by the late Ariel Sharon. God Bless his soul.

As I said, and that you've probably noticed, I make a distinction between the Palestinian that is Hostile, and those that are moderated. And I probably don't make enough comments concerning the moderate Palestinians and their contribution towards peace and regional security.

Similarly, there are those Israelis that are constantly agitating trouble and aggravating the conflict that need highlighted as counterproductive influences; that I should make note of more often (especially some of those less than righteous settlers creating problems we could do without).

Of course I am more than aware that the HAMAS Government in Gaza is counterproductive in terms of securing economic advancements and securing the peace. But that does not mean that we should all not be aware of the many that, in their small way, try to go about their daily lives in peacefully. There is some value in the summation of the accumulative effect.

Most Respectfully,
The Israelis need other customers beside Gaza..

Hey douche bag, they have ALL of EUROPE and AFRICA! They will have more customer than they can sell to!

Douchebag? Boy are you a creep.

Africa has its own natural gas.

Israel is looking for ways to sell gas to Europe in competition with Russia.

Very simple to do just offer it at a lower price than what the oil cartels do, give Saudi yet another reason to increase the terrorist attacks on Israel.
The Israelis need other customers beside Gaza..

So only the gazan muslims are filastins now ?

I think that you are blinded by hate and ignorance.. Do a search on Google. Israel needs more customers to make gas sales viable.. and there are many obstacles to overcome to sell gas to Europe.

HEY! sha it was you that made the statement that only gaza is in Palestine, so it is you that is blinded by hate and ignorance..........
Hey douche bag, they have ALL of EUROPE and AFRICA! They will have more customer than they can sell to!

Douchebag? Boy are you a creep.

Africa has its own natural gas.

Israel is looking for ways to sell gas to Europe in competition with Russia.

Very simple to do just offer it at a lower price than what the oil cartels do, give Saudi yet another reason to increase the terrorist attacks on Israel.

Actually KSA has never attacked Israel and are opposed to Hamas and Hezbollah.

Israel needs a market and the price of gas is low.
Roudy, et al,

Not every attempt at securing peace is going to be successful.

There is no question that there are Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), like a majority of Gaza, that are self-defeating, negative thinkers, constant complainer, perpetual victims, and excessively judgmental people. But by the same token, there is a great potential as a people and as a nation.


There will always be a snapshots in time that are distasteful. But that doesn't change the objectives to the endgame. It doesn't change the goal of achieving peace and economic prosperity for both people and nations. It doesn't change what we all should have as a target to achieve.

We need to remember snapshots of adversity, but work towards achieving a steady stream of peace.

Most Respectfully,
What target is there to achieve. Israel forcibly removed all Jews from Gaza, and handed the keys to a Jew free Gaza to the Arabs.

What do they get in return as a show of appreciation, after all this whining about an "occupation"? Destruction of everything that Israel had built, and showers of rockets at Israeli cities.

Not to mention the election of a terrorist organization as leaders of the govt.

Thanks to this experience, the world can no longer insist that land for peace is the solution to this problem. One of the many genius moves by the late Ariel Sharon. God Bless his soul.

As I said, and that you've probably noticed, I make a distinction between the Palestinian that is Hostile, and those that are moderated. And I probably don't make enough comments concerning the moderate Palestinians and their contribution towards peace and regional security.

Similarly, there are those Israelis that are constantly agitating trouble and aggravating the conflict that need highlighted as counterproductive influences; that I should make note of more often (especially some of those less than righteous settlers creating problems we could do without).

Of course I am more than aware that the HAMAS Government in Gaza is counterproductive in terms of securing economic advancements and securing the peace. But that does not mean that we should all not be aware of the many that, in their small way, try to go about their daily lives in peacefully. There is some value in the summation of the accumulative effect.

Most Respectfully,
You are aware, are you not, that the leadership of the Palestinians is "hostile" to Israel, and most of the Palestinians approve of this hostility and the desire to destroy Israel and kill every Jew in sight.
Roudy, et al,

In a fashion.

You are aware, are you not, that the leadership of the Palestinians is "hostile" to Israel, and most of the Palestinians approve of this hostility and the desire to destroy Israel and kill every Jew in sight.

There will be, for sometime into the future, an adversarial content to the relationship between the Israel and the Palestinian on two levels:
  • The governmental level.
  • The individual level.
This is to be expected. But it will not last forever, and will diminish with time as the economic ties that bind them overpower the personal grievances that fuel counterproductive associations. For more than half a century, the UN discussions that cover the topic had often been annotated "Future government of Palestine." Now there is a quasi-functional government of Palestine. The mitigation has begun.

Most Respectfully,
Roudy, et al,

In a fashion.

You are aware, are you not, that the leadership of the Palestinians is "hostile" to Israel, and most of the Palestinians approve of this hostility and the desire to destroy Israel and kill every Jew in sight.

There will be, for sometime into the future, an adversarial content to the relationship between the Israel and the Palestinian on two levels:
  • The governmental level.
  • The individual level.
This is to be expected. But it will not last forever, and will diminish with time as the economic ties that bind them overpower the personal grievances that fuel counterproductive associations. For more than half a century, the UN discussions that cover the topic had often been annotated "Future government of Palestine." Now there is a quasi-functional government of Palestine. The mitigation has begun.

Most Respectfully,

Abbas meets Russian PM and president to sign $1 billion natural gas ... a deal was signed two weeks ago by which Israel will supply the PA ..... Russia signed an offshore deal with Syria last month..
Roudy, et al,

In a fashion.

You are aware, are you not, that the leadership of the Palestinians is "hostile" to Israel, and most of the Palestinians approve of this hostility and the desire to destroy Israel and kill every Jew in sight.

There will be, for sometime into the future, an adversarial content to the relationship between the Israel and the Palestinian on two levels:
  • The governmental level.
  • The individual level.
This is to be expected. But it will not last forever, and will diminish with time as the economic ties that bind them overpower the personal grievances that fuel counterproductive associations. For more than half a century, the UN discussions that cover the topic had often been annotated "Future government of Palestine." Now there is a quasi-functional government of Palestine. The mitigation has begun.

Most Respectfully,

Abbas meets Russian PM and president to sign $1 billion natural gas ... a deal was signed two weeks ago by which Israel will supply the PA ..... Russia signed an offshore deal with Syria last month..

Now how to get the gas to gaza without the muslim terrorists blowing up the pipeline. Why don't we pay Israel twice as much for their gas and get them to pump it into gaza. Still going to wait for hamas to blow up the pipeline and claim Israel aren't giving them any gas...............:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Israel blockades Palestinians and it is hypocritical being forced to buy needed natural gas. Maybe they could buy a nuclear power plant from Russia and they wouldn't need natural gas from Israel.

One going at Chernobyl and they can hang the goats and sheep outside to cook. Wont need street lights either as the kids will glow a nice lime green colour.
Israel blockades Palestinians and it is hypocritical being forced to buy needed natural gas. Maybe they could buy a nuclear power plant from Russia and they wouldn't need natural gas from Israel.

One going at Chernobyl and they can hang the goats and sheep outside to cook. Wont need street lights either as the kids will glow a nice lime green colour.

Abbas is buying Israeli gas from the Russians.. and Russia just signed an offshore oil deal with Russia.

Unless the gas market is depressed, Israel will need other customers .. and they will need cooperation with both Turkey and Syria for pipelines.

Keep running your mouth, but watch what happens.
Israel blockades Palestinians and it is hypocritical being forced to buy needed natural gas. Maybe they could buy a nuclear power plant from Russia and they wouldn't need natural gas from Israel.

One going at Chernobyl and they can hang the goats and sheep outside to cook. Wont need street lights either as the kids will glow a nice lime green colour.

Abbas is buying Israeli gas from the Russians.. and Russia just signed an offshore oil deal with Russia.

Unless the gas market is depressed, Israel will need other customers .. and they will need cooperation with both Turkey and Syria for pipelines.

Keep running your mouth, but watch what happens.

I don't think Shaarona realizes how she is busy running her mouth on forums. She is SO busy that she doesn't even know what she is saying such as " and Russia just signed an offshore oil deal with Russia." I don't think that Russia has to sign an offshore oil deal with itself. However, with all the statements that Shaarona seems happy to throw out, she doesn't provide any links to prove what she is saying. I doubt that she works for some Intelligence Agency that she actually knows what is going on all over the world.

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