Is it possible that Trump loses the fire in his belly at a time he most needs to fight?

Trump became a transformational figure yesterday. The image of him rising after taking an assassin's bullet and holding his fist up, blood on his face surrounded by Secret Service and flag above will become an iconic statue in Washington D.C. You heard it here first.
It will become as famous as the Iwo Jimo photo: it stands for the triumph of Americans over the forces of evil.
He has already decided to chage his speech to a more consiliatory tone. I'm not saying he is wrong in doing so, but is it possible that he loses his edge and that fire in his belly after this failed assassination attempt and just months before the election? A more presidential Trump is great, especially a unifier the West could use. However, the fighter that desperately needs and wants to support cannot lose his mojo. Thoughta?
I don’t think so; the grift is hardwired.

It will become as famous as the Iwo Jimo photo: it stands for the triumph of Americans over the forces of evil. it won't. Though I wouldn't put it past Trump to erect statutes to himself.
I don’t think so; the grift is hardwired.

Absolutely. That type of resilience and strength is innate.

Dems like to pretend that all sorts of traits are the product of one’s environment, and ignore the very real influence of innate qualities. That goes from intelligence to motivation. These things are wired in. it won't. Though I wouldn't put it past Trump to erect statutes to himself.
You’re wrong. Your great-great grandchildren will be familiar with that photo. And for now, it has become the campaign ad for Trump: that those who seek to destroy America will NOT succeed.
Absolutely. That type of resilience and strength is innate.

Dems like to pretend that all sorts of traits are the product of one’s environment, and ignore the very real influence of innate qualities. That goes from intelligence to motivation. These things are wired in.

The lies certainly seem to be wired in. He make up lies even when it doesn't really benefit him and he's easily disproven.

Starting with his inauguration having more attendees than any in history.....when he fell far, far short of Obama's inauguration. And continuing into his Big Lie, his fraudulent company, his attacks on women, his false business records.
I wouldn’t put it past him to sell dried flecks of his own blood, then have it come out that DNA tests show it’s cow blood!


Or pieces of his ear as NFTs? 'gold' colored sneakers?

His minion are ever eager to lap up anything he's shilling.
I doubt it. Give it to the end of the convention. He'll be back to wanting to run at full speed.
I hope this might be a moment of coming sober for him and realizing he largely helped create the environment that led to Saturday's events and be a bit more conciliatory and maybe act
like he's interested in being President. Pivot into the job if he's elected again.

But I'm not holding my breath.
Absolutely. That type of resilience and strength is innate.

Dems like to pretend that all sorts of traits are the product of one’s environment, and ignore the very real influence of innate qualities. That goes from intelligence to motivation. These things are wired in.
Trump isn’t very intelligent, though. Imagine a businessman that’s never heard of supply chains!

The lies certainly seem to be wired in. He make up lies even when it doesn't really benefit him and he's easily disproven.

Starting with his inauguration having more attendees than any in history.....when he fell far, far short of Obama's inauguration. And continuing into his Big Lie, his fraudulent company, his attacks on women, his false business records.
The lies are being spread by Biden and the media - and an attempted murder was the result. You are deranged, and you will be defeated.

Now sit down and shut up.
You’re wrong. Your great-great grandchildren will be familiar with that photo. And for now, it has become the campaign ad for Trump: that those who seek to destroy America will NOT succeed.

Perhaps. But they'll be far, far more familiar with the soldiers of Iwo Jima. With any statutes that Trump erected to himself long since replaced or taken down.

Trump will be remembered as he is now: as the worst president our nation has ever seen.
Trump isn’t very intelligent, though. Imagine a businessman that’s never heard of supply chains!

If I were you, I wouldn’t criticize Trump’s intelligence when YOUR candidate can’t even figure out how to exit a stage or complete a sentence.
Perhaps. But they'll be far, far more familiar with the soldiers of Iwo Jima. With any statutes that Trump erected to himself long since replaced or taken down.

Trump will be remembered as he is now: as the worst president our nation has ever seen.
He will be remembered as the best president our nation has ever seen, and the one who defeated the America-haters who were trying to turn it into a 3rd world banana republic.
The lies are being spread by Biden and the media - and an attempted murder was the result.

Says you, citing you. Not Thomas Matthew Crook. And you playing pretend, imagining that you know what motivated him and what caused him to shoot Trump's meaningless.
Says you, citing you. Not Thomas Matthew Crook. And you playing pretend, imagining that you know what motivated him and what caused him to shoot Trump's meaningless.
Anyone who tries to kill Trump is a very sick person. You think that’s normal behavior? If so, you are sick as well.
He will be remembered as the best president our nation has ever seen, and the one who defeated the America-haters who were trying to turn it into a 3rd world banana republic.

Laughing....nope. He's already had a term and he ended it as the first president since Herbert Hoover to LOSE jobs from the beginning of his presidency to the end. He still holds the single term record for adding to the national debt. And his ineptitude and corruption resulted in two impeachments, the only president to ever hold that distinction.

Even the US News and World Report has him as the third worst president ever. Behind only Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan.

Trump was a failure as a president. And will be remembered as a failure.
Laughing....nope. He's already had a term and he ended it as the first president since Herbert Hoover to LOSE jobs from the beginning of his presidency to the end. He still holds the single term record for adding to the national debt. And his ineptitude and corruption resulted in two impeachments, the only president to ever hold that distinction.

Even the US News and World Report has him as the third worst president ever. Behind only Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan.

Trump was a failure as a president. And will be remembered as a failure.
Cling to that fool.

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