Gotta hand it to the left, they sure can pull a fast one. (JOURNO-LIST)

This is a doozy:

Should there be a “gatekeeper” regulating internet bloggers? In the aftermath of the Shirley Sherrod incident, that’s what CNN promoted on July 23.

Anchors Kyra Phillips and John Roberts discussed the “mixed blessing of the internet,” and agreed that there should be a crackdown on anonymous bloggers who disparage others on the internet.
“There’s going to have be a point in time where these people have to be held accountable,” Phillips said. “How about all these bloggers that blog anonymously? They say rotten things about people and they’re actually given credibility, which is crazy. They’re a bunch of cowards, they’re just people seeking attention.”

Phillips demanded to know what Andrew Keen thought needed to be done. Keen, author of “The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet is Killing Our Culture,” who suggested that there needs to be an internet “gatekeeper,” had been interviewed by Roberts and quoted in the segment.

Phillips wanted to go even further, asking if “there’s going to come a point where something’s going to have to be done legally” about anonymous bloggers.

Kyra Phillips Asks if Something Needs to be Done 'Legally' about 'Anonymous Bloggers'

I wonder if CNN feels the Journo-list bloggers and those at the Huff Post should be silenced as well.
"Free speech for me but not for thee."

This is how seriously leftists take the Constitution.
I don't make up shit and send it out hoping it will go viral just to "get" some conservative. Do I call the opposition idiots sometimes? Yup. But what does that have to do with patriotism? Other than that, you might explain what you mean.
The rabid right which has been intent on injecting poison into what should be a national, civil dialog and who go around pretending to be "conservatives" isn't missed by anyone with half a brain, including real live conservatives who are immediately labeled "rinos."
You were saying something about not making up shit...?

How do you conclude that's "made up"?? Real conservatives, like Lindsey Graham, are fiscal conservatives but aren't dumb enough to go around yammering that all social programs should be cut, taxes cut, etc. He knows better, and isn't afraid to say so. For that he's labeled a "rino."
It's made up because everything he's ascribing to "the rabid right" is nonsense.

The left doesn't want civil dialog. They want immediate, unquestioning acceptance.
Frankly, I find it hilarious that the right has so little ammunition that they have to dig out some dead website from the archives.

You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?
We all know real live conservatives, and that's the problem. The rabid right which has been intent on injecting poison into what should be a national, civil dialog and who go around pretending to be "conservatives" isn't missed by anyone with half a brain, including real live conservatives who are immediately labeled "rinos."

I meant in real life. You don't have a single conservative friend, do you?

I only have one friend/relative who is an uber, rabid rightwinger and that's my brother-in-law. Almost all of my family are either old-school GOP Republicans or now Independents because of the damage the "New Republicans/Liberatarians/Conservatives" have done to American values. They don't believe in a ME FIRST society.

And by the way, I voted for Reagan twice as Governor and once for President (although I campaigned for George H.W. Bush). When I voted for Clinton it was solely because Bush41 continued to campaign on Reaganomics (backtracking on his belief that it was voodoo economics). I was afraid he (Bush) would continue Reagan's strong belief that the military industrial complex was more important than ordinary people.
Thought as much.
Good grief, you people have the memory span of gnats.
I remember when dissent used to be patriotic. Do you?

what you mean is; conservative/republican/teabagger dissent is PATRIOTIC

liberal/progressive/democrat dissent is TREASON!

Wrong. Typically wrong.
I know how you double digit iq'd conservatives mean...knee-jerk....
Your bigotry against conservatives is no proof of anything except you're a bigot.
We all know real live conservatives, and that's the problem. The rabid right which has been intent on injecting poison into what should be a national, civil dialog and who go around pretending to be "conservatives" isn't missed by anyone with half a brain, including real live conservatives who are immediately labeled "rinos."

I meant in real life. You don't have a single conservative friend, do you?

I had one once...

I had been doing volunteer work for a hospital volunteer organization for 5 years

the female bully/dictator who was president of the organization decided to give me "help"

so she got a friend of hers to assist me....

I gave him a list of things he could do when I wasn't around.

he did NONE of them.

when I showed up to work I would find him standing around talking to the older ladies
who also volunteered (I was running the place)

he would stand around and commiserate while the ladies complained about me (petty issues)

over a period of time I thouigh we had become friends

the bullyfacistnazi president of the organization came around one day and started accusing me of all kinds of crimes that I had NEVER committed!

turns out...this "friend"/conservative/helper was REPORTING to her behind my back.

he blew some things up out of proportion
and he actually made up lies!

accusing me of, among so many other things, mocking the retarded!

which I NEVER did....!
I NEVER would!

I was forced out
and he took over

that was my conservative "friend" in action
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. Would you like to hear some of mine?

The single laziest human being I ever worked with was a Democrat union member.
You were saying something about not making up shit...?

How do you conclude that's "made up"?? Real conservatives, like Lindsey Graham, are fiscal conservatives but aren't dumb enough to go around yammering that all social programs should be cut, taxes cut, etc. He knows better, and isn't afraid to say so. For that he's labeled a "rino."
It's made up because everything he's ascribing to "the rabid right" is nonsense.

The left doesn't want civil dialog. They want immediate, unquestioning acceptance.

No, what we want is for you people to stop expecting immediate results. Where are YOUR solutions, by the way? You're all talk and no action. Literally. Everything you (collectively) say is ideologically based and not based in the realities of today.
Frankly, I find it hilarious that the right has so little ammunition that they have to dig out some dead website from the archives.

You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?

Probably not. I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?
How do you conclude that's "made up"?? Real conservatives, like Lindsey Graham, are fiscal conservatives but aren't dumb enough to go around yammering that all social programs should be cut, taxes cut, etc. He knows better, and isn't afraid to say so. For that he's labeled a "rino."
It's made up because everything he's ascribing to "the rabid right" is nonsense.

The left doesn't want civil dialog. They want immediate, unquestioning acceptance.

No, what we want is for you people to stop expecting immediate results. Where are YOUR solutions, by the way? You're all talk and no action. Literally. Everything you (collectively) say is ideologically based and not based in the realities of today.
Funny, considering most on your side consider "the realities of today" to be only "it's Bush's fault!!"
Frankly, I find it hilarious that the right has so little ammunition that they have to dig out some dead website from the archives.

You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?

Probably not. I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?
Wouldn't it be cool if journalists just reported the news, and stopping injecting their bias and agenda into it?

I think it would. Your mileage may vary.
I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?
So in other words:
"A liar never believes anyone else".
Frankly, I find it hilarious that the right has so little ammunition that they have to dig out some dead website from the archives.

You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?

Probably not. I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?

Uh...conservatives are shocked over this conspiracy to manipulate the news in order to favor a candidate.

Your comment is very telling regarding the leftwing mindset: you suspect everyone else of being just as corrupt. Here's a clue - we aren't. Evidence of corruption among the Leftwing does not prove there is an equivalent among other groups.
Frankly, I find it hilarious that the right has so little ammunition that they have to dig out some dead website from the archives.

You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?

Probably not. I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?

they do. they have been issuing talking point memos to pols and press since the reign of Newt in the House.

jesus, they perfected this shit and bragged about it.:doubt:
You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?

Probably not. I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?

Uh...conservatives are shocked over this conspiracy to manipulate the news in order to favor a candidate.

Your comment is very telling regarding the leftwing mindset: you suspect everyone else of being just as corrupt. Here's a clue - we aren't. Evidence of corruption among the Leftwing does not prove there is an equivalent among other groups.


I call Shenanigans.

Please provide proof that right wing members of the press conspired to hide news stories and pump up others, and had a tactic similar to attacking "it doesn't matter who" on the left with the equivalent of the "Racist" label.
You wouldn't be so dismissive if the JL hacks were talking about promoting conservative candidates and ideals, would you?

Probably not. I did go on to suggest in another post that it would be rather shocking if conservatives didn't have their own little groupfest to discuss how to damage the liberal press (and people). So what is the BFD about this one?

Uh...conservatives are shocked over this conspiracy to manipulate the news in order to favor a candidate.

Your comment is very telling regarding the leftwing mindset: you suspect everyone else of being just as corrupt. Here's a clue - we aren't. Evidence of corruption among the Leftwing does not prove there is an equivalent among other groups.

Booosh ---

Bush administration blurs media boundary / The Christian Science Monitor -

OpEdNews - Article: Press Secretary Lends Credibility To Rigas' Claims of Media Manipulation By Bush Administration

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