Gotta see this: Texas deputies shoot woman mistaken for intruder, bodycam video shows

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This is insane. They empty a full magazine each, reload, and fire again from outside the apartment not knowing who else was in the apartment. Or any one behind a wall when they shot that poor woman.

Crazy Video

Shoot first and figure out who you killed justifiably or not later.

We need to take guns away from the cops as they show over and over they are not responsible with them far too many times.
This is insane. They empty a full magazine each, reload, and fire again from outside the apartment not knowing who else was in the apartment. Or any one behind a wall when they shot that poor woman.

Crazy Video

Sounds like shoot first, ask questions later. Looks like the apartment dweller will get a payday.
Sounds like shoot first, ask questions later. Looks like the apartment dweller will get a payday.

A few things I want to know before I throw the cops under the bus.
Did they announce themselves when they entered the apartment?
If they did and she walked up to them with a gun in her hand it was her who fucked up not the cops.
Not only that did she announce herself as the person who called the cops in the first place?

I have questions.
A few things I want to know before I throw the cops under the bus.
Did they announce themselves when they entered the apartment?
If they did and she walked up to them with a gun in her hand it was her who fucked up not the cops.
Not only that did she announce herself as the person who called the cops in the first place?

I have questions.
if its her house she has every right to have a gun in her hand,,
A few things I want to know before I throw the cops under the bus.
Did they announce themselves when they entered the apartment?
If they did and she walked up to them with a gun in her hand it was her who fucked up not the cops.
Not only that did she announce herself as the person who called the cops in the first place?

I have questions.
Report (local) I read says they announced themselves.
She doesn't appear to have approached them, but was in the apartment. From what I saw, the blinds were raised about a foot and a half, one of the started shooting before she got to the door.
She was not the one that called, as far as I know. Sounds like the two women were locked out of their own apartment and broke their own window to get in, and it was reported, by somebody that heard breaking glass.
While true it's a really stupid move.
Especially if the cops announced their presence when they entered the apartment which has yet to be determined.
If they didnt it's on the cops for failure to identify.
how do you know they could even hear the cops??
they didnt enter the apt,, they shot through the window,,
its past time to start executing cops for this type of shit,,

they are trained for this and if their go to is to just kill when theres no threat that should be a death penalty for them,,
Report (local) I read says they announced themselves.
She doesn't appear to have approached them, but was in the apartment. From what I saw, the blinds were raised about a foot and a half, one of the started shooting before she got to the door.
She was not the one that called, as far as I know. Sounds like the two women were locked out of their own apartment and broke their own window to get in, and it was reported, by somebody that heard breaking glass.

I got that part.
If the cops announced themselves she was stupid having a gun in hand and not identifying herself as the renter.
You hear about dispatchers telling the homeowner/apartment renters to put their firearm down before talking to the police.
Unfortunately there wasn't a dispatcher involved in this case.
how do you know they could even hear the cops??
they didnt enter the apt,, they shot through the window,,
its past time to start executing cops for this type of shit,,

they are trained for this and if their go to is to just kill when theres no threat that should be a death penalty for them,,

They were investigating a break in and saw an armed person approaching them.
And as White said they announced themselves.
no they saw a person inside walking through their own home,,

at that point they didnt even know if a crime had been comitted

They saw a person with a gun in hand.
I'm not going to blame them for shooting the idiot who didnt shout out and identifying themselves.
It's clear they announced their presence.
This is insane. They empty a full magazine each, reload, and fire again from outside the apartment not knowing who else was in the apartment. Or any one behind a wall when they shot that poor woman.

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They be scareded...
They saw a person with a gun in hand.
I'm not going to blame them for shooting the idiot who didnt shout out and identifying themselves.
It's clear they announced their presence.
they saw a person in their own home and didnt know if a crime had even been comitted and opened fire on them for no reason,,

these cops deserve the death penalty,,

I am done with this shit,,

what does announcing themselves have to do with it??
we are americans with a right to have a gun inside our own house for protection,,
"possible crime"

these cops deserve the death penalty,,,

youre so caught up in your boot licking you cant see these kunts were scared shitless and should have never been allowed to be cops,,

And you're just a cop hating brat. You got a traffic ticket once and all cops must die, or you're some ex con with a grudge.
Lets' stick with the fact police were called and were investigating a possible crime.
its sad that would would laugh at a person almost murdered by the cops,, in her own home,,
And you're just a cop hating brat. You got a traffic ticket once and all cops must die, or you're some ex con with a grudge.
I love good cops and lknow that we need them now more than ever,,

I just dont like when if they dont know something their go to method is to murder the person,,

these two need the death penalty to serve as a lesson to others,,

back the blue till it happens to you,, or your sister, mother or other family member,,

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