gov. youngkin bashes teaachers union over blm

The Youngkin administration in September proposed K-12 transgender policies that would require student participation in school athletics to be based on a student’s birth sex and require students to use school bathrooms that match their birth sex “except to the extent that federal law otherwise requires.”

Wait. STATES are in charge of setting educational standards, not the Fed. The Constitution states that ALL RIGHTS are held by the states other then those they give up to the federal government. No where in there does it mention education as a federal jurisdiction! So how is it that federal laws can supersede a state's own laws pertaining to education?

It can't.
So now teaching REAL history is bad for America, why is that? Because you want to teach children all the good things America has done and hide the bad things that this country has done. That's not teaching History, that's teaching His-Story.

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