Government agencies not prosecuting people who lie on federal gun background check forms....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
It isn't the law abiding gun owner that is the is the repeat gun offender put on the streets, or allowed to stay on the streets by government agents we pay to put them in jail. Then, anti gunners go out and blame law abiding gun owners for the gun murders that government agents allow to happen...

So the magical, universal gun background checks...will suffer the same problems as current federal background checks.....

Gun form liars may go on to commit gun crimes, internal ATF research suggests - CNN

Breaking that law might seem risky. But in September, a Government Accountability Office study made it clear why those who "lie and try" would take their chances. Regional offices at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives received 12,710 cases of firearm background check denials for further investigation in fiscal year 2017, the GAO found, but the government prosecuted only 12 people. More than 99.9% of those who were investigated escaped with nothing more than a warning.


But a 2006 internal ATF briefing paper obtained by CNN suggests that gun form liars are far more likely to go on to commit a gun crime than even many experts recognize. When ATF analyzed firearm denial cases sent to field offices for investigation during a seven-year period, it found that 10%-21% of that group went on to be arrested for a crime involving guns.
It isn't the law abiding gun owner that is the is the repeat gun offender put on the streets, or allowed to stay on the streets by government agents we pay to put them in jail. Then, anti gunners go out and blame law abiding gun owners for the gun murders that government agents allow to happen...

So the magical, universal gun background checks...will suffer the same problems as current federal background checks.....

Gun form liars may go on to commit gun crimes, internal ATF research suggests - CNN

Breaking that law might seem risky. But in September, a Government Accountability Office study made it clear why those who "lie and try" would take their chances. Regional offices at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives received 12,710 cases of firearm background check denials for further investigation in fiscal year 2017, the GAO found, but the government prosecuted only 12 people. More than 99.9% of those who were investigated escaped with nothing more than a warning.


But a 2006 internal ATF briefing paper obtained by CNN suggests that gun form liars are far more likely to go on to commit a gun crime than even many experts recognize. When ATF analyzed firearm denial cases sent to field offices for investigation during a seven-year period, it found that 10%-21% of that group went on to be arrested for a crime involving guns.
So called “Universal background checks” have never been about anything other than controlling people they disagree with
From the article...

A bipartisan group of 10 senators led by US Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania, introduced a bill in March that would force the FBI to notify local law enforcement whenever a prohibited person tries to buy a gun and fails the background check. The NICS Denial Notification Act would not provide additional funding for local police to investigate gun form lying, but it would put lawbreakers on their radar.
In a statement to CNN, Toomey called his bill "a commonsense, yet critical, step Congress should take to strengthen gun safety laws."
"One thing that both parties agree on when it comes to gun safety is that we should enforce the laws that we already have on the books," US Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, a co-sponsor of the bill, told CNN in a statement.
The bill has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The House version of the bill is in a similar stage. A previous version of the bill, as written by US Rep. Mike Quigley, a Democrat from Illinois, failed to make it through the House in 2017.

The lobbying power that most fiercely opposes new gun laws, the National Rifle Association, told CNN it does not oppose the bill. As long as 18 years ago, the organization was calling for tougher crackdowns on prohibited possessors who attempt to buy firearms, framing the issue this way: "prosecution is prevention."

"The National Rifle Association continues to support the prosecution of dangerous people who knowingly attempt to illegally purchase a firearm," said Lars Dalseide, an NRA spokesman.

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