Report on morning news. Maine gun store did it's job, denied new guns to shooter, government failed its job.

in the yellow flag law....Takes three steps.... police investigation, psychiatrist evaluation and decision to take the guns, then a court date and judge to rule, before a gun can be taken from them....

A Red Flag would have worked as you said.
No a red flag law is an end run around due process and is too easily weaponized.

The steps I laid out works within due process because all 50 states already have laws and procedures for involuntary psychiatric holds.
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Card was more honest in filling out the 4477 Form than Hunter Biden.
During a briefing Saturday morning, officials again said mental health is a key focus of their investigation into the shootings, in addition to Card’s possession of firearms and whether his psychiatric history should have barred him from possessing any guns at all.

Maine Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck said investigators had not seen evidence that Card was “forcibly committed” for mental health treatment.

“If that didn't happen, then the next check you could go into as a firearms dealer, who does all of their work, and a background check is not going to ping that this individual is prohibited,” Sauschuck said.

Known for its liberal gun laws, Maine does not regulate assault-style weapons and allows residents and non-residents alike to carry concealed firearms without a permit, with very limited exceptions. The state has what is known as a “Yellow Flag” law that allows the state to prohibit firearm possession for someone amid a mental health crisis, but only after a report to police, a police investigation, exam by a doctor and then order from a judge. Critics say the regulation is ineffective because it creates undue delays in keeping guns out of the hands of those struggling through a mental health crisis. had already been evaluated by psychiatric doctors who informed his chain of command he was dangerous, and they informed the police...

The protocols for the Yellow Flag law were met with that process....he had been evaluated and judged can't lie about that.
He had guns and he shouldn't have had guns because a gun store sold to a crazy person... again.

No, dipshit........when he filled out the mandatory background check and checked the mental ill question the gun store did not sell to him........

They did their job, the police failed to do their job.
A Red Flag law instead of this Yellow Flag, could have possibly stopped the mass murderer from possessing his guns, immediately, while in crisis and due process given later.

No, it wouldn't since they ignored the Yellow Flag law that should have been used to take his a Red flag law would have been ignored the same way.
Time and again we see mental health issues in mass shooters. Known mental health issues in many of them. James Holmes therapist was telling people he was going to harm others.

The killings come and go and the mental health angle gets a mention but then that's it. It never becomes a part of the long term conversation.

We deserve what we get.

Because the democrats don't care about the mental health angle. Each of these mass public shootings is a gun control holiday for them.......they get to push gun control on uninformed people, and highlighting mental illness will take away from the push for gun control.
No! If he is that much of a threat you hold him and start the process.

They did....they informed the military chain of command and they informed the police....the police failed to take his gun.
It was a compromise....Rs wanted no red flag, D's wanted red Flag, they came up with the yellow which is stupid and protects the gun owner who may also be nutzoid, more than the citizens that could be harmed. fascist pigs hate due process.......
The problem is you can't institutionalize someone unless they are an immediate danger.

If he takes his meds and stops being a danger, you have to release him. Even if he stops taking his meds and thinks that voices in his hearing aid are telling him to kill people.

It would be nice if we made it EASY to get mental health treatment and HARD to get guns, instead of the other way around.

No, dumb shit, he was already in a psychiatric facility and the Doctors stated he was hearing voices.....and the most important fucking part...........he told his doctors he wanted to do a mass public shooting....and they were concerned enough to inform his military Chain of Command and they were concerned enough to inform the that point, it was the duty of the police to get a judge to sign off on a court order to pull his gun.

They already had him in custody, he was already under the state of mental health treatment in general in this country doesn't apply to this situation.

And the process to take his guns was already at the point that the police could do it.....they didn't do it...the fucked up....

your god, "government," failed.
Easy.....He told his mental health professionals that he planned on doing a mass public shooting...therefore it would be a good idea to make sure the guy hearing voices, stating he wants to shoot people, and who is confined to a mental health facility doesn't have guns in his home....and considering he was a military firearms instructor....and his family was already in contact with the police?

Please....try harder.
Was he ever tried in a court of law?
Was he ever tried in a court of law?

Didn't need that to stop the guy...

The sheriff said the gunman had made threats against the Army base where he was assigned, prompting an alert to all law enforcement agencies in the state weeks before the mass shooting.

A sheriff in Maine says he sent an alert to all law enforcement agencies in the state last month after learning that an Army reservist had made threats against his base, a notification that came weeks before the reservist fatally shot 18 people in America’s deadliest mass shooting this year.
Sheriff Joel Merry of Sagadahoc County said he sent the alert sometime in September in an effort to find the reservist, Robert R. Card II, 40, who was said to have made threats regarding the Army Reserve center in Saco, Maine. He said he sent a deputy to Mr. Card’s home but that the deputy did not find him there, prompting the sheriff to send out the notice.
The revelation is the strongest sign yet that law enforcement was aware that Mr. Card was a potential danger before he carried out a rampage at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston on Wednesday night.
“The guys, from what I know, paid due diligence to this and did attempt to locate Mr. Card and they couldn’t,” Sheriff Merry said in an interview on Saturday night.

The Maine Department of Public Safety, which had led a two-day manhunt for Mr. Card before he was found dead in a trailer at a recycling plant on Friday night, did not respond to requests for comment. The Associated Press first reported on the sheriff’s alert.

And that’s a good thing to you?

Nope, I believe in due process.......if someone is found to be an actual threat, then we should be able to disarm them.....but Red Flag laws that allow anyone, at anytime, to simply call and have your guns taken are stupid.......
Listening to morning news on the t.v..........a the shooter tried to buy a silencer at a Maine gun store before the shooting, and filled out the mandatory, Federal Background check form for the purchase. He checked the box about his 2 week commitment.....the owner of the gun store checked his form, saw that he had been committed to a psychiatric facility, and denied him the purchase.

The gun store did it's job....

The government did not do it's failed to confiscate the gun he already had under Maines Yellow Flag law....

The gun store didn't fail, the anti-gun god, "government" failed.

“He came in and filled out the form, he checked off a box that incriminated himself saying that he was in an institution,” Rick LaChapelle, owner of Coastal Defense Firearms, said. “Our staff was fantastic, let him finish filling out the form, and said, ‘I'm sorry, Mr. Card, we cannot give you this… at this point in time, we cannot release this silencer to you because of the answers that you've given us.”

LaChapelle added "we did what we were supposed to do and hopefully saved a lot of lives by the proper, just following the proper procedures.”

Okay but is a silencer really important when you are shooting up a bowling alley full of deaf people?
Nope, I believe in due process.......if someone is found to be an actual threat, then we should be able to disarm them.....but Red Flag laws that allow anyone, at anytime, to simply call and have your guns taken are stupid.......
So are you upset that the police didn’t follow the fascist laws and take away the mass shooters guns without due process?

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