Report on morning news. Maine gun store did it's job, denied new guns to shooter, government failed its job.

In Maine under yellow flag it takes involuntary commitment by the police, then a psychiatrist recommendation, then a judge in the court to rule them being taken away, before they are ever taken away.....

Nope his military commamd was warned by the shrinks he actually theeatened to shoot up a military post.....that was how concerned they were he was an actual threat... then his molitary command informed the local police....that is how concrened they were he was an actual threat....

Wince he hqd already been evaluated and found to be a threat that was all the protocol the police newded to go to a judge to get an order to pull his guns

You cant massage the facts to fit your lies.....your god, "government, " failed

The gun store, with nothing more than a question on his mandatory, federal background check form refused to sell him a silencer

The cops, with actual threats reported by puchiatric proffessionals and the military authorities, failed to stop him
Your article linked says the OPPOSITE...

From my link....showing you are wrong...

but only after a report to police, a police investigation, exam by a doctor and then order from a judge.

He was already examined by a psychiatric profeesional who reported to the police he was an actual threat....the first two parts of the protocal were already done
From my link....showing you are wrong...

but only after a report to police, a police investigation, exam by a doctor and then order from a judge.

He was already examined by a psychiatric profeesional who reported to the police he was an actual threat....the first two parts of the protocal were already done
During a briefing Saturday morning, officials again said mental health is a key focus of their investigation into the shootings, in addition to Card’s possession of firearms and whether his psychiatric history should have barred him from possessing any guns at all.

Maine Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck said investigators had not seen evidence that Card was “forcibly committed” for mental health treatment.

“If that didn't happen, then the next check you could go into as a firearms dealer, who does all of their work, and a background check is not going to ping that this individual is prohibited,” Sauschuck said.

Known for its liberal gun laws, Maine does not regulate assault-style weapons and allows residents and non-residents alike to carry concealed firearms without a permit, with very limited exceptions. The state has what is known as a “Yellow Flag” law that allows the state to prohibit firearm possession for someone amid a mental health crisis, but only after a report to police, a police investigation, exam by a doctor and then order from a judge. Critics say the regulation is ineffective because it creates undue delays in keeping guns out of the hands of those struggling through a mental health crisis.
Time and again we see mental health issues in mass shooters. Known mental health issues in many of them. James Holmes therapist was telling people he was going to harm others.

The killings come and go and the mental health angle gets a mention but then that's it. It never becomes a part of the long term conversation.

We deserve what we get.
From my link....showing you are wrong...

but only after a report to police, a police investigation, exam by a doctor and then order from a judge.

He was already examined by a psychiatric profeesional who reported to the police he was an actual threat....the first two parts of the protocal were already done
What police and what report from the psychiatrist in new York state? Got a link????
Doesnt matter....the psychiatrist informednhis military command becauwe he theeatened to shoot uo a militqry post, and his military command informed the police....those facts allowed the police to go to a judge and get a court order to oull his guns

that may be hardnfor you to understand but being a leftist, everything is hard for you to understand

He had guns and he shouldn't have had guns because a gun store sold to a crazy person... again.
And of course the gun control freaks want even more gun laws that won't be enforced
A Red Flag law instead of this Yellow Flag, could have possibly stopped the mass murderer from possessing his guns, immediately, while in crisis and due process given later.
A Red Flag law instead of this Yellow Flag, could have possibly stopped the mass murderer from possessing his guns, immediately, while in crisis and due process given later.

No! If he is that much of a threat you hold him and start the process.
A Red Flag law instead of this Yellow Flag, could have possibly stopped the mass murderer from possessing his guns, immediately, while in crisis and due process given later.
If , as was the case here, family members inform authorities that a person is a threat to himself or others he should first be involuntarily committed and held until evaluated then the government can confiscate his firearms.
In Maine under yellow flag it takes involuntary commitment by the police, then a psychiatrist recommendation, then a judge in the court to rule them being taken away, before they are ever taken away.....
So you admit that feel good laws don't work?
"Let's all pat each other on the back and pass this law that sounds good... but doesn't really do anything"

- that is the mantra of almost every law passed in the past 30 years.
A big problem is Mental Health care.....not enough professionals to treat people and costs...

Right now, they diagnose, give you a pill, and release you, without years of followup, making certain you are taking your meds, and trying to help the patient further than a pill that keeps him from mass murdering.

How could the psychiatrist release a dangerous patient? Why were they not institutionalized for safety purposes, and mental health care purposes for the patient's care? Wouldn't that be the doctor's duty, oath to do no harm?

Maybe, because the commitment was considered voluntary, that prevents such??! I dunno???!
If , as was the case here, family members inform authorities that a person is a threat to himself or others he should first be involuntarily committed and held until evaluated then the government can confiscate his firearms.
in the yellow flag law....Takes three steps.... police investigation, psychiatrist evaluation and decision to take the guns, then a court date and judge to rule, before a gun can be taken from them....

A Red Flag would have worked as you said.
A big problem is Mental Health care.....not enough professionals to treat people and costs...

Right now, they diagnose, give you a pill, and release you, without years of followup, making certain you are taking your meds, and trying to help the patient further than a pill that keeps him from mass murdering.

How could the psychiatrist release a dangerous patient? Why were they not institutionalized for safety purposes, and mental health care purposes for the patient's care? Wouldn't that be the doctor's duty, oath to do no harm?

Maybe, because the commitment was considered voluntary, that prevents such??! I dunno???!

The problem is you can't institutionalize someone unless they are an immediate danger.

If he takes his meds and stops being a danger, you have to release him. Even if he stops taking his meds and thinks that voices in his hearing aid are telling him to kill people.

It would be nice if we made it EASY to get mental health treatment and HARD to get guns, instead of the other way around.
So you admit that feel good laws don't work?
"Let's all pat each other on the back and pass this law that sounds good... but doesn't really do anything"

- that is the mantra of almost every law passed in the past 30 years.
It was a compromise....Rs wanted no red flag, D's wanted red Flag, they came up with the yellow which is stupid and protects the gun owner who may also be nutzoid, more than the citizens that could be harmed.

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