Maine shooter was involuntarily committed in New York, but “government” failed again….

being committed is a required reporting incident it does not matter that they eventually released him. I know before I lost my rights I was very careful about what my shrink knew and did for me. Eventually I voluntarily gave up my weapons and then Obama changed the law, and the SS and VA reported me as incompetent because I couldn't handle my finances. But it didnt matter because I accepted for myself, I was better off without firearms.

Yet you seem pretty keen on making them available to other people who shouldn't have them.
And yet they let him out...

Actually, I knew a sales representative from one of my vendors, who had a gun collection of 16 guns. He chased his wife down the street. He wasn't a gang banger. He was a professional who had recently retired after a long career. know an awful lot of people who kill themselves and have problems with might think you make them up ......

And again, the vast majority of all gun murder is criminals murdering other criminals and criminals murdering baby mommas and other family members....

Normal gun owners who are not criminals, who are not drug addicts, drug dealers or alcoholics are not using their legal guns for gun crime or gun murder...... know an awful lot of people who kill themselves and have problems with might think you make them up ......

Nope, I live in a gun-crazy society, where we have 45,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, and 400,000 gun crimes every year. So I know of five people who have been involved in gun violence of some sort. Two suicides, one police officer who was involved in a shooting incident and went to prison, one domestic murder, and one crazy sales rep who chased his wife down the street with a gun.

And again, the vast majority of all gun murder is criminals murdering other criminals and criminals murdering baby mommas and other family members....

One out of three Americans has a police record, that's hardly amazing.

Normal gun owners who are not criminals, who are not drug addicts, drug dealers or alcoholics are not using their legal guns for gun crime or gun murder......

You are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy here, Guy.

Nope, I live in a gun-crazy society, where we have 45,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, and 400,000 gun crimes every year. So I know of five people who have been involved in gun violence of some sort. Two suicides, one police officer who was involved in a shooting incident and went to prison, one domestic murder, and one crazy sales rep who chased his wife down the street with a gun.

One out of three Americans has a police record, that's hardly amazing.

You are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy here, Guy.

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Nope.........this is the truth, you lie, and imply, that domestic murder is committed by normal people who are driven to commit murder simply because they have a gun in their home.......the truth, which you want to hide, is that domestic murder is caused by women who shack up with violent men, criminals, drug dealers, violent alcoholics and drug addicts.....and they would be murdered in any number of ways without guns.

Normal people who own guns are not using those guns for crime or gun murder.....

Suicides, again, have nothing to do with gun ownership.....Japan, China, South Korea have the most extreme gun control laws, and higher suicide rates than we do...

Dittos Europe, where they also have extreme gun control laws, and most of those countries have higher suicide rates than we do....including Canada most years....
Nope, I live in a gun-crazy society, where we have 45,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, and 400,000 gun crimes every year. So I know of five people who have been involved in gun violence of some sort. Two suicides, one police officer who was involved in a shooting incident and went to prison, one domestic murder, and one crazy sales rep who chased his wife down the street with a gun.

One out of three Americans has a police record, that's hardly amazing.

You are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy here, Guy.

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Americans use their legal guns 1.2 million times a year to save lives, from rape, robbery, murder, violent beatings and stabbings, and also mass public shootings........the Dept. of Justice Research put the number at 1.5 million times a year.....

Normal Americans save lives with their guns, from the very criminals the democrat party keeps releasing back onto our streets, no matter how many times they commit violent crimes.
Nope.........this is the truth, you lie, and imply, that domestic murder is committed by normal people who are driven to commit murder simply because they have a gun in their home.......the truth, which you want to hide, is that domestic murder is caused by women who shack up with violent men, criminals, drug dealers, violent alcoholics and drug addicts.....and they would be murdered in any number of ways without guns.

Again, the two cases known to me - the guy who murdered his wife when I was a teen, and the sales rep who chased his wife down the street with a gun - had no criminal records before that day, they simply had a bad day that the presence of gun made a much worse day.
Americans use their legal guns 1.2 million times a year to save lives, from rape, robbery, murder, violent beatings and stabbings, and also mass public shootings........the Dept. of Justice Research put the number at 1.5 million times a year.....

Again, here's the problem with that. Only 200 cases of civilians involved in fatal shootings are ruled as "Justified".

So we are to believe that out of 1,200,000 times that someone felt a need to pull a gun during an altercation or potential crime, that they ONLY needed to kill someone 200 times.

200/1,200,000 = 99.98% of the time when a person draws a gun, he doesn't need to shoot.

So let me get this straight... you gun fetishists wank off every day at the thought of shooting you a darkie.. I mean a criminal... and that happy day comes when you can do that, and 99.98% of the time you don't?
Again, the two cases known to me - the guy who murdered his wife when I was a teen, and the sales rep who chased his wife down the street with a gun - had no criminal records before that day, they simply had a bad day that the presence of gun made a much worse day. don't know what was going on in those homes you dumb ass. Drugs, alcohol abuse, not guns.
Again, here's the problem with that. Only 200 cases of civilians involved in fatal shootings are ruled as "Justified".

So we are to believe that out of 1,200,000 times that someone felt a need to pull a gun during an altercation or potential crime, that they ONLY needed to kill someone 200 times.

200/1,200,000 = 99.98% of the time when a person draws a gun, he doesn't need to shoot.

So let me get this straight... you gun fetishists wank off every day at the thought of shooting you a darkie.. I mean a criminal... and that happy day comes when you can do that, and 99.98% of the time you don't?

Yes....normal people do not just gun down anyone who threatens them. When the criminal runs away, the normal American puts their gun away. The idiots doing all of the actual shooting are life long criminals who have very low impulse you can see on youtube videos all day long.

Only around 235 criminals each year are stupid enough to keep attacking a victim when that victim draws and presents a gun for self defense...the rest run away, surrender, or simply get shot and wounded, not killed.

and there you are calling black Americans "darkies," and it just flows off of your keyboard......and then you call everyone else a racist....
According to reports the guy was so crazy that the National Guard was afraid of him. Apparently he actually threatened to do what he did but the lame Maine psychiatric facility released him and the lame Maine judicial system let it go. It harkens back to the most notorious school shooting at Blacksburg Va. Tech that the media managed to keep quiet because a democrat was governor. A clinically insane Korean born student was so crazy that professors were afraid of him. When he was arrested for stalking V.A.Tech coeds the local jurisdiction released him to court ordered psychiatric counseling. The glitch in the system was that liberal democrat politicians made sure that an instant name check wouldn't include court ordered psychiatric counseling and the nut case was able to purchase firearms and murder about 30 students and faculty. don't know what was going on in those homes you dumb ass. Drugs, alcohol abuse, not guns.

well, one of them was a neighbor, and you know how neighbors talk. The other was a sales rep I had dealings with for years, and frankly, if he were a substance abuser, it certainly didn't show. He was however, a gun nut, because the police recovered 16 guns from the home.

Yes....normal people do not just gun down anyone who threatens them. When the criminal runs away, the normal American puts their gun away. The idiots doing all of the actual shooting are life long criminals who have very low impulse you can see on youtube videos all day long.

Nope, not buying it. Especially the way you nuts fantasize about killing criminals.

According to reports the guy was so crazy that the National Guard was afraid of him. Apparently he actually threatened to do what he did but the lame Maine psychiatric facility released him and the lame Maine judicial system let it go. It harkens back to the most notorious school shooting at Blacksburg Va. Tech that the media managed to keep quiet because a democrat was governor. A clinically insane Korean born student was so crazy that professors were afraid of him. When he was arrested for stalking V.A.Tech coeds the local jurisdiction released him to court ordered psychiatric counseling. The glitch in the system was that liberal democrat politicians made sure that an instant name check wouldn't include court ordered psychiatric counseling and the nut case was able to purchase firearms and murder about 30 students and faculty.
18% of the population struggles with some kind of mental illness. We can't lock them all up.

We can make it really hard for them to get guns, though. We just refuse to do it because the Craziest people of all run the NRA.

Again, I am in the process right now of converting my wife's work visa into a marriage visa. But to do this, we have to provide a stack of documentation proving that 1) We aren't faking a marriage so she can get a green card, 2) that I have the financial resources to support a wife and household and 3) that our relationship can be documented.

I personally think it's a lot of bullshit, but that's the law. But it's a law that is being taken seriously.

As opposed to the background checks, where some gun clerk punches in a name and 'Whoops, nothing came up, here's a semi-automatic rifle and a 100 round magazine, have a good time, guy with the Orange Hair doing a creepy imitation of the Joker."
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