Maine shooter was involuntarily committed in New York, but “government” failed again….

There's a little thing called HIPAA, which is probably why mental health professionals aren't keen on doing what you say.

Cars have been registered for decades.. no one has confiscated them yet.
Hipaa needs to be modified. We see the same thing in pretty much every mass shooting, medical people knew about the problem and didn’t report it.
Yet, being the operative word, as the democrats make war on gas powered doofus.

Really? When did this happen? I mean, I know you are delusional that you think people want to take your gun, your car and your dick, not necessarily in that order, but real world, not so much. Pointing out that gasoline cars are bad for the environment is not making war on them.

HIPPA doesn't apply to involuntary committment....and putting them on the prohibited list.

Actually, it kind of does, which is why a lot of professionals are reluctant to do it. Imagine that person coming back and suing you under HIPAA after you put him on a list and he can't buy a gun now. Not to mention he doesn't come back to your institution for his regular meds.
Hipaa needs to be modified. We see the same thing in pretty much every mass shooting, medical people knew about the problem and didn’t report it.

I don't disagree. But what REALLY needs to happen is more than relying on some clerk at a gun store who REALLY wants to make that sale and get his commission being the gatekeeper.

When I got my mortgage, they could have just punched my name into a computer, saw I had an 803 Credit Score, and called it a day. They didn't. They did a DEEP DIVE into my financial life. They even asked why I opened a $5000 credit line at Bob's Discount Furniture. (The reason. Because I hadn't bought any new furniture in decades, some of the crappy old furniture had been following me around since I lived in Cicero in the 1990s. I wasn't going to buy a shiny new house and fill it with old crap furniture.)

And you know what, that's fine. The credit score by itself is crap. My wife has never owned a home in this country and makes about half what I do, but because she carries no credit card debt, she has a credit score of 755.

This is what we need to do with gun sales. We need to do deep dives into the buyer's background. The thing about ANY mass shooter is that the media was able to find out about Card's mental history before his corpse was found in the woods. Why? Because they asked questions and people came forward.

So imagine, if you would, instead of a hospital employee punching Card's name into a register, an investigator talked to his family, friends and doctor and found out he was nuts.
Really? When did this happen? I mean, I know you are delusional that you think people want to take your gun, your car and your dick, not necessarily in that order, but real world, not so much. Pointing out that gasoline cars are bad for the environment is not making war on them.

Actually, it kind of does, which is why a lot of professionals are reluctant to do it. Imagine that person coming back and suing you under HIPAA after you put him on a list and he can't buy a gun now. Not to mention he doesn't come back to your institution for his regular meds.
Federal law REQUIRES they be reported retard.
Federal law REQUIRES they be reported retard.

That's nice. Federal Law requires a lot of things.. most of which aren't done because they are impractical.

Seems to me this is a judgement call, is he dangerous or is he a patient whose confidentiality should be maintained?
Not that there was ever any doubt in my mind but damn you are couple of cans shy of a six-pack. 😐
JoeB131 is a few IQ points shy of 100, too.

And a dishonest shitbag on top of that.

Total dumbfuckery that one is.

If you want to know what the right thing is? It's the opposite of whatever that tard says it is 999x out of 1000.
That's nice. Federal Law requires a lot of things.. most of which aren't done because they are impractical.

Seems to me this is a judgement call, is he dangerous or is he a patient whose confidentiality should be maintained?
No Judgement required if involuntarily committed the people doing it are REQUIRED to report that. Nothing illegal about reporting it and no action by the person committed can come back on the people reporting them.
That's nice. Federal Law requires a lot of things.. most of which aren't done because they are impractical.

Seems to me this is a judgement call, is he dangerous or is he a patient whose confidentiality should be maintained?

No, most of which are not done because the government, your god, is incompetent, corrupt, and doesn't care.

The judgement call was he was dangerous enough to contact the police about him......if he is that dangerous and you already have him in custody, you go to a judge and have him kept in a secure psychiatric facility.
No Judgement required if involuntarily committed the people doing it are REQUIRED to report that. Nothing illegal about reporting it and no action by the person committed can come back on the people reporting them.

Give the government the ability to investigate gun buyers, then we'd see a different picture.

No, most of which are not done because the government, your god, is incompetent, corrupt, and doesn't care.

The judgement call was he was dangerous enough to contact the police about him......if he is that dangerous and you already have him in custody, you go to a judge and have him kept in a secure psychiatric facility.

Except involutarily committing someone is next to impossible in this country. He literally has to be baying at the moon. This guy was apparently still reporting to his job every day.
Give the government the ability to investigate gun buyers, then we'd see a different picture.

Except involutarily committing someone is next to impossible in this country. He literally has to be baying at the moon. This guy was apparently still reporting to his job every day.

They already do that you idiot....then democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians destroy local police so they can't or won't do their jobs, and then they release the most violent gun criminals who actually do all of the shooting.

Normal gun owners are not using their guns for crime and murder.

Democrats keep releasing the violent gun criminals doing almost all of the gun crime and gun murder.

You don't understand the problem...
Give the government the ability to investigate gun buyers, then we'd see a different picture.

Except involutarily committing someone is next to impossible in this country. He literally has to be baying at the moon. This guy was apparently still reporting to his job every day.

He was literally saying he was going to murder people and they took it seriously enough to tell the idiot.
Give the government the ability to investigate gun buyers, then we'd see a different picture.

Except involutarily committing someone is next to impossible in this country. He literally has to be baying at the moon. This guy was apparently still reporting to his job every day.
No, he was involuntarily committed didn't you read the piece?
Involuntary commitment is one of the ways to get put on the no buy list for guns…….the Maine shooter was involuntarily committed in New York, but the leftist god,”government,” didn’t put his name on the no buy list… well as failing to use current laws to keep him from murdering people….

There are already gun laws that could have stopped Robert Card. His involuntary commitment to the New York mental health facility should have prevented him from purchasing a rifle.

The Times reports, "Any involuntary commitment should have been reported to a national database that would have prevented Mr. Card from passing the background check required to buy guns from a licensed dealer. Officials have said that Mr. Card’s name was not in the database and that he purchased guns legally after his hospital stay."

The family tried to stop him and failed. The military did everything it could to prevent the shooting and also failed. Local police may have done more, but they're not soothsayers. They knew Card was a danger but had few options because the U.S. Constitution placed limits on what actions they could take.

So now you want a universal and strong background check system.

No you don't. Another waste of time, gunhumper thread.
already told ya you want universal check make it free and able to be done by everyone.
All for it. Write up the bill (agan). Then watch it die at the hands of republicans. As it always does.

Why does that happen? Because they want to retain their offices.
So now you want a universal and strong background check system.

No you don't. Another waste of time, gunhumper thread.

Nope. Under the current system this guy was already in custody, and the gun store actually denied him the purchase of a supressor. We don't need universal background checks that do nothing except give you the ability to demand gun registration.
Except for all the ones who shoot their family members

Yes....women who shack up with criminals, drug dealers, violet alcoholics, and drug addicts do wind up getting murdered by their live in baby daddies....but guns aren't the issue there.......the choice to live with a violent criminal is the deciding point.
No, he was involuntarily committed didn't you read the piece?

And yet they let him out...

Yes....women who shack up with criminals, drug dealers, violet alcoholics, and drug addicts do wind up getting murdered by their live in baby daddies....but guns aren't the issue there.......the choice to live with a violent criminal is the deciding point.
Actually, I knew a sales representative from one of my vendors, who had a gun collection of 16 guns. He chased his wife down the street. He wasn't a gang banger. He was a professional who had recently retired after a long career.
And yet they let him out...

Actually, I knew a sales representative from one of my vendors, who had a gun collection of 16 guns. He chased his wife down the street. He wasn't a gang banger. He was a professional who had recently retired after a long career.
being committed is a required reporting incident it does not matter that they eventually released him. I know before I lost my rights I was very careful about what my shrink knew and did for me. Eventually I voluntarily gave up my weapons and then Obama changed the law, and the SS and VA reported me as incompetent because I couldn't handle my finances. But it didnt matter because I accepted for myself, I was better off without firearms.

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