Government Report Declares Obama Broke The Law; Judge Thinks He Deserves Prison


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
"The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, however, took the criticism to a higher level in a report released Thursday. By failing to give Congress 30 days’ notice before releasing the prisoners, the agency found the Defense Department in clear violation of a federal law. ..."


Read more at BREAKING Government Report Declares Obama Broke The Law Judge Thinks He Deserves Prison
Go for it. :D
"The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, however, took the criticism to a higher level in a report released Thursday. By failing to give Congress 30 days’ notice before releasing the prisoners, the agency found the Defense Department in clear violation of a federal law. ..."


Read more at BREAKING Government Report Declares Obama Broke The Law Judge Thinks He Deserves Prison
Go for it. :D

I'm not sure I understand your point.

Are you hoping to point toward the politicization of the Justice Department, wherein the objective pursuit of justice has been set aside, in preference of subjective pursuit of 'social justice'?

Now, we have heard on this very board, from no less an authority on the US Constitution, the infallible nature of such as it relates to normalizing sexual abnormality, yet there seems to be no interests in the Constitution, where it concerns the Chief Executive, his actions as POTUS and CinC... and how the Constitution defines treason against the United States:

USC Article 3, Section 3, Clauses 1 and 2

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. ... ."

The facts are indisputable and, the Left's President has, in no less than five counts, directly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States, adhering to their interests in a time of war... through his directly arming that enemy, having manipulated US Military positions to further promote the means of those he armed, providing that enemy with the means to expand its influence and control.

In so doing, your President's actions, through arm in arm cooperation with your two next best potential candidates for President, resulted in the murder of four US Citizens serving the United States in foreign lands and the serous injury of dozens more, as a direct result of his unprecedented decision to not move to render aid to them.

What's more your President has acted through his official powers entrusted to him by the people of the United States to deceive the people of the United States, to hide the facts surrounding his illicit activity and has taken further action to train those on his staff on the effective means of deceiving those in the legislature to investigate those matters.

All of this aside from your President's effective abuse of power in using the power of the US Government to regulate political speech, to suppress political opposition through those abuses, having taken action to destroy evidence and suborn perjury of witnesses to those abuses.

Where the Americans regain majority control of the Senate, your President and his Attorney General will be impeached and removed from office, before the spring of 2015.
"The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office, however, took the criticism to a higher level in a report released Thursday. By failing to give Congress 30 days’ notice before releasing the prisoners, the agency found the Defense Department in clear violation of a federal law. ..."


Read more at BREAKING Government Report Declares Obama Broke The Law Judge Thinks He Deserves Prison
Go for it. :D

I'm not sure I understand your point.

Are you hoping to point toward the politicization of the Justice Department, wherein the objective pursuit of justice has been set aside, in preference of subjective pursuit of 'social justice'?

Now, we have heard on this very board, from no less an authority on the US Constitution, the infallible nature of such as it relates to normalizing sexual abnormality, yet there seems to be no interests in the Constitution, where it concerns the Chief Executive, his actions as POTUS and CinC... and how the Constitution defines treason against the United States:

USC Article 3, Section 3, Clauses 1 and 2

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. ... ."

The facts are indisputable and, the Left's President has, in no less than five counts, directly promoted the interests of the enemies of the United States, adhering to their interests in a time of war... through his directly arming that enemy, having manipulated US Military positions to further promote the means of those he armed, providing that enemy with the means to expand its influence and control.

In so doing, your President's actions, through arm in arm cooperation with your two next best potential candidates for President, resulted in the murder of four US Citizens serving the United States in foreign lands and the serous injury of dozens more, as a direct result of his unprecedented decision to not move to render aid to them.

What's more your President has acted through his official powers entrusted to him by the people of the United States to deceive the people of the United States, to hide the facts surrounding his illicit activity and has taken further action to train those on his staff on the effective means of deceiving those in the legislature to investigate those matters.

All of this aside from your President's effective abuse of power in using the power of the US Government to regulate political speech, to suppress political opposition through those abuses, having taken action to destroy evidence and suborn perjury of witnesses to those abuses.

Where the Americans regain majority control of the Senate, your President and his Attorney General will be impeached and removed from office, before the spring of 2015.
You don't understand my point? I said "go for it" other words...prosecute the President for the crimes you believe he has committed. Do it....don't just whine about it.

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