Government spending used to hide the reality of economic collapse!


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
There are thousands of examples, such as the GDP data. The reality is that we are still Falling and Falling and Falling.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Construction spending rose in August as a big jump in government building projects offset further weakness in the private sector.

The Commerce Department says construction spending edged up 0.4 percent in August following a 1.4 percent drop in July. While spending on government projects rose 2.5 percent, spending on private construction projects dropped to the lowest level in 12 years.

The weakness in construction activity has been a major drag on the overall economy. Given continuing problems in housing and commercial real estate, analysts are not looking for a susained rebound in the building industry for some time to come.
You're trying to show a correlation between government spending and hidden doom, when all it really is is classic Keynesianism, where government spends in the absence of private sector spending.

Not that I don't agree that the government is shady as hell, but you're trying way too hard in this regard. The private sector is stagnant in this recession, and the government is providing cash flow where there otherwise is none. This doesn't necessarily mean that anything is being "hidden", it's just Keynesian economics at work.

All the raw data is available for anyone who wants to find it. Nothing is being hidden. Those that don't see the reality of the numbers simply aren't looking for it. That isn't exactly the fault of the government. The sheep are just retarded.
You're trying to show a correlation between government spending and hidden doom, when all it really is is classic Keynesianism, where government spends in the absence of private sector spending.

Not that I don't agree that the government is shady as hell, but you're trying way too hard in this regard. The private sector is stagnant in this recession, and the government is providing cash flow where there otherwise is none. This doesn't necessarily mean that anything is being "hidden", it's just Keynesian economics at work.

All the raw data is available for anyone who wants to find it. Nothing is being hidden. Those that don't see the reality of the numbers simply aren't looking for it. That isn't exactly the fault of the government. The sheep are just retarded.

Paulie, the news releases are all deliberately designed to deceive. That is not Kenesian. It is just simply dishonest. All of the manipulation of the data shows how dishonest the Government is. Corruption beyond compare!
You're trying to show a correlation between government spending and hidden doom, when all it really is is classic Keynesianism, where government spends in the absence of private sector spending.

Not that I don't agree that the government is shady as hell, but you're trying way too hard in this regard. The private sector is stagnant in this recession, and the government is providing cash flow where there otherwise is none. This doesn't necessarily mean that anything is being "hidden", it's just Keynesian economics at work.

All the raw data is available for anyone who wants to find it. Nothing is being hidden. Those that don't see the reality of the numbers simply aren't looking for it. That isn't exactly the fault of the government. The sheep are just retarded.

Paulie, the news releases are all deliberately designed to deceive. That is not Kenesian. It is just simply dishonest. All of the manipulation of the data shows how dishonest the Government is. Corruption beyond compare!

But the real data is still there for people to find. Just because the news prints government friendly articles about the economy doesn't mean anything is being manipulated.

Those who care to know the real numbers can find them easily. You seem to find them on a daily basis from completely public websites that anyone else can go to as well.

The people are just retards, plain and simple. The government uses the media to take advantage of that. If people wised up, the government wouldn't have any edge.

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