Government Standards


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
But there is another government standard that is mandatory: the size of holes in Swiss cheese. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced this standard in 2000. U.S. grade A Swiss cheese “shall be properly set and shall possess well-developed round or slightly oval-shaped eyes which are relatively uniform in size and distribution. The majority of the eyes shall be 3/8 to 13/16 inch in diameter. The cheese may possess the following eye characteristics to a very slight degree: dull, rough, and shell; and the following texture characteristics to a very slight degree: checks, picks and streuble.”


Can someone point out where, in the constitution, that is a granted authority? Or actually, any gov't standard FORCED on the private sector?
If you want your cheese to be graded grade A, then these are the standards it has to measure up to.
How did deregulating Boeing or Submarine steel work out for US. Now we have fleets of expensive planes & subs that cant fly or dive.
But there is another government standard that is mandatory: the size of holes in Swiss cheese. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced this standard in 2000. U.S. grade A Swiss cheese “shall be properly set and shall possess well-developed round or slightly oval-shaped eyes which are relatively uniform in size and distribution. The majority of the eyes shall be 3/8 to 13/16 inch in diameter. The cheese may possess the following eye characteristics to a very slight degree: dull, rough, and shell; and the following texture characteristics to a very slight degree: checks, picks and streuble.”


Can someone point out where, in the constitution, that is a granted authority? Or actually, any gov't standard FORCED on the private sector?

I found years ago the government standards on frozen green peas.. APPARENTLY written by the Jolly Green Giant himself to keep out competitors.. It was RIDICULOUS... Or the "white meat turkey" slices that are allowed to have 10% non-white meat and byproducts...

It's another form of corporate government collusion.. Not enough "experts" in every grocery item to WRITE these things.. It's favors for the large conglomerates mostly..
If you want your cheese to be graded grade A, then these are the standards it has to measure up to.

"hole size" in Swiss cheese has NOTHING to do with quality.. It has to do with FAVORING the large processing plants and cutting out craftsmen and independents....

You love yourself that monstrous govt dontcha??? SO BIG -- it has corporate masters to keep it from getting their basic "health and safety" jobs done...
Back during the early twentieth century when food started to become an industrial product there were some best-selling books detailing the horrific hygiene practices in meat and dairy factories. When Americans realized they were eating rat turds, bugs, spoiled foods and dangerous chemicals there was an outcry for the government to do something. These days we still have frequent food contamination and mass recalls even with food inspections. Can't even imagine how bad it would be if the inspectors went home. we would be back to eating turds and bugs before you know it.
If you want your cheese to be graded grade A, then these are the standards it has to measure up to.

"hole size" in Swiss cheese has NOTHING to do with quality.. It has to do with FAVORING the large processing plants and cutting out craftsmen and independents....

You love yourself that monstrous govt dontcha??? SO BIG -- it has corporate masters to keep it from getting their basic "health and safety" jobs done...

Fuckin’ ay!
If you want your cheese to be graded grade A, then these are the standards it has to measure up to.

"hole size" in Swiss cheese has NOTHING to do with quality.. It has to do with FAVORING the large processing plants and cutting out craftsmen and independents....

You love yourself that monstrous govt dontcha??? SO BIG -- it has corporate masters to keep it from getting their basic "health and safety" jobs done...

Fuckin’ ay!

Is this a REVELATION to you? Did we have a break thru?? Because it's the truth...

What effect does regulating the size of holes in swiss cheese have in safety or quality other than to FAVOR huge INDUSTRIALIZED methods of production??? Or the "roundness" of frozen green pea??
The government regulates all food. Holes in Swiss Cheese are just one example, for instance:

"Maggots are allowed in a slew of tomato products, including canned tomatoes (up to one maggot per 500 grams), and tomato juice and tomato paste (up to one maggot per 100 g for both)."

9 Disgusting Things That the FDA Allows in Your Food

Bravo.. Pile it on... MORE MAGGOTS !!!! There's some folks here that don't understand who's WRITING all these regs...
The government regulates all food. Holes in Swiss Cheese are just one example, for instance:

"Maggots are allowed in a slew of tomato products, including canned tomatoes (up to one maggot per 500 grams), and tomato juice and tomato paste (up to one maggot per 100 g for both)."

9 Disgusting Things That the FDA Allows in Your Food

Bravo.. Pile it on... MORE MAGGOTS !!!! There's some folks here that don't understand who's WRITING all these regs...
Insects are a fact of life. The idea is to limit them in our food not "pile it on." Swiss Cheese holes are caused by contaminates such has hay particles and even bacteria. The more contaminates the more holes. With more sanitary conditions in the cheese making process those holes are less prevalent today than in decades past.
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But there is another government standard that is mandatory: the size of holes in Swiss cheese. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced this standard in 2000. U.S. grade A Swiss cheese “shall be properly set and shall possess well-developed round or slightly oval-shaped eyes which are relatively uniform in size and distribution. The majority of the eyes shall be 3/8 to 13/16 inch in diameter. The cheese may possess the following eye characteristics to a very slight degree: dull, rough, and shell; and the following texture characteristics to a very slight degree: checks, picks and streuble.”


Can someone point out where, in the constitution, that is a granted authority? Or actually, any gov't standard FORCED on the private sector?
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
But there is another government standard that is mandatory: the size of holes in Swiss cheese. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) introduced this standard in 2000. U.S. grade A Swiss cheese “shall be properly set and shall possess well-developed round or slightly oval-shaped eyes which are relatively uniform in size and distribution. The majority of the eyes shall be 3/8 to 13/16 inch in diameter. The cheese may possess the following eye characteristics to a very slight degree: dull, rough, and shell; and the following texture characteristics to a very slight degree: checks, picks and streuble.”


Can someone point out where, in the constitution, that is a granted authority? Or actually, any gov't standard FORCED on the private sector?
They aren't enforced standards, those are the criteria for ideal grade "A" cheese. It can still be Swiss cheese even if it doesn't meet the standards for grade A.

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