Governor Cuomo accused of sexual harassment by former aide

Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.

Speaking of lying, Trump told people we had Covid under control because that's what Dr. Fauci's sentiments were. During that time, DeBlazio told people to ride the subway and go shopping. Piglosi told people to visit Chinatown. Nobody knew how bad this thing was, and any opinions offered were just that--opinions.

Cuomo cried to Trump to help him because they became so overrun. He sent the military to retrofit the Javits center which Cuomo barely used. He sent a retrofitted ship to keep patients if beds were needed for Covid patients in the hospital. Cuomo should have used them. Instead, both facilities barely had any patients on it at all.
Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.

Speaking of lying, Trump told people we had Covid under control because that's what Dr. Fauci's sentiments were.

'Play it down': Trump admits to concealing the true threat of coronavirus in new Woodward book
So you crowd up nursing homes instead which is already replete with morbidities. Got it.

Except no one was crowding up nursing homes.. They were keeping people there who already resided there.

Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.

I wouldn't even go that far. Cuomo was being pretty straight forward about how many people were dying... the only question is, where they died.
Speaking of lying, Trump told people we had Covid under control because that's what Dr. Fauci's sentiments were. During that time, DeBlazio told people to ride the subway and go shopping. Piglosi told people to visit Chinatown. Nobody knew how bad this thing was, and any opinions offered were just that--opinions.

The thing is, those things were said in January, before we had any cases. Don't panick over something that hasn't happened yet.

Trump kept claiming it was no big deal all the way up until HE caught it himself. And when he did, he didn't drink the fish tank cleaner that he was pushing, he got state of the art treatment with a team of doctors.
So you crowd up nursing homes instead which is already replete with morbidities. Got it.

Except no one was crowding up nursing homes.. They were keeping people there who already resided there.

Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.

I wouldn't even go that far. Cuomo was being pretty straight forward about how many people were dying... the only question is, where they died.

He needs to go.
I’d rather leave office in disgrace over sexual harassment as opposed to incompetence in handling a pandemic that resulted in thousands of deaths despite being provide top resources and then lying to cover up the incompetence. How do you have the USS Comfort pull into one of your harbors and never take advantage?

Here's how you do that. YOu realize that a ship built for treating battlefield causualties is kind of useless for a pandemic, where people will be in even closer quarters than they would be in at a nursing home or a hospital.

So you crowd up nursing homes instead which is already replete with morbidities. Got it.

Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.
Trump recognized the problem in NYC, and sent tons of aid, medical supplies, hospitals etc...whatever Cuomo asked for...he got....the CDC issued guidelines.....Cuomo ignored all the help, and guidelines....killled people and then lied about it.....lied about the data, data that could have been very useful as the experts were learning about the virus.
I’d rather leave office in disgrace over sexual harassment as opposed to incompetence in handling a pandemic that resulted in thousands of deaths despite being provide top resources and then lying to cover up the incompetence. How do you have the USS Comfort pull into one of your harbors and never take advantage?

Here's how you do that. YOu realize that a ship built for treating battlefield causualties is kind of useless for a pandemic, where people will be in even closer quarters than they would be in at a nursing home or a hospital.

So you crowd up nursing homes instead which is already replete with morbidities. Got it.

Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.
Trump recognized the problem in NYC, and sent tons of aid, medical supplies, hospitals etc...whatever Cuomo asked for...he got....the CDC issued guidelines.....Cuomo ignored all the help, and guidelines....killled people and then lied about it.....lied about the data, data that could have been very useful as the experts were learning about the virus.

After the fact.
Trump recognized the problem in NYC, and sent tons of aid, medical supplies, hospitals etc...whatever Cuomo asked for...he got....the CDC issued guidelines.....Cuomo ignored all the help, and guidelines....killled people and then lied about it.....lied about the data, data that could have been very useful as the experts were learning about the virus.

And let's not forget that Cuomo sold off all their backup ventilators years before Covid because they didn't want to pay to have them maintained.
The thing is, those things were said in January, before we had any cases. Don't panick over something that hasn't happened yet.

Trump kept claiming it was no big deal all the way up until HE caught it himself. And when he did, he didn't drink the fish tank cleaner that he was pushing, he got state of the art treatment with a team of doctors.

Yep, just like any other President would. However in Trump's case, they wanted to use experimental treatments on him, and he accepted. Even in March of last year, Dr. Fauci told people that masks were unnecessary. He told people to live their lives like normal. The CDC backed up what Fauci concluded.

After it did become a "big deal" Trump held daily press conferences and many included Dr's Fauci and Birx to address the public. Trump never said it was no big deal after it became an evident problem. Did he offer hope? Yes, but that's what all great leaders do.
Except no one was crowding up nursing homes.. They were keeping people there who already resided there.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. From one of your own (which you won't read anyway) The Communist News Network:

Facts First: Cuomo's assertion that "it never happened" is false. According to a report from the New York State Department of Health, "6,326 COVID-positive residents were admitted to [nursing home] facilities" following Cuomo's mandate that nursing homes accept the readmission of Covid-positive patients from hospitals. Whether or not this was "needed," it did in fact happen.

“As the experts were learning about the virus,” supposes Cuomo kept information hidden, though due to the more important question of origins of the virus, we can’t agree that they’re actually experts.
I’d rather leave office in disgrace over sexual harassment as opposed to incompetence in handling a pandemic that resulted in thousands of deaths despite being provide top resources and then lying to cover up the incompetence. How do you have the USS Comfort pull into one of your harbors and never take advantage?

Here's how you do that. YOu realize that a ship built for treating battlefield causualties is kind of useless for a pandemic, where people will be in even closer quarters than they would be in at a nursing home or a hospital.

So you crowd up nursing homes instead which is already replete with morbidities. Got it.

Cuomo screwed up by lying. That is where he messed up. Trump told us that Covid was under control and it wasn't going to be a problem here. Trump even admitted he lied about this. All of a sudden it exploded. Big time in New York. This wasn't something people had time to plan for.

So Cuomo decided to send people where people were already caring for people and here was room. In hindsight you can argue that was a bad decision but you then have to argue what should have been done otherwise.

If Cuomo had made that argument he wouldn't be in the mess he is in. He decided that lying was the appropriate response. He lied in response to a lie.
Trump recognized the problem in NYC, and sent tons of aid, medical supplies, hospitals etc...whatever Cuomo asked for...he got....the CDC issued guidelines.....Cuomo ignored all the help, and guidelines....killled people and then lied about it.....lied about the data, data that could have been very useful as the experts were learning about the virus.

After the fact.
Well yeah, he wasn't going to send all that aid BEFORE it was needed. It's not like he has a crystal ball and can see in the future. He worked to contain the virus....meanwhile, a year later, knowing all we know now about the virus, Quid Pro Joe is letting inflected illegals to run wild across our country.....Super Spreader Joe should be impeached for this abuse of power, and putting Americans at such great risk
“As the experts were learning about the virus,” supposes Cuomo kept information hidden, though due to the more important question of origins of the virus, we can’t agree that they’re actually experts.

With something like this, nobody is really an expert. It reminds me of the early 80's when AIDS first hit the US. Back then, people thought it was more contagious than Covid is now. My job back then was repairing home medical equipment that we rented out. When things got busy, I'd put off my repairs and do some deliveries or pickups. When we picked up from an AIDS patient, we used to dress up in these space suits. When it got back to my department where I had to check, repair and clean the equipment, we had to put it in quarantine for 3 days before I could touch it. We just didn't know at the time.

I'll give anybody a pass for not doing something they should have done, but didn't know it. I also think that Cuomo has no reason to resign until it's proven that was the case. If he made a mistake, hey, Governors are humans too. If he knew forcing nursing homes to accept these people would be killing others, then of course he should be held accountable.
We're two accusers away from Cuomo letting restaurants reopen at 125 percent capacity.
I'll give anybody a pass for not doing something they should have done, but didn't know it. I also think that Cuomo has no reason to resign until it's proven that was the case. If he made a mistake, hey, Governors are humans too. If he knew forcing nursing homes to accept these people would be killing others, then of course he should be held accountable.

Except that was the guidance from Washington at the time, that if you had patients in Assisted Living, you left them in assisted living.

Let's break it down, because I think some of you guys are forgetful.

NY State only has 20,000 Hospital Beds. They've had 1.69 million cases and 48K deaths. They simply didn't have enough room in the hospitals to take every case. They had to prioritize by seriousness of the case.

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