Governors aren't waiting for Trump

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.

He left everything up to the states.

He proudly calls my state governor a snake then says he won't talk to him and advises pence not to take his calls.

He has played favorites in delivering much needed supplies to the states. States like Florida get what they ask for. States like mine are on their own.

Now he wants to tell the states what to do?

The man is delusional.

We can't have some places open but others closed. Those in the open places can come here to infect us more and cause us to have to be shutdown longer. Or they can get the virus other places then take it home to make things worse there.

This piece meal way of doing this is just stupid. It will guarantee the virus is with us for a long time. We will have more shutdowns and more people will die.

I so don't understand why anyone is paying any attention to the man who has gotten this totally wrong and has blundered all of it from the start.

We shouldn't be in the mess we're in now. If we had real leadership we wouldn't be in this mess.

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.

He left everything up to the states.

He proudly calls my state governor a snake then says he won't talk to him and advises pence not to take his calls.

He has played favorites in delivering much needed supplies to the states. States like Florida get what they ask for. States like mine are on their own.

Now he wants to tell the states what to do?

The man is delusional.

We can't have some places open but others closed. Those in the open places can come here to infect us more and cause us to have to be shutdown longer. Or they can get the virus other places then take it home to make things worse there.

This piece meal way of doing this is just stupid. It will guarantee the virus is with us for a long time. We will have more shutdowns and more people will die.

I so don't understand why anyone is paying any attention to the man who has gotten this totally wrong and has blundered all of it from the start.

We shouldn't be in the mess we're in now. If we had real leadership we wouldn't be in this mess.
Bunch of nitwits ..........with TDS............he stated and I watched that each State IS DIFFERENT.....has different circumstances........some are worse............some are MUCH BETTER..........

You don't slam Wyoming because the shit hits the fan in New York.

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.

He left everything up to the states.

He proudly calls my state governor a snake then says he won't talk to him and advises pence not to take his calls.

He has played favorites in delivering much needed supplies to the states. States like Florida get what they ask for. States like mine are on their own.

Now he wants to tell the states what to do?

The man is delusional.

We can't have some places open but others closed. Those in the open places can come here to infect us more and cause us to have to be shutdown longer. Or they can get the virus other places then take it home to make things worse there.

This piece meal way of doing this is just stupid. It will guarantee the virus is with us for a long time. We will have more shutdowns and more people will die.

I so don't understand why anyone is paying any attention to the man who has gotten this totally wrong and has blundered all of it from the start.

We shouldn't be in the mess we're in now. If we had real leadership we wouldn't be in this mess.
Yep. But not Michigan!

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.
Governors are FORCED into this by your president

Small Business will DIE OFF.........or is that WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN.......then we'll have the big boys and no one else................That's BS.

Time for the HERD TO MOVE............
That IS their goal. There will always be casualties in the march toward communism.

They destroy a thing to take control of a thing.............Need to run the herd right over them.......LOL

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.

And when was the Governor of Michigan planning on doing this? After she imposes the most Draconian shut down of her State in US history? You've got a bunch of Democratic Governors getting together to talk bullshit about how THEY are going to lead the re-opening when in fact they will most likely be following the lead of Republican Governors who will open up THEIR States first! This is all political theatre by those Democrats!

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.

And when was the Governor of Michigan planning on doing this? After she imposes the most Draconian shut down of her State in US history? You've got a bunch of Democratic Governors getting together to talk bullshit about how THEY are going to lead the re-opening when in fact they will most likely be following the lead of Republican Governors who will open up THEIR States first! This is all political theatre by those Democrats!
Yep. They're finally TALKING about doing something BECAUSE OF TRUMP. All political posturing. The peopl err are ready to rebel. If they dont ease up, they will lose EVERYWHERE.
The Governor of Michigan is reacting to the growing protests by her constituents to the shut down that she's imposed. You think it's bad now? Wait until a bunch of Republican led States start putting people back to work! The people stuck in States like Michigan are going to go BALLISTIC!
Trump wants governors to manage their states. Many have failed, then blame Trump.

No. Trump wants them to take all the blame for the damaged economy while he takes all the credit for “slowing the spread” and “the grand reopening”.

He is a shit and he will never be a leader.
He plays the Prog game. Not bad for one person versus damn near all of D.C./the media/the entertainers and more. Not bad at all.

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.
The people decide what’s best for the person. Try your idea of governance somewhere else.
Isn't that what he just said?
If there was work( there isn't) my shop would be open and going with safety in mind. My guys are my livelihood and my shop is theirs. We wait...not by "law" but for the sheep to come out of their caverns. One of my guys is playing illegal taxi with my Trooper today since my plate number is "legal", his is not.
He'll come back and we split $180 or so, minus gas. Tomorrow, I take his Toyota while he builds a couple little pieces here and I go install a piece.
Effort. Do-able in a no Nazi environment .I can't imagine anywhere else. The hardware store has a sink out front to wash hands and the gurl washed the debit card and my gate hinges before I left. I asked for a kiss. She opened a gallery on her phone with a kiss .gif. Funny but sad. In our culture a big hug and peck is an everyday greet.
If there was work( there isn't) my shop would be open and going with safety in mind. My guys are my livelihood and my shop is theirs. We wait...not by "law" but for the sheep to come out of their caverns. One of my guys is playing illegal taxi with my Trooper today since my plate number is "legal", his is not.
He'll come back and we split $180 or so, minus gas. Tomorrow, I take his Toyota while he builds a couple little pieces here and I go install a piece.
Effort. Do-able in a no Nazi environment .I can't imagine anywhere else. The hardware store has a sink out front to wash hands and the gurl washed the debit card and my gate hinges before I left. I asked for a kiss. She opened a gallery on her phone with a kiss .gif. Funny but sad. In our culture a big hug and peck is an everyday greet.

What’s a piece in your shop?
Many of these politically inspired”for your own good” overreaching governors are now trying to get out in front since they see this malarkey ending writing on the wall

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.
LOL Trump wants them to do so which is why he said he is going to open the economy soon. When the governors do not the people will begin shooting for meat

The mid western governors banding together to coordinate re-opening their states are not waiting for Trump to announce his big, beautiful majestic plan. And, the announcement that they are going to do so was made by Michigan's female governor, speaking for the group.

Bottom line is that Trump ain't needed at all. He should retire to the sidelines and let the medical community, scientists and governors decide what's best for their people.
LOL Trump wants them to do so which is why he said he is going to open the economy soon. When the governors do not the people will begin shooting for meat

What does that mean? Shooting for meat?

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