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Govt Too Big And Oppressive Or Is This The Way It should Be?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
An Amish Farmer is going to jail because he did not get permission from 'Big Brother' to sell his herbal skin cream made from natural ingredients on his family farm....

Is this Govt Too Big / Gone Too Far, or is it the Way It Should Be?

Amish farmer sentenced to prison for making this product without ‘registering’ with the government

"An Amish farmer has been sentenced to six years in prison for selling herbal skin cream made from natural ingredients on his family farm – simply because he didn’t get approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

Mostly selling his local products through word of mouth, Samuel Girod used ingredients like chickweed, rosemary and peppermint to make natural skincare products for two decades before the government intervened. Writer Jordan Reimschisel joined Tuesday’s “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” to talk about the latest example of ridiculous big government."
An Amish Farmer is going to jail because he did not get permission from 'Big Brother' to sell his herbal skin cream made from natural ingredients on his family farm....

Is this Govt Too Big / Gone Too Far, or is it the Way It Should Be?

Amish farmer sentenced to prison for making this product without ‘registering’ with the government

"An Amish farmer has been sentenced to six years in prison for selling herbal skin cream made from natural ingredients on his family farm – simply because he didn’t get approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

Mostly selling his local products through word of mouth, Samuel Girod used ingredients like chickweed, rosemary and peppermint to make natural skincare products for two decades before the government intervened. Writer Jordan Reimschisel joined Tuesday’s “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” to talk about the latest example of ridiculous big government."
On the surface, with no further details, I would say it is LIKELY government overreach. However, without further details, such as any claims Samuel may have made, it would be impossible to determine for sure.
An Amish Farmer is going to jail because he did not get permission from 'Big Brother' to sell his herbal skin cream made from natural ingredients on his family farm....

Is this Govt Too Big / Gone Too Far, or is it the Way It Should Be?

Amish farmer sentenced to prison for making this product without ‘registering’ with the government

"An Amish farmer has been sentenced to six years in prison for selling herbal skin cream made from natural ingredients on his family farm – simply because he didn’t get approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

Mostly selling his local products through word of mouth, Samuel Girod used ingredients like chickweed, rosemary and peppermint to make natural skincare products for two decades before the government intervened. Writer Jordan Reimschisel joined Tuesday’s “The Morning Blaze with Doc Thompson” to talk about the latest example of ridiculous big government."

These kinds of things always present a moral dilemma. Did this farmer do any harm to anybody? No. But should anybody be above the law? No. The next person might in fact be marketing something that was dangerous and do irreparable harm before getting caught.

I certainly think six years in prison is excessive if this is the real deal. A dismissal with a warning or a modest fine for an infraction and warning would have been a reasonable penalty.

But nobody, not illegal aliens, nor the most innocent of infractions should be done with impunity from the law of the land. Otherwise there will be no respect for the law and without law, there is no liberty.
On the surface, with no further details, I would say it is LIKELY government overreach. However, without further details, such as any claims Samuel may have made, it would be impossible to determine for sure.
From what I have read it's pretty basic:

One side equates an Amish farmer to a little girl making lemonade and selling it from a stand in her front yard...only to have police walk up and tell her to shut it down because the city requires all businesses to have a permit .... which has ACTUALLY happened.

The government, however, is pointing out that the original purpose of the FDA was to PROTECT the American citizens from potentially harmful products. They are claiming THIS is the reason the farmer needs a license / their permission to sell his product.

Interesting side-note:
Notice how so many products and advertisers declare (usually in small print) 'These claims have not been verified by the FDA'?! Evidently the FDA sells 'approval to sell' these products without having to verify the claims are true, which in doing so would weed out the 'snake oils salesmen'.
Other than a King being involved this document fits today.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
Samuel A. Girod of Bath County, a member of the Old Order Amish faith, was convicted in March on 13 charges, including threatening a person in an attempt to stop him from providing information to a grand jury.


Girod operated a business in Bath County that made products to be used for skin disorders, sinus infections and cancer.

One product called TO-MOR-GONE contained an extract of bloodroot that had a caustic, corrosive effect on human skin, according to an indictment.

A federal court in Missouri had barred Girod from distributing the products until he met certain conditions, including letting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspect his business. But when two agents tried to inspect the plant in November 2013, Girod and others blocked them and made them leave, the indictment charged


And cancer?
Samuel A. Girod of Bath County, a member of the Old Order Amish faith, was convicted in March on 13 charges, including threatening a person in an attempt to stop him from providing information to a grand jury.


Girod operated a business in Bath County that made products to be used for skin disorders, sinus infections and cancer.

One product called TO-MOR-GONE contained an extract of bloodroot that had a caustic, corrosive effect on human skin, according to an indictment.

A federal court in Missouri had barred Girod from distributing the products until he met certain conditions, including letting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspect his business. But when two agents tried to inspect the plant in November 2013, Girod and others blocked them and made them leave, the indictment charged

Amish farmer sold herbal health products. He’s going to prison for 6 years.

And cancer?
He should have completed the required testing on animals to see how they reacted to this stuff being put in their eyes every few hours as well as injecting it into their bodies to see if it caused pain.
Samuel A. Girod of Bath County, a member of the Old Order Amish faith, was convicted in March on 13 charges, including threatening a person in an attempt to stop him from providing information to a grand jury.


Girod operated a business in Bath County that made products to be used for skin disorders, sinus infections and cancer.

One product called TO-MOR-GONE contained an extract of bloodroot that had a caustic, corrosive effect on human skin, according to an indictment.

A federal court in Missouri had barred Girod from distributing the products until he met certain conditions, including letting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspect his business. But when two agents tried to inspect the plant in November 2013, Girod and others blocked them and made them leave, the indictment charged

Amish farmer sold herbal health products. He’s going to prison for 6 years.

And cancer?
He should have completed the required testing on animals to see how they reacted to this stuff being put in their eyes every few hours as well as injecting it into their bodies to see if it caused pain.

Samuel A. Girod of Bath County, a member of the Old Order Amish faith, was convicted in March on 13 charges, including threatening a person in an attempt to stop him from providing information to a grand jury.


Girod operated a business in Bath County that made products to be used for skin disorders, sinus infections and cancer.

One product called TO-MOR-GONE contained an extract of bloodroot that had a caustic, corrosive effect on human skin, according to an indictment.

A federal court in Missouri had barred Girod from distributing the products until he met certain conditions, including letting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspect his business. But when two agents tried to inspect the plant in November 2013, Girod and others blocked them and made them leave, the indictment charged

Amish farmer sold herbal health products. He’s going to prison for 6 years.

And cancer?
Well now, this changes things a bit...
Here's a real news station report on the story .

Seems like our Amish pal was just ignoring the law and getting a little threatening.

Not exactly some innocent target of the big bad FDA.

What do you do wh someone who just keeps ignoring the law ? Nothing ?

Convicted Amish farmer sentenced to six years in prison

That judge said Girod exhibited continuous and blatant disregard for the law.

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