Graham blasts DemonRAT colleague, Scumbag Hirono: You have ‘slandered’ Barr

He did? Collusion and Obstruction? Link please
The Mueller report! Read it sometime. 800 prosecutors have, and concluded Trump obstructed and colluded with Russia but it was not found to be a conspiracy to collude. That's in the report. The collusion was immoral and unethical.
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
"I'm a jobless parasite?" Proof? Exactly! You have none. You're just a liar. That's all anyone can say about you.
The Mueller report! Read it sometime. 800 prosecutors have, and concluded Trump obstructed and colluded with Russia but it was not found to be a conspiracy to collude. That's in the report. The collusion was immoral and unethical.
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
You have nothing intelligent to debate when you get boxed in. Stop making a fool of yourself with this losing debate of yours.

You must be talking to yourself as people on this board agree with me.
Mueller Report exonerated him. You’re an idiot
Nope! That's a lie. Show us Mueller's exact quotes saying that.

Mueller said “no more indictments”

AP report: Mueller not recommending any more indictments

Pretty sure you don’t indict innocent people.
Trump supporters are too stupid to understand what that means. So sad.

They are Deplorables. LMAO. You’re an idiot.
Again, no worthy debate. Stop making an idiot of yourself.

Again talking to yourself. Don’t you get tired of being butthurt that Trump won?
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.

Wray said no investigation without the Fisa warrant. Comey said that warrant was bogus. They attained the warrant to spy on Page. Bogus as Page only had legit business in Russia and nothing in the 800 pages stated that Page was a spy and that was the genesis of the warrant. You’re dumb and biased. You also thought Kavanaugh was guilty.
I asked you to show Mueller's exact quotes. You didn't. You're a liar again.

Google is your friend. Likely your only one. What does no more indictments mean to you?
The report itself is done. It was passed off to Congress to make the indictments. The investigation is not done. Mueller said that in his report. This isn't rocket science. It's basic middle school reading comprehension. Keep up or leave.

Indictments for what? Congress is now moving on to obstruction since no one disputes there was no conspiracy and that was the primary focus of the investigation. You’re dumb. But this is fun. My kids are reading this exchange and laughing at your expense.
800 prosecutors disagree with Jordan. Jordan needs to head back to the boys showers. He's good at that job.

Link? Still waiting
"Link?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You never answered my questions. Where are the quotes from Mueller exonerating Trump?

No indictments = exoneration. Innocent people don’t get indicted. Next.
The Mueller report! Read it sometime. 800 prosecutors have, and concluded Trump obstructed and colluded with Russia but it was not found to be a conspiracy to collude. That's in the report. The collusion was immoral and unethical.
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
"I'm a jobless parasite?" Proof? Exactly! You have none. You're just a liar. That's all anyone can say about you.

Do you have a job? Y or N? My guess is 100%, NO! You’re a parasite.
800 prosecutors disagree with Jordan. Jordan needs to head back to the boys showers. He's good at that job.

Link? Still waiting
"Link?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You never answered my questions. Where are the quotes from Mueller exonerating Trump?
Doesn't have to be direct quotes. All one has to do is interpret the findings correctly, and no other conclusions can be reached or is further needed.

Uh well unless alternative reasons (say like for Political one's), are or have since become the driving force or goal in it all now.

Everything is being politically motivated for the 2020 election by the crats now, and the knowledge found in all of it is simply right out there for anyone to read as such.
800 prosecutors disagree with Jordan. Jordan needs to head back to the boys showers. He's good at that job.

Link? Still waiting
"Link?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You never answered my questions. Where are the quotes from Mueller exonerating Trump?

No indictments = exoneration. Innocent people don’t get indicted. Next.
You seriously cannot be this damn stupid and misinformed? You do know that via the rules, Mueller cannot indict right? Why do you people make such idiots of yourselves?
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.

Wray said no investigation without the Fisa warrant. Comey said that warrant was bogus. They attained the warrant to spy on Page. Bogus as Page only had legit business in Russia and nothing in the 800 pages stated that Page was a spy and that was the genesis of the warrant. You’re dumb and biased. You also thought Kavanaugh was guilty.
I asked you to show Mueller's exact quotes. You didn't. You're a liar again.

Google is your friend. Likely your only one. What does no more indictments mean to you?
The report itself is done. It was passed off to Congress to make the indictments. The investigation is not done. Mueller said that in his report. This isn't rocket science. It's basic middle school reading comprehension. Keep up or leave.

Indictments for what? Congress is now moving on to obstruction since no one disputes there was no conspiracy and that was the primary focus of the investigation. You’re dumb. But this is fun. My kids are reading this exchange and laughing at your expense.
The primary focus was Russia and its interference in our election and who accepted that interference. It was proven that Trump and his team accepted and welcomed the interference. And it happened. As a result, team Trump was immoral, unethical in accepting help from a foreign adversary, and they were so worried about it, that Trump implicated himself in multiple obstruction charges over two years, of which, 800 prosecutors say he is guilty of. Enough said. To deny that is just playing to one's own denials. The truth is what it is. You can't change that.
800 prosecutors disagree with Jordan. Jordan needs to head back to the boys showers. He's good at that job.

Link? Still waiting
"Link?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:You never answered my questions. Where are the quotes from Mueller exonerating Trump?
Doesn't have to be direct quotes. All one has to do is interpret the findings correctly, and no other conclusions can be reached or is further needed.

Uh well unless alternative reasons (say like for Political one's), are or have since become the driving force or goal in it all now.

Everything is being politically motivated for the 2020 election by the crats now, and the knowledge found in all of it is simply right out there for anyone to read as such.
Mueller and 800 prosecutors interpreted Trumps actions as obstruction of justice. All of them say that the cases are slam dunks. Nothing to dispute. They are very easy cases.
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
"I'm a jobless parasite?" Proof? Exactly! You have none. You're just a liar. That's all anyone can say about you.

Do you have a job? Y or N? My guess is 100%, NO! You’re a parasite.
Dude, are you friggin retarded?
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
You have nothing intelligent to debate when you get boxed in. Stop making a fool of yourself with this losing debate of yours.

You must be talking to yourself as people on this board agree with me.
You talk like a juvenile. You can't be older than twelve.
The NYT loves to damage innocent people and promote the barfy reddish pink left in it's ITA-Village Socialist disguise.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
Libtards never let the truth or objectivity get in their way.

This coming from a Trump Humper who defends every lie that Trump tells.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
Libtards never let the truth or objectivity get in their way.

This coming from a Trump Humper who defends every lie that Trump tells.

Leftist response. LOL. Butthurt that Trump won.
Prove the innocence in Barr's testimony after he got caught committing perjury.
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
Libtards never let the truth or objectivity get in their way.

This coming from a Trump Humper who defends every lie that Trump tells.
Obama worshipper said what?
Look, the Mueller report clearly says that was zero of the much advertised collusion. Game over, move on. Barr is irrelevant. Trump was right, it was a witch hunt based on a criminal conspiracy.

Tricky Dick had to leave office on much less, it's pathetic that right wing Trump Humpers are trying to sweep these illegal activities under the rug.

That is simply not true. WOW!
Libtards never let the truth or objectivity get in their way.

This coming from a Trump Humper who defends every lie that Trump tells.
Obama worshipper said what?

This coming from a Trump Humper
Hah?! Seriously, do you retards come from. Mueller was clearly quoted as saying NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION. And he didn't charge him with obstruction either, otherwise he would have said so. That's two big disappointments for Leftards...first Trump kicks Hillary's ass in 2016 and flushes Obama's legacy down the toilet, and now Mueller after two years - 35 million dollars, and all this hype and lying by the Left comes up with a total DUD. Ha ha ha!
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
You have nothing intelligent to debate when you get boxed in. Stop making a fool of yourself with this losing debate of yours.

You must be talking to yourself as people on this board agree with me.
You openly lie on this board by never proving your points. It only serves as fodder for the Left against the juvenile, ignorant, lying, Right.
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.

Wray said no investigation without the Fisa warrant. Comey said that warrant was bogus. They attained the warrant to spy on Page. Bogus as Page only had legit business in Russia and nothing in the 800 pages stated that Page was a spy and that was the genesis of the warrant. You’re dumb and biased. You also thought Kavanaugh was guilty.
I asked you to show Mueller's exact quotes. You didn't. You're a liar again.

Google is your friend. Likely your only one. What does no more indictments mean to you?
The report itself is done. It was passed off to Congress to make the indictments. The investigation is not done. Mueller said that in his report. This isn't rocket science. It's basic middle school reading comprehension. Keep up or leave.

Indictments for what? Congress is now moving on to obstruction since no one disputes there was no conspiracy and that was the primary focus of the investigation. You’re dumb. But this is fun. My kids are reading this exchange and laughing at your expense.
Did you tell your kids that Mueller couldn't indict, or do you lie to them as much as you lie on this board?
That's a bald faced lie. Mueller never said there was no collusion, and no quote exists. Obstruction was left for congress to decide, and 800 prosecutors said Trump obstructed. And Congress was never given the full report.

Also, by way of the WSJ and the NYT's, obstruction was proven when Trump asked Don McGhan to tell Mueller Trump did not obstruct. And guess what? McGhan didn't do it. That proves 100% obstruction right there. And if you have a rebuttal, let's see the legal rebuttal? If not, then the Right needs to shut the hell up.
Don't laugh like a coward, "DEBATE" the truth, or get lost.

You’re a troll. I laugh At you as well. You’re also a jobless parasite.
You have nothing intelligent to debate when you get boxed in. Stop making a fool of yourself with this losing debate of yours.

You must be talking to yourself as people on this board agree with me.
You openly lie on this board by never proving your points. It only serves as fodder for the Left against the juvenile, ignorant, lying, Right.

You just lied. I always provide links. You’re just too lazy to click on them. But you do a good job of stalking me. I am glad I own a bunch of real estate in your empty head.

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