Grailhunter and Breezewood: Where did Christians first lose their way?

For the longest time BreezeWood has consistently protested Christians as teaching falsely, I think starting with the "4th Century".

I cannot follow BW's spiritual statements about Christians needing to repent and correct their misleading theologies. The posts from BW range from spiritialluly poetic but cryptic mystical messages, to very detailed scientific rebuttals (about simgularities and Big Bang talk with ding and others who can go that route).

Can I please ask BreezeWood to restate these arguments against false Christian teachings, and ask Grailhunter to please explain these historical and spiritual statements to me in plain Q&A American 8th grade English.

And same with ding and the whole issue of could something have created the Universe from nothingness.

One topic at a time please!

Explain to me like I'm an 8th grade student just trying to get the basic history or framework behind the arguments.


Yes he is correct. The religion that came out of Rome held councils and many false teachings were made at those councils and mistranslations into the bible to fit those false teachings such as a trinity god. their own encyclopedia tells you that basically
The new catholic encyclopedia-1967-Volume XIV-Page 299 says--- The formulation one God in three persons was not established, certainly not assimilated into christian life and its profession of faith, until near the end of the 4th century. Among the Apostolic fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.

Thats because Israelites from Moses on up until this very day-teach, serve and worship a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah) this God was taught to Jesus when he attended those places of worship, and to every bible writer. Jesus taught that God as well-John 4:22-24-John 20:17, Rev 3:12
Thanks BreezeWood
What is the best process of helping people follow the right beliefs instead of the wrong teachings:
1. Threaten punishment
2. Explain the rewards that come with truth
3. Attack and denounce contrary teachings as false and other groups as selfish or deluded
4. Find the best ways of communicating with each person or audience.

What approaches have you found to be the most effective and successful in teaching others and correcting or stopping wrongful/false teachings?
What approaches have you found to be the most effective and successful in teaching others and correcting or stopping wrongful/false teachings?

its easy to get lost with you emily, no approach has ever seemed to work - - howabout, burn all desert religion books.

which outcome in the end is all to hope for that someday will occur.
its easy to get lost with you emily, no approach has ever seemed to work - - howabout, burn all desert religion books.

which outcome in the end is all to hope for that someday will occur.
??? BreezeWood
1. How does burning books of others affect you?
2. Are you saying it doesn't affect you but you support this to help others?
3. Can you explain the difference it makes in your spiritual life and process if these books are burned or not burned?
??? BreezeWood
1. How does burning books of others affect you?
2. Are you saying it doesn't affect you but you support this to help others?
3. Can you explain the difference it makes in your spiritual life and process if these books are burned or not burned?
which outcome in the end is all to hope for that someday will occur.

the disclaimer for taking a chance - for choosing instead the advantage ...

the desert "religions" will disappear without their books - the 10000 pg documents.

what will remain eventually are their true beliefs originating from the heavens, maybe - if they are worthy or revert to what they can remember to transcribe.
Simply put, God creates from nothing. It's a long held Christian and Hebrew belief.

Science confirms the universe was created from nothing. Matter and energy had a beginning.
:abgg2q.jpg: Science proves that NOTHING can be created by NOTHING. Science proves the universe was created from nothing?

Why do you not simply present the FACTS that prove your argument. Show us how nothing can create Mass, Matter and Energy.

Real Science can be "APPLIED".
:abgg2q.jpg: Science proves that NOTHING can be created by NOTHING. Science proves the universe was created from nothing?

Why do you not simply present the FACTS that prove your argument. Show us how nothing can create Mass, Matter and Energy.

Real Science can be "APPLIED".
It is possible for matter to have a beginning. In a closed universe the gravitational energy which is always negative exactly compensates the positive energy of matter. So the energy of a closed universe is always zero. So nothing prevents this universe from being spontaneously created. Because the net energy is always zero. The positive energy of matter is balanced by the negative energy of the gravity of that matter which is the space time curvature of that matter. There is no conservation law that prevents the formation of such a universe. In quantum mechanics if something is not forbidden by conservation laws, then it necessarily happens with some non-zero probability. So a closed universe can spontaneously appear - through the laws of quantum mechanics - out of nothing. And in fact there is an elegant mathematical description which describes this process and shows that a tiny closed universe having very high energy can spontaneously pop into existence and immediately start to expand and cool. In this description, the same laws that describe the evolution of the universe also describe the appearance of the universe which means that the laws were in place before the universe itself.
:abgg2q.jpg: Science proves that NOTHING can be created by NOTHING. Science proves the universe was created from nothing?

Why do you not simply present the FACTS that prove your argument. Show us how nothing can create Mass, Matter and Energy.

Real Science can be "APPLIED".
The universe being created from nothing is totally consistent with Judeao-Christian beliefs.

Creatio ex nihilo (Latin for "creation out of nothing") is the doctrine that matter is not eternal but had to be created by some divine creative act.[1]

- sure its, just like a messiah that was crucified is going to save the crucifiers ...
I'm not sure how that is like the universe being created from nothing being consistent with Judeao-Christian beliefs.

But yes, Christ suffered death to defeat death to reconcile justice with mercy on our behalf.
I'm not sure how that is like the universe being created from nothing being consistent with Judeao-Christian beliefs.

But yes, Christ suffered death to defeat death to reconcile justice with mercy on our behalf.
- sure its, just like a messiah that was crucified is going to save the crucifiers ...

seems the same to me ... a puff of smoke and a pipe dream.

sorry, isn't - judeao-christian beliefs - an oxymoron ... 2nd in two days.
Reads like
seems the same to me ... a puff of smoke and a pipe dream.

sorry, isn't - judeao-christian beliefs - an oxymoron ... 2nd in two days.
The destruction of Jerusalem reads like revenge for the crucifixion.
wouldn't that leave credence the heavens do metaphysically make their presence known ... and in a way as a guidance for who might be interested.
What? There I s plenty of evidence plus, a king's list, flood sediment and a date of 2900 bc.
Reads like
The destruction of Jerusalem reads like revenge for the crucifixion.

such a touching thought - 1st century liberation theology, self determination ... jerusalmem then got what they deserved.
What? There I s plenty of evidence plus, a king's list, flood sediment and a date of 2900 bc.

better yet - though mythical is more realistic or "the gods of egypt" movie - would be the best of both worlds - living gods.

that 1st - phony commandment - is the worst ... so much more could be taught through polytheism. moses was a liar.

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