Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in chokehold death of Jordan Neely

He acted like a vigilante. Yes, he held the hold too long, and that is his downfall. He will be convicted, I believe, of voluntary manslaughter.

I acted as a vigilante at least four times, and I have not paid a legal price for the actions. One of them I got away with what I did. Lucky. That's the bubble in which Penny operated, and he had dozens of people watching plus cameras and vids and whatever.

Think before acting out, then do what you think best.

To be fair, we don't know how long he actually choked Neely for.
Neither man should have ever ended up in their respective positions, but we have a virtually non-existent mental health system and a justice system that refuses to dispense justice.
Oh please, lables and diagnosis are not defenses and excuses. Americans lived for a few cenruries without having to fall back on victimhood
No. Manslaughter is not murder. Not all homicides are a murder. Some aren’t even a crime.

Manslaughter is covered as a criminal statute.

The man caused the death of another.

Here's an example of why this Subway Choke hold guy is considered a Criminal : another subway death. But this one involved physical assaults, whereas the choker, no one was physically assaulted. Arguments and scary threats happen, but until a hand is placed on another?

Mr. Williams was arrested and charged on Wednesday with manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon. A woman who was taken into custody along with Mr. Williams was released. She has not been identified.

Before the men’s encounter, Mr. Ouedraogo had gotten into a dispute with passengers on the train, including Mr. Williams’s girlfriend, according to law enforcement sources.
Manslaughter is covered as a criminal statute.

The man caused the death of another.

Here's an example of why this Subway Choke hold guy is considered a Criminal : another subway death. But this one involved physical assaults, whereas the choker, no one was physically assaulted. Arguments and scary threats happen, but until a hand is placed on another?

There’s more outrage for this single case than the other 27 killings in the subway. We all know why: whitey interfered with a violent black man. If the races were reversed, or both black, this would never have made the news.
I suspected this would end up being the case. I'm not happy with this because at the end of the day Penny is as much a victim as Neely. It's the system that failed everyone here. Neither man should have ever ended up in their respective positions, but we have a virtually non-existent mental health system and a justice system that refuses to dispense justice.

Um, wait, are you actually "Blaming Society"?

Don't you wingnuts get all upset about that when poor criminals of color blame society for their crimes?

At the end of the day, Penny used lethal force against a smaller, unarmed man and continued to use it.
He was a US Marine, he was trained to know that a blood choke is lethal.
There’s more outrage for this single case than the other 27 killings in the subway. We all know why: whitey interfered with a violent black man. If the races were reversed, or both black, this would never have made the news.

Bullshit, we hear about it every time a mentally ill black man attacks a white person or an Asian on the subway.
There’s more outrage for this single case than the other 27 killings in the subway. We all know why: whitey interfered with a violent black man. If the races were reversed, or both black, this would never have made the news.
there you are all stuck on the black man shit again. Why don't you just get laid by a few?

I heard there's an old saying "Once you black, you never come back"
Manslaughter is covered as a criminal statute.

The man caused the death of another.

Here's an example of why this Subway Choke hold guy is considered a Criminal : another subway death. But this one involved physical assaults, whereas the choker, no one was physically assaulted. Arguments and scary threats happen, but until a hand is placed on another?

Manslaughter is not murder. They are two different crimes.

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