Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in chokehold death of Jordan Neely

Where’s the outrage over the other 27 murders on the New York subway over the past three years? Or is there only outrage when a white man (inadvertently) kills a black man?

Recently a young black man wad arrested for a similar incident in the NYC subway system.
The DA has no authority to fire the medical examiner.
I didn’t say “fire,” but everyone knows the DA’s mission is to throw more white butts in prison and keep as many black criminals out (hence why Neely was walking free after 42 arrests), and we all know how Democrats put their finger on the scale, to put it mildly.
A "you people" sure isn't you. Anything else to add?
I'm sure that the "you people" who are being referred too, are lying scheming agenda above all else leftist that are these so called transformational specialist, otherwise who work tirelessly to try and bring about various things into being, yet the majority in this country absolutely do not want those things to co-exist in their spaces, and so the red lines are being drawn.
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Recently a young black man wad arrested for a similar incident in the NYC subway system.
I think I saw a YouTube video of a "Blackman" who was shopping in Walmart with his son, take out a knife wielding thug who was trying to threaten the customer's there.

Another man attempted to take the knife from the thug and failed, but the man who was there shopping with his son grabbed what looked to be a metal stand of some sort, and then lifted it high above his head to make sure that he delivered a crushing blow to the individual holding the knife quickly executed the move on him.

It worked, but the point being that the blow could have easily killed the perp, but fortunately for the perp he survived it.

Ok, so why wasn't the black man who was there with his young son in Walmart that day immediately arrested and then charged with attempted homicide of a would be "college prep school", uhhh I mean soon to be in his future young man that just so happened to be holding a knife (who had such a promising future looking at him), when that mean ole good guy decided to just crack him in the back of his head while he was just showing a stranger a knife that he wanted to demonstrate in a would be thug scenario that didn't include him ? LOL


That's how it's played out now ain't it ?
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I think I saw a YouTube video of a "Blackman" who was shopping in Walmart with his son, take out a knife wielding thug who was trying to threaten the customer's there.

Another man attempted to take the knife from the thug and failed, but the man who was there shopping with his son grabbed what looked to be a metal stand of some sort, and then lifted it high above his head to make sure that he delivered a crushing blow to the individual holding the knife, and quickly executed the move on him.

It worked, but the point being that the blow could have easily killed the perp, but fortunately for the perp he survived it.

Ok, so why wasn't the black man who was there with his young son in Walmart that day immediately arrested and then charged with attempted homicide of a would be "college prep school", uhhh I mean soon to be in his future young man that just so happened to be holding a knife (who had such a promising future looking at him), when that mean ole good guy decided to just crack him in the back of his head while he was just showing a stranger a knife that he wanted to demonstrate in a would be thug scenario that didn't include him ? LOL


That's how it's played out now ain't it ?

That’s not the incident I’m referring to.
Why would anybody want to live in that New York shithole?

No wonder we have so many New Yorkers moving to Florida.
Where is the tox report?
Daniel Penny is a genuine hero in the same league as Bernie Goetz and Kyle Rittenhouse.
No. Rittenhouse was and probably still is a wannabe punk. He’s certainly not a hero. He inserted himself into a situation he should have avoided but he didn’t because he’s stupid.
The chokehold was unnecessary. Vigilante actions have consequences.
You running your mouth, and you have no damned clue if it was necessary or not. Just shut up, and quit embarrassing yourself.

Vigilante, Rapist, and etc, are the newest leftist buzz word's that are being used politically to scream now from the roof tops, even if it is all pure bull shite and you know it.
No. Rittenhouse was and probably still is a wannabe punk. He’s certainly not a hero. He inserted himself into a situation he should have avoided but he didn’t because he’s stupid.
He made a stand against mob rule, violence in the streets, threat's, chaos, and mayhem because the coward's in these political offices are hog tied due to political correctness bull shite, and radical leftist theology.

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