Grand jury indicts Daniel Penny in chokehold death of Jordan Neely

The race issue played in via the decision to charge and indict the white man who accidentally caused the death of the drugged-up black criminal. If the races were reversed, we would never even heard of this.
Blacks get special treatment.
Blacks get special treatment.
That‘s obvious, and everyone other than those on the extreme left object to the racial bias. BTW, the Supreme Court will probably announce their ruling on affirmative action next week - possibly even today.
What is the FIRST thing rightists cut? Mental health!
They do? How? Why? How is the GOP party not able to even censure Adam Schiff for costing the taxpayers millions in proven lies and costing numbers of peoples small fortunes in legal defenses against what has now turned out to be LIES, making claims about Russian Collusion documented in secure FBI files that upon investigation, all turned out untrue? Yet somehow despite rarely having control of the WH or even both branches of congress to get a bill passed and usually not even enough majority to even pass anything in the House without defections, they still manage to suppress and kill healthcare for the whole country despite being a hawk on getting people more mental healthcare as the right way to address gun violence? How do they somehow STOP the democrats from countering those methods despite how often the democrats DO have control of the congress? And how do any of them stop healthcare companies and insurers from providing these services? I'd sure like to know how that works, because we literally have a mental health CRISIS in this country!

We, as a nation, fail miserably in this area. WHO determines funding? Not BLM.
BLM is free to spend, donate or invest the BILLIONS they acquired however they want. Instead, they bought mansions for themselves.

Police are often poorly equips to handle a situation involving a mental health crisis.
Of that there is no doubt, but since you never know the situation on a call until you get there, obviously, cops need more training including how to deal with non-life-threatening people without gunning them down in a hail of bullets.

Teaming up with professionals in that area might reduce the number of deaths.
That was the promise of 2020 still unfulfilled.

I feel bad for Penny. It is hard for many to gauge the level of a threat in these cases. He overreacted. The man died. But the situation shouldn’t have had to happen.
I would have handled the situation differently, but the net effect is that a good man, a Marine who came to the public aid intending to help people might very well end up in prison and that is a shame, like Floyd, over a POS dirtbag who was little more than a blight upon society, as Penny's arrest can only have a further chilling effect on others coming forward to help others in public situations.
No, I don't live anywhere close to a subway. Snap out of it. He killed a guy unprovoked. And you suck. How you like them apples?
You people will run with any news, but put your liberal lying twist on it for political gains.
Awesome news! You can't be choking the life out of a young man for 10 freaking minutes and get away with it. Time for killers to pay for their actions.

Why didn't Neely pay for his actions when he broke the face of an elderly woman? Why didnt' he pay the price when he punched another elderly man in the face? Why didn't he pay the price when he tried to kidnap a 7 year old off the street?
Why didn't Neely pay for his actions when he broke the face of an elderly woman? Why didnt' he pay the price when he punched another elderly man in the face? Why didn't he pay the price when he tried to kidnap a 7 year old off the street?
Anyone should pay for assault and kidnappng. I wonder why he didn't? Did he go to jail or did they just let him off in these cases?
Why didn't Neely pay for his actions when he broke the face of an elderly woman?
He was black.
Why didnt' he pay the price when he punched another elderly man in the face?
He was black.
Why didn't he pay the price when he tried to kidnap a 7 year old off the street?
He was black.

The Manhattan DA is on a rampage to keep as many violent black criminals out of prison - and to get as many white people in - in order to achieve “racial equity” in prison.
Guilt or innocence isn't the issue here. Penny is white. Of course they are going to railroad him. We can't have these white peasants defending themselves from violent black lunatics on subways or anywhere else. Too many Al Sharptons out there who need easy bux to be letting these white peasants off.
Yep, railroading white guys through our justice system has been predominate throughout my lifetime.
Why didn't Neely pay for his actions when he broke the face of an elderly woman? Why didnt' he pay the price when he punched another elderly man in the face? Why didn't he pay the price when he tried to kidnap a 7 year old off the street?

White people forced him to do all that.

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