GREAT AGAIN: 90% Of Workers Likely To See More Money In Paycheck -- Next Month!...

under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.

The dollar changes in value over time and then there is the added cost of the interest on the debt from the people that came before.

Percent change is the only accurate way to look at it. But I get that doing so tarnishes the image of the saint of all Conservatives, and that will never be allowed by the party zealots.

Ok, do the added debt comparisons adjusted for inflation, interest, etc. Normalize all of them to any base year. No matter how you calculate it, Obama added more to our debt than any other president in history.

So, lets say that McKinley took office with $2000 national debt, it was $4000 when he left, he doubled it, right? Now it was 10 Trillion when Obama took office and 19 trillion when he left. so he did not quite double it. So in your small mind McKinley and Obama equally added to the debt?????? Don't be so stupid, you are embarrassing yourself.
what was our population under McKinley and now ?? Think that MIGHT have had some affect?

Don’t waste your time, a party zealot can never be allowed to say an ill word about Reagan

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Reagan screwed up a lot of things, Bush did too. Unlike you, I am an American first, not a partisan puppet like most of you on the left.
under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.

The dollar changes in value over time and then there is the added cost of the interest on the debt from the people that came before.

Percent change is the only accurate way to look at it. But I get that doing so tarnishes the image of the saint of all Conservatives, and that will never be allowed by the party zealots.

Ok, do the added debt comparisons adjusted for inflation, interest, etc. Normalize all of them to any base year. No matter how you calculate it, Obama added more to our debt than any other president in history.

So, lets say that McKinley took office with $2000 national debt, it was $4000 when he left, he doubled it, right? Now it was 10 Trillion when Obama took office and 19 trillion when he left. so he did not quite double it. So in your small mind McKinley and Obama equally added to the debt?????? Don't be so stupid, you are embarrassing yourself.
what was our population under McKinley and now ?? Think that MIGHT have had some affect?

doesn't really matter. gator golfer was trying to make an invalid comparison, my McKinley example was just to prove how wrong he was.

Nobody that understands either math or economics talks about straight totals, it is always percent of change. But you have to play stupid because as a party zealot one cannot admit the truth

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Trigger alert: Facts are on the way.

FACT: A middle-income family with two kids making $100K per year, with both parents working, will see their take-home pay rise by at least $150 per month. An extra $150 is real money for most middle-class families.

FACT: Major tax cuts have always been followed by sizable increases in federal revenue.

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

You link to your own debunked blog to support the false notion that tax cuts pay for themselves.

Revenues rise because every time Republicans cut taxes, they go on a spending spree doubling and tripling the deficit. What increases in revenue there are come from the increased federal spending, not the tax cuts.

Even Reagan’s economic advisors have admitted this.
under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.
but you didn't answer red ,,where were you then? reagan ,gwb didn't have to deal with the aftermath of our great recession

LOL another fantasy of the left, the "great recession" of 2008. Where was I? right here, and I was buying into the market when everyone else was selling, I made a ton of money in the "great recession".
guess you did well then with obama increasing our debt ,,And THIS is how you show your gratitude?
why don't republicans get it that they're getting scraps and that's going to end while the trumps of the country get the lions share and oh yes ,,,trump said he won't benefit more bs for repubs to digest

tell that to the walmart employees who just got bonuses and raises. Tell that to a working family that is getting $2000 more per year to spend on food, clothes, medical expenses, etc.
tell that to everyone with a 401K as they watch their value increase. It will help even you.

What about the thousands of WalMart employees that just got fired to help pay for those bonuses and raises?

2000 more a year comes out to less than 40 dollars a week. And the 2000 is the average, and the average is always skewed by the higher numbers, so most will not even be getting the 40 bucks a week.

Is that worth a minimum of 1.5 trillion dollars added to the deficit?

First, were Obama's policies worth adding 9 trillion to the national debt?
Second, do you know the difference between debt and deficit?
third, to most working families $40/week is a very welcome increase.
Yep. 40.00 a week is an extra 160.00 a month for groceries and bills. Funny...libs want to give the welfare moochers 160.00 + a month for food but whine when the middle class gets it. Figures.
Walmart announced those raises two years ago to counter the bad publicity they were receiving for having so many front line staff on assistance. Their raises had nothing to do with Trump or the tax cuts.

the bonuses were the direct result of the lower corporate tax rates. Now, those bonuses will be taxed, they will be spent. That money will increase the GDP and government revenues by more than the corporate tax cuts. Watch the market this year, watch your 401K. But even as you get richer you will still be a far left dem zealot. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
red hope you're around in years to come when the payments for this are due

Who do you think is going to pay the 9 trillion the Obama added to our debt? When your Kenyan messiah took office our debt was around 10 T, when he left it was 19T, and you libs now whine about increasing the debt?????????? fricken hypocrites.

Are they any more hypocritical than you Trump zealots that whined about the debt for 8 years now not giving a shit about it at all?

I have consistently said that we should not engage in deficit spending and should have a balanced budget amendment. The deficit projections from the tax cuts are studies done by left wing think tanks. No one knows exactly what the affect will be. If the economy booms as many predict. a budget surplus is possible. If Trump continues to cut unnecessary federal spending, it could happen, and that would be terrible for the dem party, that's why they continue the "sky is falling" rhetoric.

Trigger alert: Facts are on the way.

FACT: A middle-income family with two kids making $100K per year, with both parents working, will see their take-home pay rise by at least $150 per month. An extra $150 is real money for most middle-class families.

FACT: Major tax cuts have always been followed by sizable increases in federal revenue.

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

You link to your own debunked blog to support the false notion that tax cuts pay for themselves.

Revenues rise because every time Republicans cut taxes, they go on a spending spree doubling and tripling the deficit. What increases in revenue there are come from the increased federal spending, not the tax cuts.

Even Reagan’s economic advisors have admitted this.
under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.
but you didn't answer red ,,where were you then? reagan ,gwb didn't have to deal with the aftermath of our great recession

LOL another fantasy of the left, the "great reces
sion" of 2008. Where was I? right here, and I was buying into the market when everyone else was selling, I made a ton of money in the "great recession".

was that before or after you retired from seal team 6?
You link to your own debunked blog to support the false notion that tax cuts pay for themselves.

Revenues rise because every time Republicans cut taxes, they go on a spending spree doubling and tripling the deficit. What increases in revenue there are come from the increased federal spending, not the tax cuts.

Even Reagan’s economic advisors have admitted this.
under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.
but you didn't answer red ,,where were you then? reagan ,gwb didn't have to deal with the aftermath of our great recession

LOL another fantasy of the left, the "great recession" of 2008. Where was I? right here, and I was buying into the market when everyone else was selling, I made a ton of money in the "great recession".
guess you did well then with obama increasing our debt ,,And THIS is how you show your gratitude?

Yeah, there was no recession, it was just a ploy.

You cannot really be that stupid, can you?

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the bonuses were the direct result of the lower corporate tax rates. Now, those bonuses will be taxed, they will be spent. That money will increase the GDP and government revenues by more than the corporate tax cuts. Watch the market this year, watch your 401K. But even as you get richer you will still be a far left dem zealot. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
red hope you're around in years to come when the payments for this are due

Who do you think is going to pay the 9 trillion the Obama added to our debt? When your Kenyan messiah took office our debt was around 10 T, when he left it was 19T, and you libs now whine about increasing the debt?????????? fricken hypocrites.

Are they any more hypocritical than you Trump zealots that whined about the debt for 8 years now not giving a shit about it at all?

I have consistently said that we should not engage in deficit spending and should have a balanced budget amendment. The deficit projections from the tax cuts are studies done by left wing think tanks. No one knows exactly what the affect will be. If the economy booms as many predict. a budget surplus is possible. If Trump continues to cut unnecessary federal spending, it could happen, and that would be terrible for the dem party, that's why they continue the "sky is falling" rhetoric.

You link to your own debunked blog to support the false notion that tax cuts pay for themselves.

Revenues rise because every time Republicans cut taxes, they go on a spending spree doubling and tripling the deficit. What increases in revenue there are come from the increased federal spending, not the tax cuts.

Even Reagan’s economic advisors have admitted this.
under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.
but you didn't answer red ,,where were you then? reagan ,gwb didn't have to deal with the aftermath of our great recession

LOL another fantasy of the left, the "great reces
sion" of 2008. Where was I? right here, and I was buying into the market when everyone else was selling, I made a ton of money in the "great recession".

was that before or after you retired from seal team 6?

Post of the day!!

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Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.

The dollar changes in value over time and then there is the added cost of the interest on the debt from the people that came before.

Percent change is the only accurate way to look at it. But I get that doing so tarnishes the image of the saint of all Conservatives, and that will never be allowed by the party zealots.

Ok, do the added debt comparisons adjusted for inflation, interest, etc. Normalize all of them to any base year. No matter how you calculate it, Obama added more to our debt than any other president in history.

So, lets say that McKinley took office with $2000 national debt, it was $4000 when he left, he doubled it, right? Now it was 10 Trillion when Obama took office and 19 trillion when he left. so he did not quite double it. So in your small mind McKinley and Obama equally added to the debt?????? Don't be so stupid, you are embarrassing yourself.
what was our population under McKinley and now ?? Think that MIGHT have had some affect?

Don’t waste your time, a party zealot can never be allowed to say an ill word about Reagan

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Reagan screwed up a lot of things, Bush did too. Unlike you, I am an American first, not a partisan puppet like most of you on the left.
I too am American first and when our leaders embarrass America I will speak out Trump is a major embarrassment
Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.

The dollar changes in value over time and then there is the added cost of the interest on the debt from the people that came before.

Percent change is the only accurate way to look at it. But I get that doing so tarnishes the image of the saint of all Conservatives, and that will never be allowed by the party zealots.

Ok, do the added debt comparisons adjusted for inflation, interest, etc. Normalize all of them to any base year. No matter how you calculate it, Obama added more to our debt than any other president in history.

So, lets say that McKinley took office with $2000 national debt, it was $4000 when he left, he doubled it, right? Now it was 10 Trillion when Obama took office and 19 trillion when he left. so he did not quite double it. So in your small mind McKinley and Obama equally added to the debt?????? Don't be so stupid, you are embarrassing yourself.
what was our population under McKinley and now ?? Think that MIGHT have had some affect?

Don’t waste your time, a party zealot can never be allowed to say an ill word about Reagan

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Reagan screwed up a lot of things, Bush did too. Unlike you, I am an American first, not a partisan puppet like most of you on the left.

Oh please. You are nothing but a fucking partisan zealot that denies the last recession even happened because admitting to it would look bad for Bush II

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red hope you're around in years to come when the payments for this are due

Who do you think is going to pay the 9 trillion the Obama added to our debt? When your Kenyan messiah took office our debt was around 10 T, when he left it was 19T, and you libs now whine about increasing the debt?????????? fricken hypocrites.

Are they any more hypocritical than you Trump zealots that whined about the debt for 8 years now not giving a shit about it at all?

I have consistently said that we should not engage in deficit spending and should have a balanced budget amendment. The deficit projections from the tax cuts are studies done by left wing think tanks. No one knows exactly what the affect will be. If the economy booms as many predict. a budget surplus is possible. If Trump continues to cut unnecessary federal spending, it could happen, and that would be terrible for the dem party, that's why they continue the "sky is falling" rhetoric.

under reagan didn't our debt triple and under gwb ,double ? where were all repub deficit hawks then? Fiscal conservatives ??? BAH HUMBUG

Obama added 9 trillion to the debt. How many dollars did Reagan and Bush add?

Look at the actual dollars, fool.
but you didn't answer red ,,where were you then? reagan ,gwb didn't have to deal with the aftermath of our great recession

LOL another fantasy of the left, the "great reces
sion" of 2008. Where was I? right here, and I was buying into the market when everyone else was selling, I made a ton of money in the "great recession".

was that before or after you retired from seal team 6?

Post of the day!!

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^^ sock
Thank you President Trump!:dance:

The U.S. Treasury and the IRS on Thursday put out new guidance and withholding tables for employers that incorporate changes from the new tax law.

Under those new tables, the Treasury estimates that 90% of people who get a paycheck are likely to see more in take-home pay, as soon as February. Employers will have until Feb. 15 to incorporate the changes in their payroll systems.

The major changes affecting individuals include new tax brackets, (mostly) lower income tax rates,...

90% Of Workers Likely To See More Money In Paycheck Next Month
Nancy says the millions of people who got bonuses this year just got scraps.
To a rich career kleptocrat who's never worked for a living, $1000 IS just scraps.
Thank you President Trump!:dance:

The U.S. Treasury and the IRS on Thursday put out new guidance and withholding tables for employers that incorporate changes from the new tax law.

Under those new tables, the Treasury estimates that 90% of people who get a paycheck are likely to see more in take-home pay, as soon as February. Employers will have until Feb. 15 to incorporate the changes in their payroll systems.

The major changes affecting individuals include new tax brackets, (mostly) lower income tax rates,...

90% Of Workers Likely To See More Money In Paycheck Next Month
Where is the money for infrastructure going to come from? Marijauna taxes.
Thank you President Trump!:dance:

The U.S. Treasury and the IRS on Thursday put out new guidance and withholding tables for employers that incorporate changes from the new tax law.

Under those new tables, the Treasury estimates that 90% of people who get a paycheck are likely to see more in take-home pay, as soon as February. Employers will have until Feb. 15 to incorporate the changes in their payroll systems.

The major changes affecting individuals include new tax brackets, (mostly) lower income tax rates,...

90% Of Workers Likely To See More Money In Paycheck Next Month
Where is the money for infrastructure going to come from? Marijauna taxes.
And the wall WE will pay for ??Trump is a world class liar
And it only cost a mere 1.5 trillion (at minimum) dollars for people to get a couple sawbucks more in the check. I am sure our grandchildren will not mind footing that bill for that.
You are a sock full of shit. Tax cuts don't "cost" anything.
why don't republicans get it that they're getting scraps and that's going to end while the trumps of the country get the lions share and oh yes ,,,trump said he won't benefit more bs for repubs to digest

tell that to the walmart employees who just got bonuses and raises. Tell that to a working family that is getting $2000 more per year to spend on food, clothes, medical expenses, etc.
tell that to everyone with a 401K as they watch their value increase. It will help even you.

What about the thousands of WalMart employees that just got fired to help pay for those bonuses and raises?

2000 more a year comes out to less than 40 dollars a week. And the 2000 is the average, and the average is always skewed by the higher numbers, so most will not even be getting the 40 bucks a week.

Is that worth a minimum of 1.5 trillion dollars added to the deficit?

First, were Obama's policies worth adding 9 trillion to the national debt?
Second, do you know the difference between debt and deficit?
third, to most working families $40/week is a very welcome increase.
Yep. 40.00 a week is an extra 160.00 a month for groceries and bills. Funny...libs want to give the welfare moochers 160.00 + a month for food but whine when the middle class gets it. Figures.
Earned income credit does the same thing.
And it only cost a mere 1.5 trillion (at minimum) dollars for people to get a couple sawbucks more in the check. I am sure our grandchildren will not mind footing that bill for that.
You are a sock full of shit. Tax cuts don't "cost" anything.

You should tell that to your Repub masters then. The whole reason they are temporary is the cost

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And it only cost a mere 1.5 trillion (at minimum) dollars for people to get a couple sawbucks more in the check. I am sure our grandchildren will not mind footing that bill for that.
You are a sock full of shit. Tax cuts don't "cost" anything.
they are being financed through debt, not paid for through an end to the drug war.
Bullshit. Tax cuts do not need to be financed because they cost exactly $0.00.

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