GREAT news! 2 concealed carry holders shoot and kill armed robber in barber shop

To go on and hit up others and possibly get killed. You have any idea how most robbers get away with it, even murderers?
Another scenario that idiots like him never think about is that if they had gotten away unmolested, they would be emboldened to do it again. People could have died then. No, retards like him can't and won't think past their narrow dogma.
Robbers are supposed to get away, by corporate policy, so no one gets hurt. Stopping them is the job of the police, not Bubba the janitor or a guy getting his hair cut.
Most get away with it because money isn't worth killing, or dying over.

Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
To go on and hit up others and possibly get killed. You have any idea how most robbers get away with it, even murderers?
Robbers are supposed to get away, by corporate policy, so no one gets hurt. Stopping them is the job of the police, not Bubba the janitor or a guy getting his hair cut.
Most get away with it because money isn't worth killing, or dying over.

Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
Do you read the thread at all? I was responding to Westwall.
To go on and hit up others and possibly get killed. You have any idea how most robbers get away with it, even murderers?
Most get away with it because money isn't worth killing, or dying over.

Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
Do you read the thread at all? I was responding to Westwall.

Open forum.
Most get away with it because money isn't worth killing, or dying over.

Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
Do you read the thread at all? I was responding to Westwall.

Open forum.
I'm being extremely patient here, I want you to know: Westwall asked why the robbers carried guns, if they weren't planning to use them in the robbery. My response.....would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it? I'm not upholding the robbers; I've already said I'd shoot them if I had a gun, but in many armed robberies, the gun is more a threat than a promise.
Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
Do you read the thread at all? I was responding to Westwall.

Open forum.
I'm being extremely patient here, I want you to know: Westwall asked why the robbers carried guns, if they weren't planning to use them in the robbery. My response.....would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it? I'm not upholding the robbers; I've already said I'd shoot them if I had a gun, but in many armed robberies, the gun is more a threat than a promise.

I don't give a fuck about what you do. I don't care if you are or aren't. You don't mean shit to me so what you do doesn't mean shit to me.
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
Do you read the thread at all? I was responding to Westwall.

Open forum.
I'm being extremely patient here, I want you to know: Westwall asked why the robbers carried guns, if they weren't planning to use them in the robbery. My response.....would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it? I'm not upholding the robbers; I've already said I'd shoot them if I had a gun, but in many armed robberies, the gun is more a threat than a promise.

I don't give a fuck about what you do. I don't care if you are or aren't. You don't mean shit to me so what you do doesn't mean shit to me.
You're definitely drunk.
Someone trying to steal from another and dying is getting what they deserved. I put MY money over the value of a thief's life any day.
Thank you for not valuing human life, at all apparently...

I don't value the life of someone trying to steal what I earned. Their life isn't worth it.
Oh, but it is. and if you were an actual human being, not just a human shell, you'd know that.
Police said one of the suspect’s weapons was stolen from a south Columbia home in 2012.

Let me get this right.

A legally held gun was stolen and used in a crime.
Other legally held guns were used to stop the stolen legally held gun, but whilst children were in the shop.

Sounds like a great advert to have legally held guns - not.

The cop that was shot recently was shot with a gun stolen from a cop. The woman murdered in San Francisco was killed with a gun stolen from a cop. Now, if you could somehow magically wave your hand and we were all reduced to swords and knives you know what would happen? Yep.. Bad guys would get swords and knives and kill good people. It's what they do. The only thing that prevents bad people from doing bad things are good people armed like the bad guys who kill the bad guys. That's how it's done.

That is how it has ALWAYS been done. Till now. Now there are a bunch of silly people who don't mind if bad guys kill innocent people because the thought of innocent people being able to defend themselves just pisses them off. Besides the bad guys won't kill all that many. Right?
Then why do they bring guns to rob people?

To intimidate...and put fear into them. 99 percent have no intent on killing anybody...

Sooooooo, how do the one percent feel about being killed? I guess you have no problem with them.....getting killed I mean...

And yet I just had a debate recently on this board with a gun lover saying that the deaths of victims of mass shooters was statistically acceptable when it comes to being against new gun laws being enacted.

Because the facts are that those murders, tragic as they are, are far less than the one percent you don't care about. Just think. Norway and France have the gun laws that you love and the two mass shootings they have had have a larger death toll than all of ours over the last 20 years. That would make a thinking person pause....
Someone trying to steal from another and dying is getting what they deserved. I put MY money over the value of a thief's life any day.
Thank you for not valuing human life, at all apparently...

I don't value the life of someone trying to steal what I earned. Their life isn't worth it.
Oh, but it is. and if you were an actual human being, not just a human shell, you'd know that.

But it isn't. If you weren't a progressive loon you would know that. The facts are criminals are criminals and they have proliferated because idiots like you have made it nearly impossible to incarcerate them.
No. To defend myself from assholes like these two pricks. According to you I should place my life in the hands of assholes who have demonstrated that they don't care about my rights, or the rights of others. Thus it is not surprising that they murder people just for the hell of it... like this poor clerk in a 7-11 who did everything correctly according to you and yet still ended up dead. Looks like your assumptions are full of shit. Just. Like. You.

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They get dead here or there, but very, very rarely. That is why the policy is hand it over, like or not.

That policy works OK for banks for the most part I will grant you. But clerking at a convenience store is far more dangerous. Even when the clerks do everything you say they still die at a ridiculously high rate.

You are wrong.
They die at a higher rate than normal people because it is a dangerous job, like being a cop. That does not change the math or mean they should start playing John Wayne.

It's only dangerous because scumbags kill them for no reason and Corporate policies that value money over life disarm the clerks because the corporations are afraid that they might get sued if an employee defends themselves, so clearly the corporations value money more than life, so you are wrong yet again....
The corporations value life over money. Robbers want money, so hand it over and in nearly all cases, no one gets hurts. It's math, AKA the real world, dummies.

No, they don't. The policies that you so love are in place to save the corporations from potential law suits, thus they value money over life. You are full of poo as usual.
To go on and hit up others and possibly get killed. You have any idea how most robbers get away with it, even murderers?
Another scenario that idiots like him never think about is that if they had gotten away unmolested, they would be emboldened to do it again. People could have died then. No, retards like him can't and won't think past their narrow dogma.
Robbers are supposed to get away, by corporate policy, so no one gets hurt. Stopping them is the job of the police, not Bubba the janitor or a guy getting his hair cut.
Most get away with it because money isn't worth killing, or dying over.

Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

Nope. If he asked for money in a nice way I might give him some. But if a person demands my money he can go piss up a rope. And, if he threatens me with a weapon he had better be damned proficient in its use because I am with mine.
WCSC : Police: Two concealed weapons holders killed suspect during barbershop robbery

Columbia SC.

2 thugs tried to rob a barber shop.

2 concealed carry holders shot them.

1 thug is dead on scene. 1 thug fled wounded. Hopefully he's being tracked down like a wounded game animal.
One, money is never worth taking a life over.
Two, only one was hit and later died.
Three, two shot at both suspects and only hit one? Hardly good shooting.

COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - Two concealed weapons holders who were victims of an armed robbery at a Columbia barbershop shot and killed one of the suspects on Friday night.
The Colombia Police Department responded to an armed robbery call at ‘Next Up Barber and Beauty’ in the 4400 block of Fort Jackson Blvd shortly before 7 p.m.
Several people, including children, were inside the business when two armed men wearing masks demanded and stole money from them.
Two of the victims with valid concealed weapons permits shot at both suspects, hitting one of them. The wounded suspect ran from the barbershop and collapsed outside.
He was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead by medical staff a short time later, according to police.
CPD is investigating how the second suspect escaped from the scene, and whether he’s suffering from any injuries.
The victims were not physically injured during the incident.
Police said one of the suspect’s weapons was stolen from a south Columbia home in 2012.
Full Story
The robbers were armed. What would they have done if their plan was resisted......
What do you call shooting at them if not resistance?

Ridding the world of another piece of shit that won't be able to rob an innocent person again. Good enough for me.

Next time it might not have been simply robbery, some innocent person might have been killed. Killing that one thug not only saved the taxpayers a shit ton of money, it may also have saved lives. Too bad the other one didn't die as well.

Agreed. It is a well known fact that once no punishment has been generated for a particular behavior, the criminals will escalate their violence. It's what they do.
Then why do they bring guns?
Would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it?

No. Why would I?
Do you read the thread at all? I was responding to Westwall.

Open forum.
I'm being extremely patient here, I want you to know: Westwall asked why the robbers carried guns, if they weren't planning to use them in the robbery. My response.....would YOU give your wallet to someone who just walked up and asked you for it? I'm not upholding the robbers; I've already said I'd shoot them if I had a gun, but in many armed robberies, the gun is more a threat than a promise.

And how exactly is the victim supposed to know this? Would YOU trust your life to a criminal who is pointing a gun at you? Would YOU simply let him do what he pleases to YOU knowing you have the ability to defend yourself? How about if you are walking along and your daughter is with you. Are you going to trust HER safety and well being with a criminal?

I sure as hell wouldn't.

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