Great news for democrats!

What good would controlling both the House and Senate be, at this point in time? We still have an opposing President who has veto power. I look forward to 2024 as seeing a Strong conservative Republican President, with Republicans controlling both the House and Senate. It's the only way out of this mess you Democrats voted for.

If that is the case, you need to break away from Trump

Making 2024 about stolen elections, petty feuds and childlike insults will not help Republicans win races

Until Republicans jump off the Crazy Train they can rule out winning
So far Biden is pretty much uncontested. Williamson, RFK Jr. and those two are going nowhere.

Democrats have nobody to run against Biden.
I am more concerned with Kamala Harris. I had hoped that she could be groomed as Biden’s successor in 2024.
She is obviously not ready to be President. Dems should use 2024 to ready an eventual candidate for 2028.
Actually, I think that Biden has mostly delivered as promised. I just think his age is catching up with him. I had hoped Harris could be groomed to step up in 2024. Now, I think Dems should replace her on the ticket.

As for Republicans, I had hoped they would have moved on from Trump by now.
Since they won’t, they are a non factor for 2024
I just do not understand repubs. They lose with trump in 2018. They lose with trump in 2020. They lose with trump in 2022. Now that 2024 is coming up...they say...."LET'S GO WITH trump!"
If trump is the repub nominee, which seems to be a slam dunk at this point, Democrats will drag themselves, naked, over broken glass to vote for whomever the Dems run. So, go ahead and nominate trump. He will LOSE AGAIN!
Not the way you wackos keep him way up in the polls.
And why would Dims get naked and drag themselves over anything when they have someone filling out their ballots for them?
Sadly, little Ronnie, the mouser, is not ready for prime time. So, yes, it will be round two for Donald. And, yes, he will lose again. And, yes, he will shout voter fraud until he is jailed from one of the three sets of indictments coming his way.
We will shout voter fraud as long as you DIms keep doing it.
Poor jimboliar loves him some Trumpy and Fox News and pretends not to.
I just do not understand repubs. They lose with trump in 2018. They lose with trump in 2020. They lose with trump in 2022. Now that 2024 is coming up...they say...."LET'S GO WITH trump!"
No fake leftyvirus to send out fake mailins.
Winning in 2024 will require waay too much work to cheat and we all know how lazy your Dim ilk is......
Like I said, Dems will drag their naked body over broken glass and animal feces to vote against trump. Independents hate him and many establishment GOP do not want to see him nominated. That man will never sit in the Oval Office again, He is a threat to our democracy and will be indicted at least three times before the end of the year. His crimes are catching up with him.
Lazy Dims cant even open their own 40 oz malt liquors much less show up to actually vote.
Right jimboliar???
LOL. How did I know that programmed NPC response was coming?

Yes, you guys did WONDERFUL. Let's see. You won a bare majority in the House, when you were expected to have a sizable one, and that was largely due to gerrymandering. You had a net loss in the Senate when you were expected to win it. You had a net loss in gubernatorial seats. You had a net loss in state legislative majorities. And out of all of Trump's swing state picks, you lost all but three, one of whom was an incumbent who barely squeaked by, one of whom had to spend tens of millions of dollars in a relatively safe state, and one who kept Trump largely at arm's length and isn't bat shit crazy.

You sure whine about Trump and Republicans a lot for such a devoted Independent.

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