Great news for democrats!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

47% of democrats want Joe Biden to run again.

Imagine having 47% of any group wanting you to run again after they dumpster fire you created as a country.

This can only mean that he will win the nomination, and that means even if he dies like Anthony DeLuca in PA and was still elected anyway
or has a stroke and can't talk like Fetterman who also won in PA.

Biden is bullet proof.

Let the voting begin!


47% of democrats want Joe Biden to run again.

Imagine having 47% of any group wanting you to run again after they dumpster fire you created as a country.

This can only mean that he will win the nomination, and that means even if he dies like Anthony DeLuca in PA and was still elected anyway
or has a stroke and can't talk like Fetterman who also won in PA.

Biden is bullet proof.

Let the voting begin!

If trump is the repub nominee, which seems to be a slam dunk at this point, Democrats will drag themselves, naked, over broken glass to vote for whomever the Dems run. So, go ahead and nominate trump. He will LOSE AGAIN!
If trump is the repub nominee, which seems to be a slam dunk at this point, Democrats will drag themselves, naked, over broken glass to vote for whomever the Dems run. So, go ahead and nominate trump. He will LOSE AGAIN!

You'd better hope Trump does lose. :laughing0301:
Lol it is no surprise Ds would like to elect an incestuous pedo. Pedos are their MO
You're an idiot.
I know a lot of people, from the entire political spectrum, and I know ZERO pesos.

Who the hell are you hanging out with, since you seem to KNOW what people like?
Just look at this forum for a clue. Many democrats here may not WANT him to run, but each and every one of them will vote for him if he does run.

All that matters to them is the D or R next to a name as the little proles are all incapable of understanding the world in terms any more complex than that.
It's a given. No hope required. It's obvious to everybody not in The Cult.

Keep telling yourself that. American voters have developed a strange habit of trying to vote themselves back to a previous point in time. For instance, when Biden ran in 2020, Americans though they were turning the clock back to the Obama era. Joe Biden having been Barack Obama's VP, was the perfect choice. But how little did the American voters understand Obama's statement "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." And Joe did fuck things up in spades, hearts, and clubs.

Now in this age of high inflation, high prices, wars, instability, and rampant crime, people are looking back and yearning for a time of peace, prosperity, and sanity, as things were during the Trump era, right before the pandemic hit. Given the voting patterns in the past, I'd have to say that Trump has a pretty good shot of winning in 2024. Of course the left would scream, cry, and protest like little children who don't want to take their medicine. And if it isn't Trump, you can be pretty damned sure it will be another MAGA Republican candidate who does win. It could be DeSantis, or someone else who jumps in the race later.

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