The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Like the vaccinated can’t get sick or die?

Or maybe, the vaccinated can’t spread covid?
I'm not denying this ^^^^
Biden said foolish words, he doesn't speak for me.

Vaccinated and Boosted people have died.......FACT
UnVaccinated have Died.....................................FACT
I'm not denying this ^^^^
Biden said foolish words, he doesn't speak for me.

Vaccinated and Boosted people have died.......FACT
UnVaccinated have Died.....................................FACT
Yup, but you’d think differently if you listened to the nonsense
Tell us Norm.

You ran and operated a farm?
Did you.
Nope, dad did. But I will proudly call myself one. Oh, I could easily do it again. Without folks like me, you wouldn’t make it a week. But damn we are stupid, right?
I'm not denying this ^^^^
Biden said foolish words, he doesn't speak for me.

Vaccinated and Boosted people have died.......FACT
UnVaccinated have Died.....................................FACT
Unvaccinated die at much higher rates.
Nope, dad did. But I will proudly call myself one. Oh, I could easily do it again. Without folks like me, you wouldn’t make it a week. But damn we are stupid, right?
My Grandfather and Father ran farms and did trucking.
Not me, I went to College, but did work the farms since age 10.
We drank milk straight from the cow, before it was picked up and delivered to the dairy.
I grew up in the valley of farming.

I think I survived w/out you......but thanks for your contribution.
Unvaccinated die at much higher rates.
I didn't say either way. But I agree.
But I'll wait for the uniformed RWI (that's not you) to post some fake data.

I'm just stating FACTS that vaccinated and unvaccinated DIED from COVID, and are Still dying from its effects.
Listen up BOY. ^^^^^

The Conspiracy Theorists make up Fake Data.
Use terms like "Clot Shot" "Death Jab" "Excessive Deaths" "Get another Booster"

But you ignore ANY data of those that "Denied" the vaccine, and therefore died or are suffering today.
The anti-vax will claim that
"ALL that took the Jab are Doomed"
"All the refused the Jab are living perfectly healthy lives."

All of which is CT BS.
Why would anyone support the criminals in big pharma? Have you lost your mind like Otto? Do you too think Trumpers are the only ones opposing the vax and you hate them?
Why would anyone support the criminals in big pharma? Have you lost your mind like Otto? Do you too think Trumpers are the only ones opposing the vax and you hate them?
I’m pointing out that the COVID vaccines have been effective against deaths and hospitalizations.
Why would anyone support the criminals in big pharma? Have you lost your mind like Otto? Do you too think Trumpers are the only ones opposing the vax and you hate them?
Big Pharma.
Yup, despise them too.
How can a Pharma charge 5000% ( or pick some inflated #) more for a product than it costs to manufacture, including R&D.

You think trump actually did something about the abuse from Big Pharma. Fuck NO.

Problem: ALL of our Politicians are Corrupt and are ruled by Big Pharma.
Quit pretending that any POLITICIAN has done ANYTHING to fight Big Pharma.
Big Pharma.
Yup, despise them too.
How can a Pharma charge 5000% ( or pick some inflated #) more for a product than it costs to manufacture, including R&D.

You think trump actually did something about the abuse from Big Pharma. Fuck NO.

Problem: ALL of our Politicians are Corrupt and are ruled by Big Pharma.
Quit pretending that any POLITICIAN has done ANYTHING to fight Big Pharma.
Can you name the first president to achieve the goal of letting Medicare negotiate drug prices to save customers money?

Which party opposed that move.
Big Pharma.
Yup, despise them too.
How can a Pharma charge 5000% ( or pick some inflated #) more for a product than it costs to manufacture, including R&D.

You think trump actually did something about the abuse from Big Pharma. Fuck NO.

Problem: ALL of our Politicians are Corrupt and are ruled by Big Pharma.
Quit pretending that any POLITICIAN has done ANYTHING to fight Big Pharma.
Lol. You won’t ever find me claiming a politician has fought big pharma.

What are you saying?
Can you name the first president to achieve the goal of letting Medicare negotiate drug prices to save customers money?

Which party opposed that move.
Tell Us.

Do you think I'm on a different side than you?
Lol. You won’t ever find me claiming a politician has fought big pharma.

What are you saying?
What am I saying?

I make as Much as a US Senator or House Member.
I don't have nearly the net income or financial worth as the fraudulent politicians that we keep electing.

Why, I have ZERO influence on Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Business.........the best I can supposedly do as a Public school teacher is Indoctrinate Students.

Green font means sarcasm.
What am I saying?

I make as Much as a US Senator or House Member.
I don't have nearly the net income or financial worth as the fraudulent politicians that we keep electing.

Why, I have ZERO influence on Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Business.........the best I can supposedly do as a Public school teacher is Indoctrinate Students.

Green font means sarcasm.

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