In response to Kamala Harris’s disgusting post, EIGHT Gold Star parents sent Trump videos of them ripping her for causing their children’s deaths ...

That's a fact. Neither Biden nor Harris had any interest in the memorial event. The Gold Star families invited President Trump to attend and participate and he immediately said yes. He intended to do it just with the families and no press but the families wanted the event recorded.
Even a defeated president should have known the laws and regulations at Arlington. He just didn't care, as it became his photo op and the graves of our dead troops, another prop.
Even a defeated president should have known the laws and regulations at Arlington. He just didn't care, as it became his photo op and the graves of our dead troops, another prop.


Damn. If they were smart or honest they'd know Trump negotiated the withdrawal with the Taliban.

Was this Trump's idea?

Why didn't he meet with the families without a photographer?

Damn, if you had any honesty, you would know that Trump included trip wires in that deal and Biden was President and allowed the trip wires to be broken with impunity.

It was Biden who abandoned Bagram, turned tail, and got those Americans killed and then murdered an innocent family in an attempt at retaliation. And it was Biden who left behind billions in weaponry and equipment.
Even a defeated president should have known the laws and regulations at Arlington. He just didn't care, as it became his photo op and the graves of our dead troops, another prop.

BS. The Gold Star families invited Trump and his videographer and photographer to memorialize the day, and YOU would deny them that.

And, it had been cleared by ANC.
View attachment 1004618

Great! Another poll. :rolleyes:
Well, here is one for you.

Poll: Project 2025 & Former President Trump​



BS. The Gold Star families invited Trump and his videographer and photographer to memorialize the day, and YOU would deny them that.

And, it had been cleared by ANC.
Trump was using it as a campaign, PR event, and you know it.
Trump was using it as a campaign, PR event, and you know it.

The Gold Star families invited him and asked that he bring his videographer and photographer with him to memorialize the day. And YOU would deny them that.

And you would be attacking Trump had he refused those requests.

Such is TDS Fueled© hate.
He should have gone, if he wanted to, but made sure laws and regulations followed, out of respect for the fallen. He failed. Again.
White 6
He should have gone, if he wanted to, but made sure laws and regulations followed, out of respect for the fallen. He failed. Again.

The Gold Star families asked he [Trump] bring the videographer and photographer. And it had been cleared by ANC.

What part of that are you having difficulty understanding?
Even a defeated president should have known the laws and regulations at Arlington. He just didn't care, as it became his photo op and the graves of our dead troops, another prop.
Trump did not intend to have any reporters or cameras there. The Gold Star families wanted them there to commemorate the event.
The Dems have no shame. Trump was invited to Arlington by Gold Star families. They asked that he bring his videographer and photographer to document the day.

The Dems have used Trump's visit for political purposes. They care nothng about the deaths they [Biden-Harris] caused.

They’re being fed a lie. Trump’s actions led directly to the deaths. He can’t be allowed close to power again!

I am only repeating what the Gold Star family members said themselves. They were pretty darn specific. No mind reading needed.
So what? The question should be, what did Trump intend? The families have no authority to waive federal law.

So what? The question should be, what did Trump intend? The families have no authority to waive federal law.

So you want to put bereaved parents still mourning the loss of their sons in jail? How Christian of you. President Trump had as much right to be there as any other citizen. If the parents had no right to hold a memorial service for their dead sons then we aren't America any more.

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