The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

It's amazing that the "authorities" got away with their Orwellian redefinition of what an ACTUAL vaccine is. Well, that might be something that HAS to be corrected...

If you suddenly stop posting here, we’ll know why. I wish you only the best of luck, but you can’t fix stupid.


Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

A recent study published by Ohio State University researchers has found that COVID-19 patients who were vaccinated had a higher mortality rate than those who were not vaccinated. The study analyzed data from 152 adults hospitalized with acute respiratory failure between May 2020 and November 2022. The results showed that 70% of vaccinated patients died, compared to 37% of unvaccinated patients.
Key Findings:
  • Vaccinated patients had a higher mortality rate than unvaccinated patients, with 70% of vaccinated patients dying compared to 37% of unvaccinated patients.
  • The study controlled for age and comorbidities, and the results persisted, indicating that vaccination status was a significant predictor of mortality.
  • The study’s findings suggest that vaccination status may not be a reliable indicator of mortality risk for hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
  • The study’s findings challenge the notion that vaccination is a reliable way to prevent COVID-19-related mortality.
  • The results highlight the need for further research into the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the factors that contribute to mortality in hospitalized patients.
  • The study’s findings may have implications for public health policy and vaccination strategies.
The Ohio State University study provides important insights into the relationship between vaccination status and mortality risk for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. While the study’s findings are concerning, they also highlight the need for continued research and vigilance in monitoring the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.
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Grumblenuts still calling me "Typhoid Sue" because I was right about the vaccines and he's mad about it
Grumblenuts still calling me "Typhoid Sue" because I was right about the vaccines and he's mad about it
Grumblenuts can’t admit he made a mistake and refuses to ask for forgiveness. As we know, many vaxxers are this way. We had members here like Penelope who demanded anti-vaxxers be imprisoned. These people are easily duped by the establishment every time.

They have politicized the vax, thanks to the liberal media propaganda they consume. They think only Trumpers refused the vax and they HATE Trump, even though Don still supports the vax. :cuckoo: :uhoh3:
Did people say this after Thalidomide too?

Are you claiming that the Pharma Meds are Always Great or what?
When did you start judging vaccines with political bias.

Bet that you believe Polio was just going to fade away on its own.
Did people say this after Thalidomide too?

Are you claiming that the Pharma Meds are Always Great or what?
He is so duped he thinks refusing the Covid vax makes you a Trumper. Is this not the thinking of a child?
When did you start judging vaccines with political bias.

Bet that you believe Polio was just going to fade away on its own.

This probably will go over your head but for anyone reading:

Treating vaccines like this--black/white; all/nothing--is like saying red wine has healthy properties so I'm going to drink multiple bottles a day. SOME wine is good; A LOT is not.

Some vaccines are good, such as polio. That does not mean that every vaccine is good or even helpful.

This should be common sense but is not anymore.

(And PS, I stopped getting vaccines when I noticed the years I got the flu vax I was sick with everything. Dr. said that can happen--they can affect your immune system. Then, in our family of four, the ONLY person who got the flu vx got the flu, official dx with blood test. Three unvaxxed did not. That's how I know, not politics.)
This probably will go over your head but for anyone reading:

Treating vaccines like this--black/white; all/nothing--is like saying red wine has healthy properties so I'm going to drink multiple bottles a day. SOME wine is good; A LOT is not.

Some vaccines are good, such as polio. That does not mean that every vaccine is good or even helpful.

This should be common sense but is not anymore.

(And PS, I stopped getting vaccines when I noticed the years I got the flu vax I was sick with everything. Dr. said that can happen--they can affect your immune system. Then, in our family of four, the ONLY person who got the flu vx got the flu, official dx with blood test. Three unvaxxed did not. That's how I know, not politics.)
That’s hilarious sue.

You complain that people are too black/white then construct a strawman argument based on it.

Common sense doesn’t inform anyone to claim the possible health benefits of a glass of wine a day with drinking multiple bottles.

Also, the same with you false claims about the flu vaccine. A vaccine that everyone knows is based on a best guess on which strain of the flu will become dominant. So, we’re told it could be anywhere from 25-75% effective. But you claim that it always hurt you.

I’ve been getting a flu shot every year for past decade and have never had the flu.

Which other vaccines do you politically judge, HVP? Measles? Hooping cough?

Or it it just the ones you know help the Democratic Party?
That’s hilarious sue.

You complain that people are too black/white then construct a strawman argument based on it.

Common sense doesn’t inform anyone to claim the possible health benefits of a glass of wine a day with drinking multiple bottles.

Also, the same with you false claims about the flu vaccine. A vaccine that everyone knows is based on a best guess on which strain of the flu will become dominant. So, we’re told it could be anywhere from 25-75% effective. But you claim that it always hurt you.

I’ve been getting a flu shot every year for past decade and have never had the flu.

Which other vaccines do you politically judge, HVP? Measles? Hooping cough?

Or it it just the ones you know help the Democratic Party?

"hooping" cough?

Do you mean "whooping cough"?

Case closed
Yeah, sure. You didn’t get that one either.
How in the world can you still support the vax, when they lied to you repeatedly?

They lied about
-herd immunity
-Natural immunity
-early treatment
-Vaccine Stopping transmission
-VaccineStopping contraction
-The fatality rate of infection
-funding gain of function experiments that produced Covid -6ft social distancing
-vaccine being Safe & Effective

they’ve lied about everything at every turn, but keep shouting down skeptics of Big Pharma as anti-vaxx .

And the people in media & comedy who call themselves “Anti-Establishment” & “Truth Tellers” are STILL SILENT and afraid to say ANYTHING.
-Jimmy Dore (vaccine injured)
How in the world can you still support the vax, when they lied to you repeatedly?

They lied about
-herd immunity
-Natural immunity
-early treatment

-Vaccine Stopping transmission
-VaccineStopping contraction
-The fatality rate of infection
-funding gain of function experiments that produced Covid -6ft social distancing
-vaccine being Safe & Effective

they’ve lied about everything at every turn, but keep shouting down skeptics of Big Pharma as anti-vaxx .

And the people in media & comedy who call themselves “Anti-Establishment” & “Truth Tellers” are STILL SILENT and afraid to say ANYTHING.
-Jimmy Dore (vaccine injured)

That’s the greatest hits of the maga felony fuckups COVID whine.

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