The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Amazing. Some people never learn.

Grumblenuts knows. The backpedaling has started, and for these "I'm always right" types, when they start backpedaling--or for them to even DARE--means it's really, really bad.

And it is bad out there. We're in the post-Moral Panic phase where everyone pretends we just want to go on with life and "move on". But even that is crumbling now, and as we get further away, will crumble more.

We remember, nuts man. And we will make sure you do too.
If you suddenly stop posting here, we’ll know why. I wish you only the best of luck, but you can’t fix stupid.


Ohio State University Study: COVID-Vaccinated Patients Die at Near Double the Rate than Non-Vaccinated, Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

A recent study published by Ohio State University researchers has found that COVID-19 patients who were vaccinated had a higher mortality rate than those who were not vaccinated. The study analyzed data from 152 adults hospitalized with acute respiratory failure between May 2020 and November 2022. The results showed that 70% of vaccinated patients died, compared to 37% of unvaccinated patients.
Key Findings:
  • Vaccinated patients had a higher mortality rate than unvaccinated patients, with 70% of vaccinated patients dying compared to 37% of unvaccinated patients.
  • The study controlled for age and comorbidities, and the results persisted, indicating that vaccination status was a significant predictor of mortality.
  • The study’s findings suggest that vaccination status may not be a reliable indicator of mortality risk for hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
  • The study’s findings challenge the notion that vaccination is a reliable way to prevent COVID-19-related mortality.
  • The results highlight the need for further research into the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the factors that contribute to mortality in hospitalized patients.
  • The study’s findings may have implications for public health policy and vaccination strategies.
The Ohio State University study provides important insights into the relationship between vaccination status and mortality risk for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. While the study’s findings are concerning, they also highlight the need for continued research and vigilance in monitoring the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.
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That's a bullshit study which began well before there was a vaccine and included only 21% vaccinated while 80% are now vaccinated. Comparing apples with apples, the mortality rate is higher among the unvaccinated....

You know the vax is ineffective. It doesn’t prevent infection or transmission, yet you still support it. I guess you think it’s more important to support your political party over health, because TRUMP! Yet this makes no sense since Dumb Don supports the vax.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo::cuckoo::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

What it does do is help your body fight the disease which led to a lower mortality rate.
That's a bullshit study which began well before there was a vaccine and included only 21% vaccinated while 80% are now vaccinated. Comparing apples with apples, the mortality rate is higher among the unvaccinated....

Hilarious. After all the lies told by the establishment you condemn an independent study.
Hilarious. After all the lies told by the establishment you condemn an independent study.

Where is the accuracy in a study comparing vaxxed vs unvaxxed when they began in May, 2020, when there were no vaccines? So what were they comparing against when no one was vaccinated?
You mean if you vaccinate hundreds of millions of people, you will find some who have unrelated medical issues? Um. Yeah. Still better than hundreds of thousands dying of the disease.
💁🏼‍♀️_Dying of the disease...what is this disease you speak of?

Odd that the least vaccinated populations in 3rd world countries have the fewest death totals
and America has the highest number of 'covid' deaths, not China, America

Not Haiti, America
Not Ethiopia, America
Not Uganda, America
Not Guatemala, America
Not Venezuela, America

Hundreds of millions were not vaccinated, they were injected with placebos
When 90% of all 'covid' deaths occurred in hospitals and nursing homes, it's not due to a 'disease'
Where is the accuracy in a study comparing vaxxed vs unvaxxed when they began in May, 2020, when there were no vaccines? So what were they comparing against when no one was vaccinated?
Lol. Your concerned about accuracy. Lol. After all the lies that have been exposed about Covid and the vax, you’re stuck on stupid.
I don’t agree.

Do you think the CDC, FDA, and NIH work for and protect the American people?


You don't even realize what you say. You compared it to other things you called, "lies." That's agreeing with me that it's a bullshit study.

And its sample was 112 people and some, before there were vaccines. I showed you the results captured fully after vaccines became available and there was no limit to how many people they studied. They based it not on 112 people from one hospital, but all of the data fed into the CDC from 25 jurisdictions. And not based on 21% vaxxed but some 60%.


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