The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines


You don't even realize what you say. You compared it to other things you called, "lies." That's agreeing with me that it's a bullshit study.

And its sample was 112 people and some, before there were vaccines. I showed you the results captured fully after vaccines became available and there was no limit to how many people they studied. They based it not on 112 people from one hospital, but all of the data fed into the CDC from 25 jurisdictions. And not based on 21% vaxxed but some 60%.

Can you answer my question?
This fits here>

"MSN" stands for what now?
You'll post Microsoft Corporation quoting a "National Review" opinion piece as though unquestionable fact while always questioning the veracity of the CDC's info? What else? Let's see:

Ah, some boob posts obvious nonsense and you quickly label it "fact." Boy, you, Typhoid, and the gipper sure need to get a room!
I don’t agree.

Do you think the CDC, FDA, and NIH work for and protect the American people?
Duh! More than Bill Gates' "News." More than Murdoch's "News." More than Elon Musk's "News" you morons. Plus none of you have any concept of, let alone respect for, numeracy. So.. summarizing..
  1. oblivious sheep for billionaires√
  2. can't compare apples for shit√
Yep, oh, and like Jimmy Dore lately, wrong and not funny√
"MSN" stands for what now?
You'll post Microsoft Corporation quoting a "National Review" opinion piece as though unquestionable fact while always questioning the veracity of the CDC's info? What else? Let's see:
View attachment 964586
Ah, some boob posts obvious nonsense and you quickly label it "fact." Boy, you, Typhoid, and the gipper sure need to get a room!

Duh! More than Bill Gates' "News." More than Murdoch's "News." More than Elon Musk's "News" you morons. Plus none of you have any concept of, let alone respect for, numeracy. So.. summarizing..
  1. oblivious sheep for billionaires√
  2. can't compare apples for shit√
Yep, oh, and like Jimmy Dore lately, wrong and not funny√
Yeah MSN is a conspiracy, but Covid and vax aren’t. :cuckoo: :uhoh3: :laughing0301:
Of course I do.
Oh I thought your response was a snark. I didn’t realize you could be so ignorant.

Do you too support big pharma and its phony Covid vaccines because you hate Trump?
Oh I thought your response was a snark. I didn’t realize you could be so ignorant.

Do you too support big pharma and its phony Covid vaccines because you hate Trump?

Why would I hate Trump for helping expedite the vaccines?

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