Sandy Hook Kids Graduating

And yet you have this anti-gun obsession. You don't care if other murder weapons are used, just as long as it isn't guns.
Was your question about caring and emotions or about rational differences in capability between things like guns and hammers? :dunno:

If you want to take a moment to cry like a bitch in the corner before we continue with rational arguments, I'm down with that. I'm an advocate for mental and emotional health. :itsok:
I didn't say we should tear it up I said I see it as a tool. What do you see it as?
It founded our country.

I'll tell you a little story. In the long ago past, I was a devoted, diehard Democrat. I believed it all, including being very much anti-gun. Even to this day, I have never owned a gun. Never wanted one. Don't want one now. In the past I was so anti-gun that I donated money several times to anti-gun causes. At one point I became a Republican but, even then, I was still very much anti-gun. I didn't follow the Republican line of being a diehard 2A supporter.

Then 9/11 happened and it was a very huge slap in the face to me and I finally realized what the 2A was all about and it's intent. With Americans owning guns all over the place, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to take over our country, even if the president themselves surrendered to another country or to terrorists. Americans would still have millions of guns and would fight tooth and nail to keep our country or to even stop our own tyrannical government from taking our rights away.

On top of this, we are using the wrong tools to fight crime and gun violence. The problem isn't guns or lack of gun laws, the problem is people using guns and yet the left want to let known dangerous people run around loose after being arrested time and time and time again and trying to stop these people who shouldn't be running around loose in the first place from getting guns. Well, news flash, if you let these people run around loose they are going to get guns anyway. You can't stop them. The only way to stop them is to keep them locked up. Then we don't have to worry about them getting guns.
It founded our country.
Which really isn't an answer. If it's not a tool then what is it?
I'll tell you a little story. In the long ago past, I was a devoted, diehard Democrat. I believed it all, including being very much anti-gun. Even to this day, I have never owned a gun. Never wanted one. Don't want one now. In the past I was so anti-gun that I donated money several times to anti-gun causes. At one point I became a Republican but, even then, I was still very much anti-gun. I didn't follow the Republican line of being a diehard 2A supporter.
Good for you. I on the other hand do own guns and have been around them all my life. I've known people who've defended themselves with guns and people who've been killed and shot by guns. I've also had a family member murdered by people with knives. What do any of our personal experiences have to do with your ability to make a rational argument?
Then 9/11 happened and it was a very huge slap in the face to me and I finally realized what the 2A was all about and it's intent. With Americans owning guns all over the place, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to take over our country, even if the president themselves surrendered to another country or to terrorists. Americans would still have millions of guns and would fight tooth and nail to keep our country or to even stop our own tyrannical government from taking our rights away.
And to prevent what sounds like your ptsd induced fantasy of invasion we need to have a murder rate twenty times that of the rest of developed world and mass shootings at our children's schools? All for an example of an event that wasn't at all mitigated by an average American with a gun? :dunno:
On top of this, we are using the wrong tools to fight crime and gun violence. The problem isn't guns or lack of gun laws, the problem is people using guns and yet the left want to let known dangerous people run around loose after being arrested time and time and time again and trying to stop these people who shouldn't be running around loose in the first place from getting guns. Well, news flash, if you let these people run around loose they are going to get guns anyway. You can't stop them. The only way to stop them is to keep them locked up. Then we don't have to worry about them getting guns.
We are using the wrong tools to fight violence and crime. We should be providing people with better access to education and economic opportunity.
You obviously do not live in Connecticut. We have the most tyrannical, draconian gun laws in the USA. All guns must be registered. To buy a single bullet, one must take a class, get a special permit, and then every single bullet purchased is recorded and reported to the Connecticut government.

Nowhere else in the USA is tracking every bullet sold, or maybe there are other places? Connecticut is the only place I know that a person needs a special permit.
Its obviously not enough then. How many kids have to die. ?

From the piece...

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) — Like graduating seniors everywhere, members of Newtown High School’s class of 2024 expect bittersweet feelings at their commencement ceremony — excitement about heading off to college or careers and sadness about leaving their friends and community.

But about 60 of the 330 kids graduating Wednesday will also be carrying the emotional burden that comes from having survived one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history and knowing many former classmates won’t get to walk across the stage with them. Twenty of their fellow first graders and six educators were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012.

We seldom think about the survivors and the stuff they had to go through. Glad to see that many are graduating and have gotten past (if not gotten over) the tragedy. Sad to see that so little has changed in the area of the availability of these weapons. It has gotten worse; not better.
It is in living memory that kids could take shooting classes in school, with live ammo. There were no school shootings. You could buy a gun and ammo from a catalog and have them shipped to your house with no questions asked. There were no school shootings. Today, you have to fill out forms, pass a background check, wait for an arbitrary amount of time, and are limited in the number of guns you can purchase within a certain time frame (at least in Va). We have school shootings.

What changed? Not guns. They've gotten harder to access, not easier, and fewer people know how to use them safely, not more, yet we have more soft targets (those unable to arm themselves or shoot back) being killed than ever before. It's almost as if putting up signs that no guns are allowed in a certain place isn't keeping them out...
Legislation that prevents people from owning weapons capable of murdering dozens of children in seconds. :dunno:

Just throwing that out there.....
That prevents nothing. A deranged person hell bent on murder will get his/her hands on a weapon. There are nearly half a billion weapons in possession by Americans. Lanza didn't buy the gun, he stole it from his mother.
Its obviously not enough then. How many kids have to die. ?
Thousands of children die every year because some yahoo thinks he's a race car driver or can drive when he's drunk. How many have to die before we forcibly limit cars to 35mph or less? And you should have to apply for a permit to have a drink in a pub, then be limited to one drink per hour, with each one registered with the local police.
That prevents nothing. A deranged person hell bent on murder will get his/her hands on a weapon. There are nearly half a billion weapons in possession by Americans. Lanza didn't buy the gun, he stole it from his mother.
That's not actually the case in the rest of the developed world though is it? They have lower rates of murder and gun violence because when we make it harder to murder people or obtain the weapons to murder people, people do less of it. And it's really common fucking sense if you dumb Bingos were capable of such a feat. Think about how many people you know who make New Years resolutions every year and how quickly they're abandoned. Why? Because doing shit requires work and effort that people might entertain the idea of doing but actually putting into practice is another matter entirely.
That's not actually the case in the rest of the developed world though is it? They have lower rates of murder and gun violence because when we make it harder to murder people or obtain the weapons to murder people, people do less of it. And it's really common fucking sense if you dumb Bingos were capable of such a feat. Think about how many people you know who make New Years resolutions every year and how quickly they're abandoned. Why? Because doing shit requires work and effort that people might entertain the idea of doing but actually putting into practice is another matter entirely.
Lot's of anger and name calling as usual but no common sense. The guns are ALREADY OUT THERE. We are an armed nation that's just the way it is. The guns don't break into schools by themselves and start shooting kids. Focus on gun safety and identifying the handful of nut jobs that actually might be the next school shooter. Trigger locks cost ten bucks for Christ sake.
It's ashamed Sandy Hook had no armed guards there to protect the kids. Sounds like they were sitting ducks to me. I can't imagine the terror those kids went through. I feel bad for Uvalde, as well. Those kids died heros, especially Amarie Jo Garza, who died while dialing 911 on her dead friends phone to try to summon help.

God bless those babies.

I think my opinion matters, perhaps more, than anyone else in this thread because I am a direct victim of gun violence, having been shot 6 times point blank by a drug addicted kneegrow. Had I had a gun to defend myself, he would have been carried off in a body bag. But alas, it is not legal to carry a firearm in a commercial vehicle engaged in interstate commerce. So me, being the law abiding citizen that I am, was unarmed.

And despite all this, I am STILL pro gun. Why? Because the kneegrow that shot me was a convicted felon in possession of a stolen firearm using it for armed robbery for drug money, then using it to almost commit murder. He broke at least 6 major gun felonies that I can think of, why would passing more legislation making it harder for law abiding citizens to get guns have helped me? The gun laws are what kept me from killing that bastard. But they didn't stop him from trying to off me for drug money.
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From the piece...

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) — Like graduating seniors everywhere, members of Newtown High School’s class of 2024 expect bittersweet feelings at their commencement ceremony — excitement about heading off to college or careers and sadness about leaving their friends and community.

But about 60 of the 330 kids graduating Wednesday will also be carrying the emotional burden that comes from having survived one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history and knowing many former classmates won’t get to walk across the stage with them. Twenty of their fellow first graders and six educators were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, 2012.

We seldom think about the survivors and the stuff they had to go through. Glad to see that many are graduating and have gotten past (if not gotten over) the tragedy. Sad to see that so little has changed in the area of the availability of these weapons. It has gotten worse; not better.
Life goes on troll.
Lot's of anger and name calling as usual but no common sense. The guns are ALREADY OUT THERE. We are an armed nation that's just the way it is. The guns don't break into schools by themselves and start shooting kids. Focus on gun safety and identifying the handful of nut jobs that actually might be the next school shooter. Trigger locks cost ten bucks for Christ sake.
Just because guns are out there doesn't mean they have to remain out there, does it?
Democrats do not care about children in any way shape or form. Abortion proves that. Trans-mutilations prove that. Even the President of the USA proves Democrats do not care for children.

Quit pretending this about saving the children.
Stereotype much? Abortion and trans persons have nothing to do with school children. 70% of women in the U.S. who get abortions identify as Christians, and certainly not all of them are Democrats. In fact, Republican women get abortions, work at clinics and own them. Concerning trans persons, what does that have to do with school shootings? Nothing. I have yet to understand why persons such as yourself are so concerned about voluntary gender reassignment treatments with parental consent.

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