Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones agrees to liquidate assets to pay Sandy Hook families

The Sandy Hook victims were murdered by the psychotic son of a left wing family but right wing pundit Jones gets convicted. Go figure.
The Sandy Hook victims were murdered by the psychotic son of a left wing family but right wing pundit Jones gets convicted. Go figure.
All Jones had to do was keep his pie hole shut and show a smidge of compassion. Both were beyond his capability.
Bleed him dry and make him suffer. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
While I believe that what Jones said about the tragic shooting was rubbish, I don’t believe that — even though his comments were was hurtful and vile — they constituted “damages” to the extent awarded.

This is an example of utilizing our libel and slander laws as tools to suppress speech.

This never seems to bother many of today’s commentators.
The Sandy Hook victims were murdered by the psychotic son of a left wing family but right wing pundit Jones gets convicted. Go figure.

Never could work that Fake incident out when the school had been closed many months previously .

Was there a Time slip that caught out poor Alex ?
So you agree a man should be destroyed for a belief? For words you don't agree with?

Of course you do
Words mean things. Especially to an audience of millions of ignorant and highly incorrigible magaturds. When said beliefs are purposely and irresponsibility fabricated to incite harm upon others, then you hold that person responsible.
All Jones had to do was keep his pie hole shut and show a smidge of compassion. Both were beyond his capability.
Bleed him dry and make him suffer. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
All the mother of a psychotic son had to do is keep a weapon away from her disturbed son, Mws
All the mother of a psychotic son had to do is keep a weapon away from her disturbed son, Mws
Yes. But Fat Boy Slim didn't have to pile on slicing at the raw emotions of the parents of dead children to make hordes of money on his supplements and end-of-the-world....meh..bullshit.

Let him burn. May he burn brightly as an example. :)
And yet, the right still embraces him as one of their own.
Nah dude, some people on the right do, but most of us arent into wacky conspiracy theories. Most of his followers are libertarians.
All Jones had to do was keep his pie hole shut and show a smidge of compassion. Both were beyond his capability.
Bleed him dry and make him suffer. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
The fact is, he can defy all of it by getting hired by a big media company, rather than doing it on his own with Infowars. He has a massive audience of dummies, so he can get mack daddy contract, but instead of asking for cash that can be taken away, he can say that he wants the company to rent him a palatial estate, multiple rented supercars and also rent him a private jet all year round.
Jones lied on Infowars that the shooting in Newtown, Conn., which killed 20 first graders — 6- and 7-year-olds — and six teachers, never took place. In lawsuits filed against Jones, the victims' families said they were harassed and tormented by Jones' listeners as a result of his lies.
The takeaway from this:

Jones’ lie was motivated by a lie spread by conservatives that as a result of the Sandy Hook mass shooting, assault weapons would be ‘banned.’

This represents just how reprehensible and wrong most conservatives truly are, that they would harass and torment the families of the murdered children.

And this is not an isolated incident, Jones is far from alone among the purveyors of rightwing disinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies.
Alex Jones says said some dumb shit on the radio. That does not justify destroying the man's life. This is Democrat Stalinism, it is not America.
And here’s an example of other lies propagated by the right:

The lie that Jones is a hapless victim.

The lie that Jones’ free speech has been violated.

And the lie that holding accountable those who engage in reckless, irresponsible defamation is somehow un-American.
It's bullshit. But Infowars and Alex Jones will stay relevant especially during this pivotal election year.

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