Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones breaks down sobbing on Infowars show claiming feds are trying to shutter show

I am looking for the video of that

If I misspoke I will say so
Defamation is when a liberal says something bad about a conservative.

Sounds about right.

If you say all of this exists. All of the cloak and dagger stuff. All of the shills working behind the scenes to undermine our system more and more, then the Founding Fathers were right. And they knew it existed in other nations throughout history. They warned us. Although they had varying views also. The Fiat Currency Federal Reserve Act, the 16th amendment and the 17th amendment started the decline and there were cracks in our system of government even before that. Large government invites corruption and subterfuge at a massive scale as compared to the same in smaller governments. And now we see a corrupted administration who makes the rules up for themselves and does not even listen to judges when it does not want to. to a point.
You don't have to look for it.

You can just read the reporting on the trial he lost over it.
I dont trust lib reports

I prefer to see the video myself

But I’m inclined to believe that jones directoy accused the parents of a huge lib lie that he could not support

And if so my initial reaction was wrong
That's a pathetic excuse to be aggressively ignorant of the factual reporting of his trial.

You're embarrassing yourself again.

Quit wasting people's time. You can sit and aggressively know nothing without a message board.
If the video exists I want to see it

Because i wont take lib’s word for anything
Jones owes the parents nothing

False. Jones lost a lawsuit to them. You may not like that, but it's the law. I understand how conservatives like to think pesky laws they don't like shouldn't apply to them.

i disagree with jones

and in a free country like ours the parents have had ample opportunity to rebut his claims

Enough that I agree with the parents

But censorship is wrong
Jones lied that the Sandy Hood mass shooting was staged by ‘crisis actors.’

Worse, Jones instigated attacks and harassment of the Sandy Hook families by conservatives who believed Jones’ lies.

Jones’ conspiracy theories, disinformation, and lies do not constitute ‘free speech’; the judgement against him is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional.

Jones has only himself to blame.
Jones lied that the Sandy Hood mass shooting was staged by ‘crisis actors.’

Worse, Jones instigated attacks and harassment of the Sandy Hook families by conservatives who believed Jones’ lies.

Jones’ conspiracy theories, disinformation, and lies do not constitute ‘free speech’; the judgement against him is perfectly appropriate, warranted, and Constitutional.

Jones has only himself to blame.
I think jones was wrong about sandy hook being a hoax

If he libeled the parents he should apologize and be foned a reasonable sum of money

A billion dollars is not reasonable
I think jones was wrong about sandy hook being a hoax

If he libeled the parents he should apologize and be foned a reasonable sum of money

A billion dollars is not reasonable
Jones’ conspiracy theories, disinformation, and lies concerning Sandy Hook were intended to advance the falsehood that the mass shooting was ‘staged’ in an effort bring about a ‘ban’ on firearms.

Jones’ conspiracy theories, disinformation, and lies concerning Sandy Hook were exceptionally reprehensible and wrong – even for a conservative.
i disagree with jones

and in a free country like ours the parents have had ample opportunity to rebut his claims

Enough that I agree with the parents

They did, and won close to a billion dollars in the process.

It was a most wonderful trial.
EvilEyeFleegle "the feds" are not putting your disinformation network out of business. more like that billion you owe the sandy hook families.

freedom of speech, eh , alex?
Grief and Greed

No case. Or else Elvis's heirs could sue those who say that Elvis is still alive.

Jones was over-reacting to the hoplophobes exploiting the Sandy Hook massacre to take away our gun rights.

How soon before they sue the gun manufacturers and put them out of business?

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