Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones breaks down sobbing on Infowars show claiming feds are trying to shutter show

Grief and Greed

No case. Or else Elvis's heirs could sue those who say that Elvis is still alive.

Jones was over-reacting to the hoplophobes exploiting the Sandy Hook massacre to take away our gun rights.

How soon before they sue the gun manufacturers and put them out of business?
Not soon enough.

Maybe the gun manufacturers should start supporting gun control measures to save their own asses.
You pass up Zero Point Energy but water powered amazes you?
Nothing is powered by water.

Ffs. Next you'll be hooking up the logic of black holes that can't exist in a lab, so can't exist at all.

Vehicles may be powered by H2 and O2 but that's not water.
It was interesting to see the CIA switch tack with Alex over the Sandy Hook trial .
Over the previous 20 years he had been right over every main Deep State strategy move --- he repeatedly flagged DS intentions beforehand , as mentioned in a previous post . Even through to Covid and the Killer Shots .
He followed orders and was seen as pro-active .

But DS saw that they were losing WW3 and the Sandy Hook Show Trial was arranged as a marker to tell whistleblowers that they will be ruined or killed if they did not shut up, and that MSM must continue to toe the line and support official narratives .

The interesting thing is to know what full hold the CIA has on Alex and what he tried to do to avoid being brutally sodomised by the CIA . Unlikely to ever know .
alex jones has been spectacularly WRONG about EVERYTHING
Boo-hoo. Poor Alex Jones eh? The amusing thing about all of this is that the RWNJ's still love his tired act..and swallow his made-up garbage as their gospel.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones broke down in tears on his Infowars show this week, claiming that federal authorities were trying to shut down his show.

Jones, 50, was seen openly sobbing on his show as he alleged, without any evidence, that the “Deep State” were trying to shut him down after federal agents supposedly received “secret federal files” that alleged he was committing crimes that were handed over to the Justice Department.

“All we’re trying to do is save America, and they’re f**king us over, over and over again.
“And it’s just so sick – it’s sick, it’s sick. I want to leave – because it’s going to be over, folks.”

He went on to say that he would “come back bigger than ever,” before adding, “But my baby, I’m watching them rape it.”

It is unclear which federal body Jones was referring to or if Jones’ accusations are true. The Independent has contacted the FBI and the Department of Justice for comment.
What a pussy

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