Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones breaks down sobbing on Infowars show claiming feds are trying to shutter show

You might want to watch the video BEFORE commenting on it

I just did. He was speaking of the attack that had already happened, not some attack in the future.

Also, he did not even mention OBL and the WTC on the same day, if you paid attention you would have noticed they were spoken of on different days, and then cut and spliced for people like you.
Not the question. Do you think we should do away with defamation lawsuits?
See post 20 where I already answered the question

Defamation laws can be appropriate but not when they infringe on free speech
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The parents of children killed at Sandy Hook.
Jones has only himself to blame – he shouldn’t have lied about the Sandy Hook families ‘falsifying’ the mass shooting of their children.
i disagree with jones

and in a free country like ours the parents have had ample opportunity to rebut his claims

Enough that I agree with the parents

But censorship is wrong
See post 20 where I already answered the question

Defamation laws can be appropriate but not when they infringe on free speech

Jones did not accuse tge parents of any wrongdoing
Didn't Jones accuse the parents of faking the death of their children?

Sounds like you just want to use defamation against liberals while you guys get to say anything you want.
That's a lie.
Didn't Jones accuse the parents of faking the death of their children?

Sounds like you just want to use defamation against liberals while you guys get to say anything you want.
Jones makes up idiotic bullshit all the time.

He knows his audience is stupid. So he predicts rain every single day. Then, when it rains, he says "Told ya so!"

And then his audience seal claps like the fools they are.


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